PM addresses CARICOM on disaster mitigation and management


Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

By Lindsay Thompson

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica - Prime Minister, Dr Hubert Minnis shared with his CARICOM colleagues, a number of initiatives being undertaken by his government in a move to improve his country’s disaster mitigation plan, through the National Emergency Management Agency, NEMA.

He gave an address Friday morning on Disaster Resilience in the Caribbean Community – Post Hurricanes Irma and Maria, on the margins of the Thirty-Ninth Regular Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) July 4-6, 2018 in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The Prime Minister pointed out that The Bahamas and the region have suffered three consecutive devastating hurricanes – Joaquin 2015, Matthew 2016 and Irma 2017.

And because of this, the focus of The Bahamas is to now make hurricane preparedness a way of life.

“We have proclaimed June Disaster Preparedness Month. The National Emergency Management Agency conducted a series of activities to heighten awareness of hurricane preparedness,” he told CARICOM.

Also, upon the approach of hurricane Irma in 2017, for the first time in recent history, the Government of The Bahamas executed a massive voluntary evacuation of islands in The Bahamas in the projected path of that hurricane, the Prime Minister added.

“No doubt, that exercise saved lives,” he said. “Today, evacuation plans for these have been formalised and refined for use in the future if necessary. We are also considering legislation that will make evacuation mandatory.”

Other initiatives undertaken by The Bahamas Government is the renewing and reviewing of its policy with the Caribbean Catastrophic Risk Insurance Facility.

And, to further position the country to prepare for the possible outcome of Hurricane Season 2018, the Government of The Bahamas through its Ministry of Finance, has agreed to a Contingency Credit Facility of $100,000 million through the Inter-American Development Bank to assist with natural disaster recovery if it becomes necessary, the Prime Minister said.

“The drafting of a Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management Plan was also crafted to supplement the country’s current Disaster Plan,” he said.

The Plan focuses on five key pillars:

• Disaster Risk Management Governance;

• Risk Identification;

• Risk Reduction;

• Preparedness and Response; and,

• Financial Management.

The Prime Minister said that The Bahamas continues to take an active role as one of the Participating States of the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency.

“I encourage the Conference to ensure that CDEMA continues to be properly and adequately resourced and that the payment of all outstanding contributions are made as a matter of urgency,” he said.

The Prime Minister advised that the Region must continue to press through the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS), in the United Nations, and in other international forums “for the promised assistance from developing countries to help all of our countries affected by these superstorms in order to build resilience and mitigate against the effects of climate change, overwhelmingly caused by developed countries.”


TalRussell 6 years, 8 months ago

Ma Comrades, is you one people who does dream of traveling the globe, but it can be too expensive or your daily job obligations prevents you from just picking up travel when opportunity avails itself?
Wants know "9" easy ways to get paid to travel the globe- all on PublicPurse? Luckily, I knows ways,if you just think politically.
First, you have have been one other lucky 34 red shirts elected along with PM to House of Assembly, Get yourself enrolled on the government's workers payroll, Become a paid government consultant, Become paid Advisor PM, Get appointed upper red chamber, Get appointed one the hundreds politically appointed government positions by the PM himself, Get hired as security detail policeman's or intelligence officer, Just be someone the PM wants tag along him or Just join the large and daily growing contingent staff at the PMO.... then you become automatically eligible travel the globe with the PM as member in good standing on his massive delegation contingent traveling globe all on PublicPurse. { Can't just make this stuff up... likes whilst Lunch Vendors who feed our school children's go unpaid, the PM is known travel with official delegation of 20 to 40 warm bodies }. Bon Voyage, Ma Comrades - all on PublicPurse dimes...... including PM's official traveling with him, photographer.

birdiestrachan 6 years, 8 months ago

did he call the Bahamas corrupt? he enjoys doing that. the saintly one who will save the Bahamas . Only the good Lord knows from what.

DDK 6 years, 8 months ago

It's beginning to look like we are going to have to save The Bahamas from yet another P.M.!

Alex_Charles 6 years, 8 months ago

The country is corrupt. But the dolt we call a PM is in the position to help to change that... he should get to it and stop talking fool.

TheMadHatter 6 years, 8 months ago

This man is make more trips to Haiti & Jamaica than Bob Marley.

TalRussell 6 years, 8 months ago

Ma Comrade TheMadHatter, Hayti is exploding in violence - yet Minnis didn't think he should have discussed his grand scheme plans for Hayti - before he and delegation of 40 warm bodies flew off talks with his CARICOM colleagues.Talk has it he was thinking reshuffling Imperial red shirts cabinet with installing "yes man's" "official" colony of islands Minister Hayti Affairs.

TheMadHatter 6 years, 8 months ago

Tal, yes they down there burning tires and chopping people because the govt wanted to raise gas prices by 50%. The govt has backed down now. The idiots don't realize that now there will be a fuel shortage. I guess the machetes will come out again in about two weeks when the tanks be empty.

That's how conflicts are resolved in Haiti and will be here in the future Bahaiti. Keep yinna sharpening stone within reach.

DDK 6 years, 8 months ago

And never any talk of birth control. It must either be a politically or religiously incorrect subject..........

The_Oracle 6 years, 8 months ago

No, The IMF directed the Haitian Govt to End fuel Subsidies, which by doing raised the price by 50% Once again, the IMF demands more control in return for more financing. You'd think 3rd world Governments would learn. Meanwhile, Minnis Talks of Mandatory Evacuations now, to go along with their appropriation of private property if the Minister deems it necessary.

DDK 6 years, 8 months ago


The Bahamas Government have enough government buildings to use if needed, Nassau Post Office excepted, of course, before they start enforcing appropriation.

TheMadHatter 6 years, 8 months ago

DDK, yes - you would think that slaves would have to be forced-breed. These 3rd world dummies, though, just keep giving their IMF Overlords more young slaves free of charge - every 9 months.

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