A COMIC'S VIEW: A week of no, no, no


This week was an eventful one, so there’s no shortage of material to choose from, in fact some of it wrote itself.


If my memory serves correctly, The Bahamas voted “no” to all the items on the CARICOM agenda.

Not that I had issue with a “no” vote in regards to some of the items.

The CSME (Caribbean Single Market Economy)

No, we have CEB (Commercial Enterprises Bill)

The CCJ (Caribbean Court of Justice)

No, we have the Privy Council.

And the legalization of marijuana, a big fat ‘NO’ simply because of all the ‘boogeymen’ associated with the topic.

So why, if “no” means “no”, and considering the dire straights we are in financially as a nation, is PM Minnis “toting” a 15-member “posse” that would make “MC Hammer” proud, to the CRICOM meetings in Jamaica?

The Prime Minister is accompanied to CARICOM by :

• Joshua Sears, Senior Policy Advisor;

• Darren Henfield, Minister of Foreign Affairs;

• Jeffrey Lloyd, Minister of Education;

• His Excellency Reuben Rahming, High Commissioner of The Bahamas to CARICOM;

• Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe, Parliamentary Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister;

• Viana Gardiner, Chief Operating Officer, Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit;

• Michael Guy, Foreign Service Officer;

• Kemico Sands, Protocol Officer, Office of the Prime Minister;

• Inspector Livingstone Barr, Aide to the Prime Minister;

• Sgt Kirk Bastian, Aide to the Prime Minister;

• Yontalay Bowe, Personal Assistant/Photographer;

• Lindsay Thompson, BIS Senior Information Officer;

• Kent Minnis, BIS Senior Digital Visuals Editor;

• Altovise Munnings, ZNS Reporter;

• and Philip Marche, cameraman.

Again why is this sizable contingent necessary?

What purpose do they serve?

(Apart from witnessing PM Minnis, saying No to CARICOM.)

“If yinna already know how the vibe set, and ya answer is no, then you ain gatta carry dat whole massive and crew, take ya time, ease up, send one, three or four to sight the vibe in yard.”

How are we as a nation, to benefit from CARICOM, considering our multiple no votes on their initiatives?

In my opinion, a smaller, efficient group would have been a more sensible approach for this trip.

It would have also eliminated any chance for the government to be criticised, considering how the FNM, took former Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell, to task (albeit deservedly so) over his exorbitant travel budget and schedule.

It would have also saved the tax payers, you and me, money.

Sadly, the PM’s “road trip” to CARICOM is yet another example of this administrations continued hypocrisy, and it really makes one wonder if the FNM truly knows the meaning of “accountability” and “transparency”.

I have a hunch why the PM’s posse was this big.

I’m thinking the PM, while on his “VAT tour” of the family islands, he missed popular Jamaican reggae artist “Popcann,” after the Jamaican dancehall artist failed to show in Abaco for his scheduled concert. As a result, not to be outdone, the PM ensured his trusty companions, they would fete on the best jerk chicken and the coldest Red Stripes in Jamaica, all while watching “Popcann” live.

“Me say, pull up.”

It could happen, especially with this administration!!


As I tried to wrap my head around the whole CARICOM junket, news broke, that ten months out, from hosting the 2019 IAAF World Relays, The Bahamas was pulling out as host nation.

How embarrassing

Seriously? There were no other options that could have saved the event and our reputation?

Allegedly it was a financial decision, however there has been no official word from the MYSC.

I’m wondering if the IAAF World Relay money was possibly redirected to perhaps the government’s travel budget, which allows for bloated travelling entourages, on unnecessary trips, travelling to and fro on government business.


Finally, I thought it was commendable that the government, sprung the Price Control Unit into action, immediately after reports surfaced that some business owners were taking advantage of the VAT increase, allegedly by including the 12% VAT on the price of the items and then charging an additional 12% VAT at the register.

“Tings tough enough, ain’ no need for Dat.”

Until next week, laugh now cry later.


birdiestrachan 6 years, 8 months ago

doc lies for everything and for nothing, He is the biggest liar on the face of God's green earth he is far better than Trump, He took Mr, Mitchel to task and then he does worse so bad until it seems they want to cook the books. The PLP was doing it wrong and they can not publish their FNM account of travels.

commending him for price control unit must be your big joke of the week. he kills the poor and middle class with taxes and sends out a price control unit all to pretend he cares. like a shuffle of his cabinet and all the lies he is only concerned with the favored one the others were caught up in the doc wicked ways.

It gives me great pleasure to say doc ways just like his looks. ,

Raptor22 6 years, 8 months ago

No, birdistrachan, you want to look at some "ogle" people? its all your thieving PLPs who robbed the Public Treasury and VAT money dry, and put The Bahamas back 45 years, beginning with Pindling, Joe Lehder's man, and other corrupt PLP politicians. How our Airport could be named after a drug dealing PM is beyond comprehension. All I can say is, "only in the Bahamas" , in any other country he would have been locked up.

Raptor22 6 years, 8 months ago

correction: "Carlos Lehder"

DDK 6 years, 8 months ago

FIFTEEN freeloaders to Jamaica the same week VAT is increased on The People? Unbefinglievable. Right after he jetted around the Bahamas as if he had nothing to do in his office? This PM must have lost his marbles, along with his votes. This in NOT funny! It is unconscionable and should be grounds for a vote of no-confidence.

DDK 6 years, 8 months ago

I don't know what it is with our leaders, they seem to suffer from some type of syndrome which gives them an uncontrollable impulse to spend and impress, while at the same time robbing them of any sense of reason, like some extended form of the malaise of the nouveau riche.

Raptor22 6 years, 8 months ago

So, tax the Bahamian people 12% VAT, and then take a hike to CARICOM with FIFTEEN FNM freeloaders, fully paid for by the hard-working, taxed-to-death Bahamians who live in a Country that cannot even keep the lights on during the long, hot unbearable summers, where Bahamians pay HUGE electricity bills whether the electricity is on or off, and I ask the FNM "WHY NOT SOLAR", WHY NOT ALTERNATIVE CLEAN ENERGY, but just like the PLP there is no movement by the FMN to improve the energy crisis in The Bahamas. The people suffer. But the FNM Government has shown us they just does not care about the people who voted them in for change. The people cry for relief, but if falls on deaf ears.

Thank you Inigo for your excellent writing.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 8 months ago

Naughty has a WIBE with Minnis .......... No big deal, Hope you still making tourist dollars, Bahamar fully open now.

sealice 6 years, 8 months ago

Caricom - more idiots like our gubmint cept they trying to ruin the whole region with their stupidity

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