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Do you agree with the posthumous award of National Hero to Sir Roland Symonette?
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541 total votes.
Tribune Staff Reporter
PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell has labelled his counterpart in the Free National Movement an "Uncle Tom," condemning Mr Culmer for accusing the PLP of oppressing generations of black Bahamians through its political ploys and practices.
In the statement, Mr Mitchell asserted that Mr Culmer continues to say, "dumber and dumber things."
Last week, Mr Culmer said the PLP made the United Bahamian Party "look like monsters."
"This is a classic example of what is known as Uncle Tomism," Mr Mitchell said. "That means you blame the slaves for being in their condition and you get one of their own to say so."
He continued: "How could a modern Bahamian, presumably educated in our country as a result of the policies of the PLP, whose island elected representatives of the PLP to take the country into independence, who benefitted from a senior job in a public corporation as a result of PLP policies, who lives in a free nation because of what the PLP did, whose very own FNM leaders were once PLP, speak such total and complete nonsense?
"Instead of seeking to fix Grand Bahama with five FNM MPs and three senators, he is spinning falsehoods. Mr Culmer should go sit in the graveyard in Savannah Sound and weep for his sins," he concluded.
Mr Mitchell also again hit out at the decision to award the late Sir Roland Symonette with National Hero honours, saying it was "bad," "inexplicable" and "unlawful". He also condemned Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis for his defence of the move.
In a statement circulated by the Official Opposition on Friday, Mr Mitchell said the prime minister's recent rebuke of the Progressive Liberal Party, where he seemed to agree the party is playing the race card in its argument against the appointment of Sir Roland, signaled a "new low".
Mr Mitchell said the prime minister's actions are "the last refuge of a scoundrel," insisting that Dr Minnis "has lost the argument" and now "has to go there."
On Thursday, Dr Minnis told reporters it would "appear" the PLP was playing the race card on the issue.
Seeming to brush the entire dispute aside, Dr Minnis said: "I don't go down that road. We must move beyond colours. So, I don't see people like that."
Responding on Friday, Mr Mitchell said the PLP has never made its opposition on the matter racial.
Mr Mitchell argued: "First, as far as we know Roland Symonette was a man with African ancestry. So to quote the Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest when he was accused of being racist in tax policy, the PLP can't be racist talking about Roland Symonette since we who have voiced objections are talking about a man who shares our common African ancestry."
Mr Mitchell also claimed that there are many other "white men" who could qualify for the honour, but were passed over by the selection committee.
"This is not about race," Mr Mitchell said. "This is about the acts of a man who opposed the creation of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
"He opposed majority rule," Mr Mitchell said. "He opposed the lowering of the vote to 18.
"He opposed the vote for women. He opposed the implementation of the labour and social security systems. He opposed the fair drawing of boundaries. He opposed independence.
"Every step of the way he did not want this to be a nation," he added.
"A National Hero is the hero of a nation. Sir Roland Symonette did not want this nation. He gave aid and comfort to a group that wanted to break up the nation. Now he is being rewarded as a hero of that nation."
"Dr Minnis has certainly taken leave of his senses and good judgment," he said.
The first recipients of the country's National Honours were announced on Independence Day, with the top honour of the Order of National Hero awarded posthumously to Sir Lynden Pindling, Sir Milo Butler and Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield and Sir Roland.
The announcement, specifically the selection of Sir Roland, has led to national debate over the criteria for selection, with scores of political, religious and national figures using their respective platforms to either condemn or back the choice.
On Thursday, retired Bishop Simeon Hall called for a stop to the debate, which he called "retrogressive."
Bishop Hall, who serves as pastor emeritus at New Covenant Baptist Church, said despite the negative cases now being brought up about Sir Roland's legacy, he knew first hand of many of his positive deeds.
"Sir Roland heard me preach one summer, struggling to get back in college and he paid one year's tuition for me," he said. "So for me, he will always be my national hero."
Additionally, Bishop Hall called on the country to recognise that, just as Sir Roland did, many of the country's founding fathers had "a dark side".
However, he said despite their alleged negative acts, "The good they did outweigh the bad."
And added Bishop Hall: "Some of our black leaders had their own graveyards, figuratively speaking."
BMW 6 years, 8 months ago
This the same cliwn that burned our constitution, go away fweddy. You and your crew had 5 friggin years to fix Grand Bahama ASS
Porcupine 6 years, 8 months ago
Do we really wonder why The Bahamas is in the state that it is in? Just reading this article alone, can give lots of insights. Dumb and dumber? Wow.
sheeprunner12 6 years, 8 months ago
There were too many persons named for ALL five sections of awards ......... who will they name next year???????? ........... We have named enough for at least the next TEN years ......... smt
TalRussell 6 years, 8 months ago
Ma Comrade Porcupine, ever wonder if capitalism in wrong hands has become enemy colony of islands?
CaptainCoon 6 years, 8 months ago
Typical of a PLP. The UBP was the best thing to ever happen to the Bahamas. majority rule was a mistake and did not make things better, we went downhill since then. We ran better under the Baystreet boys and actually saw budget surpluses.
Imagine how much further along we would be in development if we never went under the rule os Pindling for 25 years? We'd be a first world nation by now.
tetelestai 6 years, 8 months ago
Sir Roland's that you?
hrysippus 6 years, 8 months ago
Hey, Testicleless, You are posting lies. The UBP brought in votes for women, the PLP actually voted against it but were the minority opposition so the vote passed. PLP supporters and associated parasites have started to believe their own lying revisionist history. The country is doomed, get out now if you can.
EasternGate 6 years, 8 months ago
I refuse to read what this idiot says!
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
Then show how he is wrong. . . I happen to think he/she is right. . .about how things went down hill. . .Pindling stopped plenty developments just to remain top dog!! You should read some of his own writing how he was opposed to the point of no confidence vote when he "jook in" the independence idea to create a verge between himself and his detractors in the PLP and the public. . .he was a master of "wrangling himself out hot water" with major projects that were "big" in the people's eyes and would make opposing MPs as anti-people! Hs was so slick that very few people don't know it was Milo Butler who threw thew Mace out of the HOA window. . .then Pindling ran down like it was him!!
DDK 6 years, 8 months ago
Think EasternGate may have been referring to Mitchell. In which case I also refuse to read his rantings beyond the first line or two.
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
Point taken. . .
paul_vincent_zecchino 6 years, 8 months ago
Mr. Culmer by his congenial, stalwart appearance as well as his statements, seems to be a fine gentleman.
Bonefishpete 6 years, 8 months ago
What will happen when the last white Bahamian passes into the neither world from these islands. Then who to blame?
B_I_D___ 6 years, 8 months ago
They'll still blame them somehow, or shift the blame to the Chinese and Haitians...hmmmm....
CaptainCoon 6 years, 8 months ago
it's always the white man's fault here. LAZY people!
tetelestai 6 years, 8 months ago
Oh, Coon, don't be obtuse. You have sense, you should be intelligent enough to understand what Fweddy is saying. SMDH.
The_Oracle 6 years, 8 months ago
The Awards themselves are mired in PLP mediocrity and therefore worthless. Funny that all most of them want is the queens honors. Got Fred hopping mad though. Maybe aught to award them twice a year just for that show! Remember, no real pride without shame, Yin/Yang, but I haven't seen a shameful PLP yet! Aught to be the party theme.
Sickened 6 years, 8 months ago
We're listening to you Mr. Mitchell. LOL! I almost said that with a straight face.
BahamaLlama 6 years, 8 months ago
"This is not about race," Mr Mitchell said
In the same breath...
"This is a classic example of what is known as Uncle Tomism," Mr Mitchell said"
And that, our man-loving friend, is why you're out, and hopefully gone for good. Like the racist black nationalism.
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
He is not a nationalist. . .more like a PLPist. . .Don Quixote of national politics in vogue. . .lost soul. . .no-man's land in common sense!!
Gotoutintime 6 years, 8 months ago
Over 50 years since the PLP came to power and still playing the race card---Sad!
tetelestai 6 years, 8 months ago
Ok, I will bite. According to Fweddy, which by the way can be easily discovered in history, Sir Roland: a: Refused majority rule (How is Fweddy's comments playing the race card?); b: Refused to allow women to vote (How is Fweddy playing the race card? Wouldn't this be playing the gender card? I am confused?); c: Opposed independence (How is Fweddy playing the race card here?); These are three distinct inarguable facts, that have noting to do with race. So, please stop spewing your propaganda, Brent Symonette, er, I mean gotouunume.
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
Get ya information right. . .hint. . .suffrage was in 1950. . .Home office was the government at the time. . .the rift was between HO and Elks in America. . .HO granted suffrage in 1952. . .the PLP nor UBP were around. . .PLP came 1953 and the UBP a few years later!!
My my how we go about “shooting out” information that we have not thought through carefully. . .or even know about! For example, Mr. Symonette refused majority rule. . .opposed woman’s vote. . .opposed independence?! Here goes. . .a) the Home office (Magna Carta), which was the government in the colony of the Bahamas and Order in Chief 1959 guaranteed the elective governments by majority rule. . .so to say that Sir Symonette refused majority rule in the Bahamas just makes no dang sense in seminal reasoning! How the heck he was going to do that in a colony governed by the Home Office or in any other nation around the planet? When ya act dumb ya could be dangerous nah!!
Gotoutintime 6 years, 8 months ago
Dam, You think I'm Brent?? I only wish with his millions of dollars I would be sitting pretty---But thank you for the compliment!
tetelestai 6 years, 8 months ago
The nonsense you spewing, you could only be Brent.
DWW 6 years, 8 months ago
Fake News!!!! ahahahahahaha
tetelestai 6 years, 8 months ago
Licks2 I have no issue engaging you, and I can do it without the little childish name calling. I will gently refer you to one of two empirical sources, Michael Cratons A History of The Bahamas, where he clearly establishes that the Magna Carta that you refer to was no obstacle on Sir Roland's quest to curtail, nay, eliminate the black vote. The other source by the way is a book written by Gail North Saunders, a protege of Micahel Craton, but admittedly the name of the book escapes me. Will be happy to revisit this conversation when you read Michaels book. Btw, in your childish diatribe you fail to address Fweddys other two factual points. I would be happy to further the discussion.
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
How the Magna Carta could not prevent Pop's anti-black vote flys in the face of woman suffrage in 1952. . .black man voting in the Bahamas forever since before woman suffrage in 1952. . .the same Magna Carta that militated against slave ownership in the colonies in 1800s. The PLP was formed in 1953. . .before then there was not hindrances to black man voting. . .providing he had land. . .which was a tenant of Home Rule prejudices. . .not local UBP! The world over since 1798 (French revolution era) to Haiti revolution 1805 would allow desertion of vote through color except the USA. . .which digressed into her civil war for the same reason. . .slavery and one man one vote!! The MAGNA CARTA LED THE CHARGE FOR NON-DISCRIMINATORY GOVERNANCE AGAINST THE BLACK MAN IN THE HEMISPHERE!! As for the childish quibs. . .it will be soooooo refreshing to engage a mind that refuses to decent to poor political based reasoning skills. . .with delight!
Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 8 months ago
Fweddy Boy's little tormented mind has always been mired in racism and preoccupied with deviance of the worst kind. He was an object of ridicule for the international diplomatic community, and caused our country much embarrassment abroad for many years while lavishly traveling the world at the Bahamian taxpayers expense. They simply do not come more disgusting than this wretched small minded creature!
akbar 6 years, 8 months ago
Two things it always about money and race. Sir Roland (an obvious oppressor no debate needed) should not be considered a national hero neither should Sir Lynden .In my opinion a national hero should be someone who was at the forefront of selflessly bettering the Bahamas through many obstacles in any aspect of Bahamian life without holding office. I respect Sir Pindling for his achievements as well as the others named but they were elected for those purposes. They was only doing their jobs.
These gentlemen were more men of the times if anything. Check the history of the world at that time for emerging nations. While what happened was a great accomplishment for the majority the world's oppressed were rising up and actually the Bahamas ,as usual,was more of on the tail end of the world revolution. So to call them heroes is a bit iffy in my opinion. The times dictated their actions.
To make career politicians heroes is like putting silk on pigs, they still pigs. Dr.Minnis probably hoping one day yall would stroke his ego and in his twilight years label him a national hero.
This just a I feeling this 12% ,BPL can't keep the light on and Water and Sewage want more money for inefficient and lackluster services.
Peace and God is Great.
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
You need to go a read history of anyplace. . .especially the Bahamas. . .or just stop being disingenuous. . .start with the 1984 Commission of Inquires report for the Bahamas. . .you know not what you speak about. . .
tetelestai 6 years, 8 months ago
Thank you Akbar! Apologists like licks2 trying to rewrite history. And I feeling VAT too.
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
I though that you were the voice of truth, reason, informed thought and not a polemicist for PLP propaganda! Oh well. . .I still will engage you sans nasty quibs. . .but you do write like you do know the truth.. .welcome Fred.
TalRussell 6 years, 8 months ago
Interestingly, I didn't see the same whose blogging handles perfectly align Tribune bloggers Loyal Listeners and Call-in's" to the Guardian Talk Show "The Revolution" when it's Host, just couple days back had you same bloogers going 99% along with the spitting outs Dr Umar Jhonson "Psychologist" - "This is the thanks I get for helping to save a generation of Black boys.” - "Admonishing Black to seek only Black women as mates" Word from street corners - has that the BahamaAir flight back to Africa - left Pindling Airport all empty warm red shirts/ubp bodies. Time brungs on proper dance music.
One man Cigo Band 2011 ......../////
licks2 6 years, 8 months ago
Everybody. . .lets welcome tetelestai. A harmless cluster of words. . .yes. . .words! However, words that tell an agenda. . .an agenda of a stealth mind schooled in the 48 laws of power and sun zao art of war. The word is old Germanic in origin. . .from the verb tele. . .which means "to bring to an end". . .to complete or accomplish! Our common word is "finish". . .signifies a successful end to a particular course of action or agenda!! In other words, begin with the end in mind! On this site. . .names tell a lot about what to expect from a name. . .the better informed can be more stealthy. . .the Jews are known for modern use in Yiddish. . . mixture of paleo-Hebrew and German. . . an art of language with emotion. . .or should I say. . .intent!
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