Deputy Chief Reporter
PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party (PLP) leader Philip “Brave” Davis yesterday criticised the Minnis administration for its silence amid international backlash regarding US President Donald Trump’s disparaging comments about Haiti, African nations and El Salvador.
As Haiti is the current chair of CARICOM – the Caribbean Community – and a sister country to the Bahamas, Mr Davis said he thought by now the government would have come out in support of Haiti or indicated some degree of its displeasure about President Trump’s reported remarks.
He said the government has the responsibility in matters like this to lead in responding.
This comes days after CARICOM said it was deeply concerned by the reported use of Mr Trump’s “derogatory and repulsive language.” It further condemned “in the strongest terms” the unenlightened views reportedly expressed by the US president.
“I would hope (and) I wouldn’t want to read anything sinister into it, but one would have thought that recognising that Haiti today holds the chair of the CARICOM community that they would have at least offered some kind of support for its fellow CARICOM country and/or seek to indicate displeasure or otherwise of the reported comments,” Mr Davis said in response to a question from The Tribune.
“I think that a government has the responsibility to lead the responses in matters of this nature and I think this government in particular has the responsibility (and it) is heightened more because of our own interaction with the people of Haiti.”
Earlier in his remarks and during a press conference at the PLP’s headquarters, Mr Davis said his party stands in support of CARICOM’s position.
“The government ought to state its position on it because it impacts one of our CARICOM sister countries and it also speaks to the wider global issues that impact us as a nation,” he said.
“We do though wish to indicate that we ought not to confuse the official policies of the Bahamas with the dehumanising of the people of Haiti and the descriptions reportedly made by the head of the US government. Of course, we don’t see that there is any moral equivalent otherwise between the two.
“Our issues with our neighbour, a CARICOM country, are different than those that would decry the message that was sent from the statements reported and we whole heartedly support the statement made by CARICOM in that regard,” he continued.
The regional body over the weekend said it was also “deeply saddened” that the alleged comments emerged around the anniversary of the devastating 2010 Haiti earthquake “which took the lives of so many.”
“Of additional concern, is this pattern of denigrating Haiti and its citizens in what seems to be a concerted attempt to perpetuate a negative narrative of the country. We are especially saddened that such narrative emerged around the time of the anniversary of the devastating 2010 earthquake which took so many lives of citizens in that country,” the statement released on Saturday noted.
“The Caribbean Community expresses its full support for the dignified statement of the government of the Republic of Haiti in reaction to this highly offensive reference. It should be recalled that Haiti is the second democracy in the Western Hemisphere after the United States and that Haitians continue to contribute significantly in many spheres to the global community and particularly to the United States of America. CARICOM therefore views this insult to the character of the countries named and their citizens as totally unacceptable.”
When contacted for comment Sunday, Foreign Affairs Minister Darren Henfield said the Bahamas is a part of CARICOM and “we speak with one voice”.
He declined further comment on the US president’s reported remarks.
Other international organisations including the UN and the African Union, politicians and people from African countries and the Caribbean are outraged over President Trump’s latest remarks, deemed “racist” by some.
The Washington Post first reported President Trump criticised immigration to the United States from El Salvador, Haiti and Africa calling the group “s*hole countries.”
This was later corroborated by other US media outlets and one Democratic lawmaker who was in the White House meeting at the time.
According to CNN, citing people with knowledge of the conversation, Mr Trump allegedly asked: “Why are we having all these people from s*hole countries come here?” at a meeting with Congress members at the White House.
He also suggested the US should instead focus its immigrant entry policy on countries such as Norway.
On Friday Mr Trump denied the “racist” remarks, tweeting that the language he used “was tough, but this was not the language used,” as he called for a “merit-based system of immigration and people who take our country to the next level.”
He later tweeted that he has “never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously a very poor and troubled country.”
However, according to international reports, Dick Durbin, a Democratic senator who attended the meeting, disputed Mr Trump’s statement.
“He said these hate-filled things and he said them repeatedly,” Mr Durbin told US reporters.
The White House did not directly challenge the authenticity of Mr Trump’s comments, but issued a statement saying: “Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people.”
OldFort2012 7 years, 2 months ago
Ask any Haitian what he thinks of his own country and you will get far worse language than Trump used.
sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago
True ......... Haitians do not want to go back to their own shithole....... smh
proudloudandfnm 7 years, 2 months ago
Trump is a thief, a racist, a sexual predator, a pathological liar and overall a scumbag. He is without a doubt one of the USA's biggest mistakes. Of course condemn his words. He is a disgusting human being...
Porcupine 7 years, 2 months ago
I've always said the same thing.
Regardless 7 years, 2 months ago
......if the leadership does not change the nation's course soon Trump will use the same nomenclature to describe us.
sealice 7 years, 2 months ago
Mr. Davis just because you are part Haitian doesn't mean we all don't live in shitholio's.....Trumps an idiot you're continuing to speak about him just shows us the picture on the other side of the idiot coin.....
sealice 7 years, 2 months ago
and the main reason we do live in a shitholio is because of you and your PLP ilk (read peeps) that ran the country into the ground
sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago
Obeah Man Davis is worse than Trump ......... Just look at how he treats Cat Island (his hometown) ......... This man has no conscience or shame ....... He needs to be court martialed.
SP 7 years, 2 months ago
Philip “Brave” Davis is a blithering idiot! The Bahamas is part of the CARICOM community which already issued a statement regarding Donald Trump. Nothing more needs to be said by individual states.
Secondly, Donald Trump referred to Haiti as a "shithole", and he is absolutely correct in saying so! Haiti IS an indisputable "shithole" which explains why Haitians willingly risk their lives in shoddy boats to come to the Bahamas and U.S.! How could anyone be up in arms because Mr. Trump made a TRUE statement?
Everyone conveniently ignores the fact that Haiti's biggest problem is the corruption of the "mulatto class" that controls successive governments similar to the "UBP class" in the Bahamas that controlled successive PLP and FNM governments!
Haiti, the Bahamas, Africa and other "shithole" countries need to forget the war on drugs and pursue a war on the 1% of economic pirates in these countries that extort and stranglehold governments to the detriment of the masses.
concernedcitizen 7 years, 2 months ago
you seem to forget The UBP is no longer .But I have found and seen in the last forty years u can buy anything you want from public servants and those in power .Work permits , dredge permits , business lic,,etc etc ,,Civil servants almost demand bribes ..The only thing u seem not to be able to buy is the quashing of your extradition once the Privy council has ruled ,,everything thing else has a price from car inspection to a shorter jail term for murder ,,
sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago
Indeed .......... But you cannot expect anything different from the Obeah Man ....... Mr. Big Shit aka "Brave"
SP 7 years, 2 months ago
Corruption and government manipulation is king in the Bahamas, and far too many countries, causing suffering and displacement of masses of people. The "UBP class" is alive and thriving in their descendants and inheritors of illicit mining activities!
No public servant other than corrupt prime ministers could conspire to allow economic pirates to steal the peoples' natural resources birthright.
Symonette, Pindling, Ingraham, and Christie are guilty of treason against the state and people of the Bahamas.
Had Sir Randol Fawkes taken his rightful place as prime minister when he had the opportunity to decide the government of the Bahamas, we would have had a much better country today!
BahamaPundit 7 years, 2 months ago
Haiti is an absolute shithole where children eat dirt cookies. The truth is the truth. Read this article from an African scholar Mr. Davis please:…
sheeprunner12 7 years, 2 months ago
Indeed ......... and the Perry's PLP was on the verge of making The Bahamas a worser shithole as well ......... Brave, doon do it!!!!!!
SP 7 years, 1 month ago
110% concurrence with Rockson Adofo sentiments! Many thanks for presenting a well written, truthful article! I knew I couldn't have been the only individual in a "developing shithole" that realized the truth.
I doubt Brave Davis will find it of any interest, him being one of the corrupt political pirates that the article refers to.
ashley14 7 years, 2 months ago
You said it not me! Sometimes the truth hurts.
Gotoutintime 7 years, 1 month ago
Hey Proud&Loud----63 million Americans don't agree with you!
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