Grabbalicious web shops

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Web shops - thanks Minister D’Aguilar for telling it as it is.

Judge what you like, the web shop owners who have an exclusive 15-year concession no one else can be given a licence, imagine, we now understand that the Bahamian word… grabbalicious is applicable. A bird in the hand is better than none at all.

If I were Minister of Finance, knowing these audited figures provided by the web shops I would have no problem in going after everyone who owes Government back taxes…it seems we can throw away millions so let’s collect and use them to the best. Warn them then list their names in the newspapers.

What is actually owed on Real Property Taxes? It is $300m or $400m or what? Time these debts are confirmed. Time these are collected, no excuses.

What is the position on commercial property? Are there so many buildings not assessed and therefore no property taxes being paid? Hasn’t Government, especially pre-2017 election rented three-or more buildings from Sebas Bastian – have these buildings been assessed? Surely that is simple just take out from the rent?

Education Scholarship Fund not $150m unpaid? No deals, sorry, you are throwing your money down the web shop drain you will now throw it down the Treasury drain. I don’t want to hear about incentives and concessions.

Our ferocious appetite to gamble surely gives the Minister of Finance plenty of support that we can afford even more taxes. Boy we have to be dumber than dumb!



June 15, 2018.


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