Minnis blasts PLP’s ‘destructive era’

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Deputy Chief Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday blamed a “violent and destructive” era under the Progressive Liberal Party for the Over-the-Hill community’s poor conditions, which the Economic Empowerment Zone Bill is to help reverse.

As he began debate in Parliament, Dr Minnis said the overriding goal of the Bill was to provide opportunity and hope for more people. It is also to complement the work of the highly touted Over-the-Hill rejuvenation initiative.

However, before he touted the benefits of the Bill, the prime minister lambasted the PLP, saying the party resembled one more concerned with regression over progressive initiatives.

He recalled a time during his childhood when political operatives visited the home he shared with his mother to hand out grits and lard to solicit her vote.

When she stood to contribute to the debate, Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin said she was disappointed with the level of political vitriol in the prime minister’s speech. Mrs Hanna Martin also questioned the absence of regulations for the Bill.

She also denied that it would have been the PLP who handed out the food items for votes.

Dr Minnis said: “A successful zone is one where we see businesses growing, hiring and being good corporate citizens. A successful zone is one where we see marked improvement in the physical environment, as we see evidence that households are taking advantage of the many opportunities under this legislation.

“We want to see families utilising the many services that will be offered, as well as improvements in the health and welfare of young people and the elderly.

“Along with exemptions and incentives, under this legislation, there are obligations on businesses in the zones to engage in corporate social responsibility. Accordingly, businesses will be required to give back to the communities in which they operate.”

He also said: “The Economic Empowerment Zone Bill will enable my government to provide, in a targeted manner, much needed relief to residents and business across the Bahamas. My government believes that it will prove a powerful empowerment initiative.

“We have become accustomed to the numerous concessions seemingly targeted to the wealthy investor. These, of course, have their important place in national development.

“However, this Bill is aimed at the poor, and the often forgotten and overlooked – the everyday man and woman in our society.

“While the side opposite like to talk about the poor, the Free National Movement has a much better progressive legacy and record of addressing the needs of poorer Bahamians and of all Bahamians.”

For her part, Mrs Hanna Martin said hers and the opposition’s support of the Bill was conditional because of several issues with the legislation.

She said despite the government’s attempt to make the Bill seem beneficial, it showed no commitment to the poor.

Mrs Hanna Martin questioned who is expected to take advantage of what she called “generous” concessions in the law.

She said: “Who will have the capital or other resources to invest in infrastructural redevelopment or new construction? The objectives of the Bill speak to designating communities as economic zones to encourage economic and social empowerment of residents, but where are the provisions that empower residents?

“What controls will be put in place to ensure that despite the declared objectives of this Bill, you will in fact be laying the groundwork for the gentrification of this area? A complete transformation where the so-called depressed residents are pushed out and new communities created from a completely different economic class?

“It seems to me that what is envisaged in this Bill may very likely perpetuate and accentuate and amplify in most stunning form the inequities which plague these and other communities. The devil is very much in the details; we will need to know what specifics will coerce this expected corporate responsibility, we will need to know how monitoring and measurement will be executed and how proportionality will be guaranteed,” the opposition MP also said.

Bain Town and Centreville will encompass the first economic empowerment zone.

This zone is between Nassau Street on the west, up to Collins Wall in the east, and from Wulff Road and Poinciana Drive in the south, to Delancy Street in the north.

The government will then move to declare Englerston, St Barnabas, Rock Crusher, Kemp Road, Fox Hill and Gambier as zones also. Dr Minnis did not give a timeline of when this could be expected.

Once passed, the Bill will lay the legislative framework for several economic growth initiatives.

Businesses in the area earning $5m in revenue or less, may apply to the Ministry of Finance to receive a trade certificate. This certificate will allow for a waiver of business licence fees.

It will also allow businesses that may require a vehicle for their operations to import one vehicle and pay no customs duties or other taxes on the vehicle.

Upon application, requirements such as the clear marking of the vehicle and any other conditions will be outlined.

If there is a change in the purpose, or use of the vehicle, or if the vehicle is sold, all taxes related to the importation of the vehicle will be due to the government, Dr Minnis said.

The concessions under the Bill will not extend to places that primarily sell alcohol or offer gaming.


Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 7 months ago

This is what incompetent, feckless and feeble-minded political leaders do when they realize they are in over their head and unable to govern to make things better. Throughout their term of office they spend their time blaming past governments led by their political foes for all and sundry problems facing the country and its people. And dimwitted Minnis does this ad nauseam!

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 7 months ago

Boy Glenys never does a damned thing when the PLP is in office but when they get thrown out all of a sudden she finds a mission. Worthess MP and even more worthless cabinet minister.

I hope both the FNM and PLP wake up one day and get rid of all their worthless people...

sealice 6 years, 7 months ago

there wouldn't be much left to vote for....not that there is now.....

John 6 years, 7 months ago

When the PLP first came to office, they did more in their first term, probably until the time Hubert Ingraham became prime minister decades later. Pindling became vindictive and spiteful and many of his cabinet and MP’s became caught up in the very lucrative drug trade and other activities that caused them tarnished reputations and some even facing jail time. So in the 80’s when money was really flowing in this country, many sought illegal activities since the PLP had such a strong stranglehold on the country and made it impossible for some to do legitimate business. Minnis must be careful as he seeks to revive the inner city that he does not get carried off course misguided or have his plans hijacked by some of the persons he choose to listen to. One in particular, who has gotten a high appointment by Minnis is financially speaking, an idiot. He has a track record of causing an entire Bahamian industry to shut down. using the funds of a very lucrative company at which he was employed to spread lies, propaganda and mistruths about the products these companies sold. He was then forced to leave that company under mysterious circumstances and eventually left the country. Other than that,He has no track record of success in the country as his own business ventures failed. All government taxes have their own penalties included for late and delinquent payments. Don’t go into these poor communities and further disenfranchise individuals and businesses who have been struggling for years to keep the roof over their heads much less the doors open. Pindling allowed City Markets ito come into this country and go in these same neighborhoods and destabilize the market equilibrium. This may not be a case of history repeating itself, but people repeating history.

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 7 months ago

Stop waffling. We don't have time for your "guess who" games. The idiot's name is Marlon Johnson.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 7 months ago

Minis just needs to forget that the PLP ever existed and get on with it. Its like those house flipping shows, you don't see the contractor standing around everyday saying man, look how they let this thing deteriorate. They take what was handed to them, in whatever state it was in, and they just get on with it.

birdiestrachan 6 years, 7 months ago

Something is very wrong wit doc. the FNM Government was in power for 15 years out of 25 what did they do? Doc talks about how he is helping the poor??. 12% VAT hurts the poor and middle class. what about that the doc and Turnquest refuse to understand. The cost of living has gone up for those who can afford the least. It is akin to getting rid of plastic bags and opening a Oil refinery in a pristine environment.


It is akin to doc getting rid of plastic the nopens a oil refinery in a prestine

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