Water Corp fires general manager


Tribune Business Editor


THE Water & Sewerage Corporation yesterday sacked Glen Laville as its general manager in the wake of the Ernst & Young (EY) forensic audit’s findings.

Tribune Business sources said the move came following Board meetings at the Corporation on Tuesday night and yesterday morning, with at least one attended by Mr Laville. Adrian Gibson, the Corporation’s executive chairman, confirmed the termination when contacted by this newspaper late yesterday. “The Board of the Water & Sewerage Corporation has unanimously decided to terminate the services of Glen Laville as general manager with immediate effect,” he said.

Mr Gibson declined to comment further, and Mr Laville did not return a voice mail seeking comment, even though his voice was heard on the recording giving March 14 as the date.

Tribune Business understands that a number of Water & Sewerage Corporation Board directors met with Mr Laville in a bid to follow “due process”, and inform of his fate, which was sealed by the EY findings.

This newspaper was told that more persons could be dismissed in Mr Laville’s wake, with a note to Water & Sewerage Corporation staff from Mr Gibson revealing that Elwood Donaldson, senior assistant general manager, replacing him as acting general manager.

Mr Laville’s firing is the first tangible action in the fall-out from the EY report, which disclosed how too much politically-motivated interference and the ‘friends, family and connections’ network had undermined basic corporate governance and established protocols.

This resulted in multi-million dollar losses and cost overruns that, ultimately, have to be covered by Bahamian taxpayers.

Mr Laville, speaking previously to The Tribune on the EY report, disputed numerous findings against him while arguing that the report’s disclosure had caused morale at the Water & Sewerage Corporation to plummet.

EY’s investigators found that Mario Bastian, a “close friend” of Mr Laville, secured a $3.2 million contract with the Corporation despite being fired twice. The auditors concluded that the tendering process for the contract gave the appearance of bid manipulation, and noted that the company, ACO JV, was awarded the contract despite displaying characteristics that had disqualified other potential vendors.

Mr Laville said he lacks the power to ensure anyone is awarded such a contract, noting that such decisions are made by the Cabinet after input by Water & Sewerage Corporation’s board.

He added that the contract was approved by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) as well, although EY’s report showed the CDB rarely dissents when government officials recommend someone to receive a contract.

Mr Laville also questioned the relevance of a communication highlighted in the report between him and Dave Taylor, a surveyor who performs services for Water & Sewerage Corporation as a sub-contractor.

In the correspondence, Mr Taylor wrote to Mr Laville: “Can I stop in to drop off the cash to you now?”

Mr Laville told investigators the message referred to membership dues for the Bahamas Association of Land Surveyors, for which he is treasurer.

EY, however, said Mr Laville provided no documentation supporting that the money was deposited in BALS’ bank account.

Mr Laville said: “I advised that going to the bank to deposit $100 doesn’t make any sense. I don’t go to the bank and deposit it every time I get a membership due. Furthermore, it was just $100, to even raise it as an issue…

“I admonished the auditors not to make conclusions and seek information to support it. By the inference that somehow this was an improper activity or whatever, in this small country, it would call into question any time anyone anywhere brought me membership dues.”


sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago

The whole damn WSC senior management team should be terminated with just cause and a whole new team put in place to get rid of the corruption endemic in that corporation.

The Board should move immediately to set in motion the sale of this national burden.

DDK 6 years, 10 months ago

Agreed, but where will this wonderful new team be found?

birdiestrachan 6 years, 10 months ago

I do not know if Gibson in his zeal does the wrong thing. The Bahamian Tax payers will pay a heavy penalty According to Gibson every one is a crook..

banker 6 years, 10 months ago

Only PLP are crooks. Erryone knows that. And every management monkey at W & S was a PLP thieving crook.

DDK 6 years, 10 months ago

"This resulted in multi-million dollar losses and cost overruns that, ultimately, have to be covered by Bahamian taxpayers." How does terminating a manager recover multi-millions of dollars for The People?

sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago

That is why he was fired ........... but his incompetence is written off as a fiscal loss to Government that we will all have to pay for.... SHAME

observer2 6 years, 10 months ago

This is all smoke and mirrors.

If Adrian really wanted change he would fire himself and the entire FNM Board, outsource the services of W&S to the private sector and liquidate the company.

As long as politically appointed Chairmen (FNM, PLP or DNA for that matter), Board and the Cabinet continue to act like they are businessmen W&S will continue to loose hundreds of millions in the decades to come.

We can all forget about reducing the deficit.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 10 months ago

Agreed. Said the same from the time he was appointed, confusion would be the only result of appointing an inexperienced non technical man over a group of senior engineers. Five men led in chains over 1500 dollars, one missing fire hydrant and now the manager fired because he can't explain with documents what he did with 100 dollars. These are the most petty juvenile Audit findings I've ever heard. Not surprised. Same man who on day one said I should be a cabinet minister. Not surprised at all.

bogart 6 years, 10 months ago

....A General Manager hired for his skills and competance snd has no control over person fired twice who is a 'close friend' getting 3.2 million dollar contract???.......fire him amd the Board!

Sell the company and cut off all the free stand pipes water in the inner city.

John 6 years, 10 months ago

Who do you think fired more based on percentage of workers...Hubert Minnis or Donald Trump?

sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago

Those people Perry hired for election gimmicks on 4 month "contracts" were not fired by Minnis .......... Trump is just a reality-show President

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 10 months ago

Fired an experienced trained engineer over 100 dollars but paying a marketing manager over 200,000 to oversee the issuance of govt contracts and to guide us through one of the most perilous times in our economic history, signed a deal with convicted fraudster Krueger and get blacklisted for mismanaging a letter, Ms Curry with decades of international experience resigns after alleged petty remarks from Lanisha and DAguilar attacks Mr Poitier in a statement riddled with inaccuracies, looks like things are definitely changing fur the better around here. If more recently enlightened Mps can just get rid of more educated prople who fit their roles and know what they're doing well be just alright.

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