Deputy Chief Reporter
PEOPLE born to foreign parents in The Bahamas but who fail to apply for citizenship by age 19 as allowed by law will only be granted permanent residency with a right to work, Immigration Minister Brent Symonette, pictured, announced yesterday.
“So let’s make sure we have a distinction, persons born in The Bahamas, lived here all their lives, applied between 18 and 19 will be considered under the constitutional entitlement for citizenship as to whether or not they are entitled citizenship,” he said while foreshadowing proposed changes to Immigration law to come this year.
“Those who do not apply in time will be considered and if applicable will be granted permanent residency with the right to work. There are obviously other aspects and rules that apply in terms of length of stay and record and so on so forth.”
Currently the constitution says that people born in The Bahamas to non-Bahamian parents may apply for Bahamian citizenship between their 18th and 19th birthday.
The addition of a specific designation such as permanent residency if this is not done would be a new addition to law.
Mr Symonette said issues relating to children born outside of the country to Bahamian women married to foreign men, and children born to single Bahamian men will also need to be addressed.
Insisting impending amendments to the Immigration Act have nothing to do with any ongoing case in the court, Mr Symonette said the changes are needed largely because the laws have not changed much since 1973, the Bahamas’ year of independence.
He did not mention the ongoing Jean Rony Jean-Charles matter, which is now before the Court of Appeal. However, Mr Jean-Charles’ situation falls into the minister’s description of persons who will not be granted citizenship once the immigration laws are amended.
“What we need to do now, Mr Speaker, is look at the law as it exists and the government is committed to filling the office of law reform commissioner and will shortly be appointing a person to hold that office. That is obviously in the Office of the Attorney General and will be as the name attributes looking at law reform, so immigration will be one of those issues (and) financial services might be another as we move forward,” he said earlier in his presentation to the House of Assembly.
“So I will foreshadow today there will be amendments to the immigration rules as we go forth.
“This is a discussion and I have mentioned it on the floor many times. It is time to have this discussion, which is not reactionary to lawsuits that are happening over there. It’s something I’ve been foreshadowing for a long time because the immigration rules in our country started with independence essentially in 1973 and have not been drastically overhauled in the 40-odd years since independence.
“There are some drafts currently before Cabinet that we are looking at dealing with the whole question of harbouring of illegal immigrants. There is the whole question of increasing the fines and like I said these are basically before Cabinet, but I do them by way of foreshadowing what may happen. The question of increasing offences for harbouring /employing persons who are here illegally and also dealing with the whole question of repatriation and so forth, so there will be changes to the Immigration Act and we hope to discuss those in Cabinet and if agreed to they will be laid before Parliament in short order.”
Regarding repatriations, Mr Symonette said these have increased during this Free National Movement’s term in office.
These are mostly regarding repatriations of undocumented persons with no legitimate claim to immigration status in the Bahamas and the regulation of immigration status to non-Bahamian with legitimate claims.
He also said the numbers of Haitian immigrants repatriated between 1992 and 2002 and between 2007 and 2012 were demonstratively high.
For this year alone there have been 571 Haitians sent back to their homes.
In 2017 there were 5,468 repatriations, the majority of these migrants were also from Haiti with 4393 sent home.
In addition, Mr Symonette said fees will increase. He did not roll out the full slate of fee changes but said work permit fees will increase from $1,000 to $2,000 and penalties for harbouring illegals are also expected to become more stringent.
joeblow 7 years ago
The clueless Minister still doesn't seem to understand that citizen and residency benefits of any kind are only for those constitutionally entitled. Illegals immigrants and their offspring (without Bahamian parents) ARE NOT constitutionally entitled to anything except deportation!!
HarryWyckoff 7 years ago
The minister can't rewrite the constitution.
This has been in the constitution since it was written.
How is he to blame?
joeblow 7 years ago
Because he chooses to interpret it for political expediency instead of the intent and spirit of the law!
OldFort2012 7 years ago
This is the craziest thing I ever heard.
To obtain permanent residency without the right to work, an outsider needs to invest $1m minimum and pay $10,000.
But if your parents were criminals and came here illegally, if you schooled yourself at the expense of the Bahamian taxpayer and generally sponged off this state all your life, you get it for free and we throw in the right to work.
This Minister is a cretin.
newcitizen 7 years ago
What taxes do you pay that these people or their 'criminal' parents don't?
joeblow 7 years ago
Real property tax just for starters!
newcitizen 7 years ago
Most Bahamians don't pay their real property tax. Also if these 'criminals' own property then they pay tax.
clawdad 7 years ago
newcitizen you need to get you head out of the hole that it is in.
newcitizen 7 years ago
I guess you can only show your xenophobia instead of providing actual information to the conversation.
TalRussell 7 years ago
Lately, whenever Comrade Brent picks up his red colonial citizenship ministerial hammer, certain classifications applicants not applying citizenship by age 19 - they looks like a nail to him.............for to deny citizenship to someone not born on foreign soil but right here among we natives - would be judged by the highest courts to not only be an abuse guiding principals Constitution but cruel and harmful punishment for doing no more than missing a procedural age 19 guideline. Mr. red Imperial minister, have you be it in the Minnis or Papa Hubert administrations as citizenship minister - ever authorized granting citizenship for an applicant over the age 19.... I has asks - because of the blatant red governing games ambiguity hypocrisy this most confusing red administration.
screwedbahamian 7 years ago
Should it not be " People who are born in the Bahamas to "LEGAL" foreign parents in the Bahamas" are entitled to apply. If ANY Parent entered the Bahamas ILLEGALLY the child is not ELIGABLE to apply. The law should be clear and concise and free of any AMBIGUITY.
joeblow 7 years ago
Bahamians must demand a referendum to address this immigration issue once and for all!! We simply can't trust the politicians (especially Symonette) to do what is in this country's best interest!
hrysippus 7 years ago
No Bahamian government is ever going to call a referendum for anything ever again. look what happened with ones held in the past once the Godbothers got involved.
Cas0072 7 years ago
The Outspoken QC himself must be coming up with this stuff. If they do not submit an application by age 19 they need to be deported period. Get the information out in the schools and clinics so that they can stop getting away with playing ignorant to the laws and deadlines that apply to them
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years ago
Goofy Brent Symonette is about as daft as they come and could only wish he had one-tenth of the smarts and common sense that his step brother Bobby had. It is treasonous for Brent and the dimwitted Doc not to accept the basic premise that illegal aliens cannot create legal residents or citizens from their offspring except in those instances where the father was a Bahamian citizen at the time the child was born. In other words, if the root is illegal then all that springs from it must be illegal too.
What goofy Brent Symonette and the dimwitted Doc are proposing here will result in thousands and thousands of illegal aliens being granted amnesty to reside and work in the Bahamas forever more and to produce (by their offspring) many thousands more who would be able to do likewise. The number of individuals of Haitian heritage who would now be able to legally reside in the Bahamas would totally overwhelm the indigenous Bahamian population and would devour our country's very limited financial resources. Such a foolish policy would be the equivalent of turning the keys to the front door of our country over to Haiti, while giving a key to the back door to Jamaica!
hrysippus 7 years ago
Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years ago
I stand corrected on the relationship and Pop (Brent's father) not abiding by his marriage vows. Thank you.
ohdrap4 7 years ago
this just creates another problem because, if one cannot apply at 18 for lack of proper documents, one cannot apply at 20 because of the same documents.
as for raising the penalty for harbouring, how about charging an employer for the first time, if only to make history.
and, referendum, do not waste your money, people will continue to vote no.
John 7 years ago
So now they are proposing to raise work permit fees. The country already has a problem with persons working illegally so now you punish the ones who are complying. Nice!
TalRussell 7 years ago
Ma Comrades, fortunately, there's voters salvation comes every 5-years, all elected MP's seeking election from previous general election - get to stand before entrance gates of judgement to receive destination send off directions of either you're clear so go up this way - if your sins against people tally count is high - go join hell's long lineup over there for elevator head downstairs with your other fellow colleagues. Some MP's so been living unfulfilled promises guilt they become all Satan possessed, they just plain duck-out re contesting for fear voter humiliation rejection... and ya don't have looks hard spot their 666, which brings comfort to political fools.
My2centz 7 years ago
Why would he propose a "solution" that rewards missing the deadline with something even better? Permanent residency implies they will retain or still have to acquire foreign passports meanwhile benefitting from Bahamas' resources in every way (except voting). What's the incentive for applying for citizenship? His brazen attempt at creating a bi-national country should be rejected.
At most they should be given temporary status and mandated to fulfill certain requirements such as having a trade or degree, no criminal record and show stability before they are allowed to apply for citizenship. And deported if not. Immigration policies should not be developed with a charitable mindset, it should benefit the country as well.
SP 7 years ago
What the hell qualifies them to apply for citizenship?
TheMadHatter 7 years ago
Lower the flag to half mast.
TalRussell 7 years ago
Not encouraging coming off the stalled Oban bunch crap mess with yet another newly minted red Comrades Minnis, KP and Brent's made up policy unfounded in law way run nation which is in dark times.... and they thinks they're positively encouraging Grand Bahamians accept Oban. Who we as a people gone sinned so badly against - get stuck 5-years these three man's?
sheeprunner12 7 years ago
Let me get this ......... an illegal immigrant has a child in The Bahamas ........ and evades the Law for 18 years ........... and then that child can be made a permanent resident of our country??????? ............. What am I missing here???????
Sickened 7 years ago
What you (we) are missing is a sensible government. How much longer can we survive as a country with imbeciles in charge? ... almost 45 years now - downhill.
ThisIsOurs 7 years ago
Seems like "par for the course" as opposed to "game changer". I agree with @OldFort, this is not a sensible solution. Why should anyone apply at all? There must be some cutoff period for any leniency I submit December 2013. Anyone born to an illegal immigrant post that date is not entitled to anything. We will have no Bahamas in 20 years if they continue this nonsensical policy.
OldFort2012 7 years ago
More to the point, next time an EU citizen asks me how to get permanent residence, I will not tell him to invest $1m in a property and pay the $10,000 application fee. I will quite simply tell him to go to PMH and bribe someone with $500 and get a birth certificate showing he was born here to illegal immigrants. Problem solved.
ThisIsOurs 7 years ago
You could charge him 9,999.99 for the financial advice
ThisIsOurs 7 years ago
Campaign promises: 1.Oban 2.Haitian citizenship 3.Foreign workers for software companies 4.Close down the Japanese used car market
TalRussell 7 years ago
Comrade ThisIsOurs, what about removing VAT from bread basket items, transparency, locking up any current or former MP's and Senators, if they didn't file financial disclosures. deadline deporting undocumented immigrants, promises by PM reveal all in House about the fake signature Oban deal, close the sale Freeport hotel, sell Baha Mar and grant crown lands to any islander wishing return back they island, sell Bank of Bahamas, not appoint red political lackeys to government posts, boards and plum public purse funded jobs.
ThisIsOurs 7 years ago
"what about removing VAT from breadbasket items..."
No, no, no, you're doing that thng where you're listening with your ears as opposed to your eyes again...
JackArawak 7 years ago
you guys might as well get used to it. All those people are here to stay
screwedbahamian 7 years ago
And the Illegal Immigrants and Foreigners are singing the song to the Bahamian People, " SAY WHAT YOU LIKE, DO WHAT YOU LIKE, WE STILL STILL GOT IT GOING OUR WAY. This use to be your country, NOW NOW IS OUR TIME.
alfalfa 7 years ago
He has, and always will be, an all for me baby politician. He controls the PM and his sick a=s smile is a prominent example of what he thinks about our country,
alfalfa 7 years ago
This guy owns Bahamas Ferries along with his brother and proudly proclaims to be a descendant of the Current Eleuthera. Yet his boat travels to the Current every week to a run down dock with terrible roads, and no toilet facilities for passengers waiting on his boats. Bahamians and tourists alike must walk through the track road to relieve themselves in the bushes. How many millions is he worth? What a joker. But he always ends up in Parliament. No one can stop him because he is the real Prime Minister.
hrysippus 7 years ago
no he does not, this post is simply lies and not the first from this particular poster, poser???
juju 7 years ago
I hear what you’re saying about Mr. Symonette....however, try to be objective and not racially prejudiced, and not envious of his wealth. The man works very hard for his country because he believes that he can make a difference... and he has. He does not HAVE to be in government... sure he has an ego and enjoys the “power”, but he genuinely wants to make a difference for all of us. I think that despite the bad rap that you convey, I suggest that you give him a chance, and hopefully we will all be pleasantly suprised by the results of his hard work and dedication.
SP 7 years ago
You must be his lap poodle! Nobody cares about his race or wealth. Brent's sole purpose of "being in politics" is to protect his special interest groupings and natural resources, pirates that have had an economic stranglehold on the entire country since their UBP parents governed the Bahamas!
joeblow 7 years ago
Mr Symonette is in government to protect and expand his family business interests. That is the only reason he is interested in the Immigration portfolio. Can't you appreciate that as Minister of Immigration he has no grasp of Immigration law and this is his second time around in that post. He has no interest in this country or its people, only to the extent that he is personally enriched!
tetelestai 7 years ago
Mr./Mrs. Juju: Ok, I will engage you. Can you please name me one initiative/program that Mr. Symonette himself has enacted/developed/championed that has materially impacted in the development of The Bahamas?
Sickened 7 years ago
Juju's power must still be off.
SP 7 years ago
We have no need for Brent Symonette! He has to go!!!
jackbnimble 7 years ago
I swear this FNM Government is stuck on stupid!! Permanent Residency and you still get to apply for citizenship 10 years later.
Why don't y'all just admit you are looking out for the Haitians and their breed.
All of these laws are in FAVOUR of the foreigners and illegals. Nothing that WE the Bahamian people who voted for you want - which is to stop granting citizenship or any other status to the children of illegals.
sheeprunner12 7 years ago
Agreed .......... This is DACA Bahamian-style ...... a bullshit strategy to appease illegals??????? ...... Send them and their spawn HOME!!!!!!
bogart 7 years ago
When is The Minister of Immigration going to put photo id on the Public Notices for persons or governmemt placingg these notices in the papers requiring a response to persons on citizrndhip??? Knowing fully well you cannot identify someone without a picture, or obscure resodential address, or strange name espevially when most persons are only known by a nickname???
ThisIsOurs 6 years, 12 months ago
@juju you make the critical mistake of assuming that because people have lots of money they don't want more. Look at Jared Kurshner, the an is meeting with a rep from Citibank IN THE WHITE HIUSE and coming out with over 100 million in loans. People take these positions not for the salary but for the power and access it gives them. Remember Fotzgerald? He told us he didn't need the salary, but in one letter he asked Izmirikian for a contract equal to his year's salary. No wonder he didn't care about 2000 per month.
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