Fake numbers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WELL the numbers are in - Popeye Bowl did not attract even as many viewers as 2016, 1.2m, in fact a whopping 36 percent less: 882,000.

Now listen to this obvious massive fake News; someone - probably from Ministry of Sports - put out there that 13,585 attended the game in the stadium! Fake News 1000 percent.The stadium was empty!

If there were 5,000 that was a lot and if it was not for the visitors that also was a lot. Minister Pintard, deny this please.

Have you noticed the obvious deliberate hyping of the event on ZNS almost every evening’s News Sports segment - some issue about the game except the truth: a total failure and regrettably we have to pay for a further two-years in the stupid contract Minister Obie Wilchcombe & Co signed.

Minister D’Aguilar please see if there is an out-clause and take that route so we save some money.



December 31, 2017.


sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago

What is the Government on the hook for with this Bowl game?????? ....... Pintard

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