EDITOR, The Tribune.
A MOTHER with a bare foot, nappy headed child with a dirty nose would be embarrassed if one states the obvious and would want to fight if comments are made with Trump’s characteristic bluntness. But her stirred emotions do not make the comments less true.
As CARICOM leaders decry President Donald Trump for his purportedly “racist” comments regarding some third world countries, their rank hypocrisy is obvious. Inwardly, many of them must agree with his statements and many if not most of them who are career politicians, are responsible for the deplorable state of their respective countries.
Are these not politicians who borrow large sums of money that cannot be repaid, that is then embezzled or wasted leaving their countries with massive infrastructural problems and stagnating debt?
Aren’t many of their citizens emigrating in search of a better life in other countries because the citizenry, that agrees with Trump’s assertions, know what the politicians would openly deny? Rather than comment, the leaders of CARICOM should hang their heads in shame and resolve to do better for their citizens.
The leadership in this country has us well down the path of being referred to in the same way as Trump referred to some third world countries, in fact in many circles we are viewed that way already. It is ironic that the leader of the Opposition, whose party propelled us down that road the fastest, would have the temerity to comment at all!
Many third world countries are dumps, their leaders have made them so. I am not yet convinced that those now in charge can change course.
January 16, 2018.
killemwitdakno 6 years, 10 months ago
They shouldn't have said "racist" at all if they did.
killemwitdakno 6 years, 10 months ago
What to expect of him now if you call him racist? We haven't adopted the caricom passport or whatever for the same reason.
milesair 6 years, 10 months ago
The U.S. has used every country on Earth for its own purposes. So calling any nation a shhole country does NOT help the cause. You just might need to use these countries for your own purposes again. They are not likely to want to cooperate with the U.S. if you are going to call them nasty names. This Trumpster person is supposed to be a world leader who should be interested in diplomacy but instead is real good at dividing people and by his very actions has done a tremendous job making it OK to be a racist, bigot in the U.S. once again. He has a knack for bringing out the worst in people (he calls members of the KKK and Nazi skin heads "good people.") If that isn't racist than I don;t know what the definition is. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck than it MUST be a duck! A world leader the Trumpster is NOT! I am NOT afraid to call this ahole exactly what he is, a racist, bigot who is rapidly turning the U.S. into the real sh**hole country every day! Get ready for WW3 and he does not believe in climate change so be prepared for the flood that is coming, Bahamas! Oh, but the Christianist ministers in the U.S. just love Trump to death.
Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 10 months ago
You're obviously just another Trump hater no matter what. Start looking out for yourself rather than expecting others to look out for you.
milesair 6 years, 10 months ago
You are obviously a brainless idiot who can't see the forest for the trees! What has looking out for yourself have ANYTHING to do with the racist, bigot Trump? Why don't you go kiss Trump's a$$, just bring a couple of hookers with you. He'll love you for that! What an idiot!
joeblow 6 years, 10 months ago
Simple question, were his sentiments untrue?
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