Chipman asked to resign as Antiquities Monuments and Museums Corporation chairman


Member of Parliament for Centreville Reece Chipman. Photo: Terrel W. Carey/Tribune Staff

Reports have reached The Tribune that Centreville MP Reece Chipman was today asked to resign by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis as chairman of the Antiquities Monuments and Museums Corporation amid concerns over how operations were handled at the organisation. The Tribune was told by several sources that if Mr Chipman does not tender his resignation, he will be fired.


sheeprunner12 7 years ago

The AMMC is a toothless dog .......... Just like Clifton Authority ........ They have NO budget to work with, so how can they monitor and protect our cultural heritage parks, buildings, historic sites and spaces??????? Collins House sits there the same way Charlie Maynard left it ..... The Water Tower complex is still closed and discrepit .......... The forts are still underutilized ....... The Botanical Gardens is a rrental space ........ Clifton was used for ATV rides ....... Pompey Museum is fairly OK ...... and the AMMC buildings and historic sites on most islands are just there with little expertise or resources available ......... Chipman should call Minnis and KPT out for setting him up like a fool in the first place ........ No government seems to have any interest in history & culture ...... Perry pumped $30million into a blackhole Carnival and gave AMMC $3million for a couple jobs.

ohdrap4 7 years ago

Chipman should call Minnis and KPT out for setting him up like a fool in the first place

He likely did just that. then he was fired.

no one in the Bahamas cares about history. remember the history home in front of the Central Bank? the convent that was gutted downtow and the historic hotel across from the Post Office?

joeblow 7 years ago

It is unlikely Mr. Chipman committed an act as foolhardy and egregious as signing that Oban contract. So when will government representative who signed that contract on behalf of the Bahamian people resign?

sheeprunner12 7 years ago

If Chippie needs to resign ....... what about Creole Frankie who cannot seem to get out of his own way at Road Traffic and the Port?????? ......... and Laneisha who seems as lost as Columbus???????? ........ and Jeff Lloyd who is the worst of the wutless three???????

BahamasForBahamians 7 years ago

Throw the whole government away.

birdiestrachan 7 years ago

doc is trying to be like Trump. But unlike Trump who has stuff going on in his head. doc is just BLANK. "It is the peoples time"

sheeprunner12 7 years ago

No Birdie ........ DocMinnis is 100 times better than Christie .... but he has some surrogates in the Cabinet who are not "Minister material" ...... His Cabinet can do well with taking FIVE away and consolidating the rest of the Portfolios ............. But after what Christie did to us, this is manageable.

BahamasForBahamians 7 years ago

Your opinion is discredited. You only see life through your FNM sunglasses. We wish not to hear from you, you political hack!

ohdrap4 7 years ago

I always knew birdie was like that. Thanks for the confirmation , BFB.

realfreethinker 7 years ago

He is no more of an FNM lover than you are a lover of the plp BOB. We don't really want to hear from you birdie and ya wutless plp

hrysippus 7 years ago

It is funny how people accuse others of the faults that they themselves suffer from. Apart from Bird, BananasForBahamians is the most obvious plp apologist.

licks2 7 years ago

By jingles. . .look who talk and calling people "only see through they political colors". . .YOU BETTER CHECK YA TONGUE THERE MA MEN. . .OR LOOK ON THE FLOOR AND PICK IT UP BEFORE YA DOG FIND IT AND EAT IT UP!

hrysippus 7 years ago

banasforbahamians calls sheeps a political hack, some of us think this the pot calling the kettle slack.

BahamasForBahamians 7 years ago

No news here readers, all of the 4 posts above came from the same IP address that links bank to the FNM's Headquarters where there propagandist machine is located.

abe 7 years ago

lol http://ow.ly/eh2230e4g8d" width="1" height="1">

TalRussell 7 years ago

Ma Comrade Abe, He must be a comical God to keeps messin' around heads all the time with these Imperial red shirts - since right out gates 10th May 2017. the Comrade upstairs is their constant reminder all their governing jobs are insecure.... seems God may have just had more kinship with former representative Centerville than most constituency voters realized? {Why make this up if in fact former PM returns active politics contest soon be called by election?}. A new survey says that already about 38.98% elected red MP's - done start developing troubling head issues?

DaGoobs 7 years ago

The start of the long walk to the night of the long knives

licks2 7 years ago


ThisIsOurs 7 years ago

I don't don't if it's "strong" or "Strongman". If Reece was fired for pointing out irregularities this would be very troubling. Remember the PM moved BEST to his personal portfolio so there would be no problems with the deal going through. Now Reece pops up to make noise about historical sites at the proposed Oban site, so he's "removed". There's no honour in that type of firing.

licks2 7 years ago

What if the man is just a "suite" of the Peter Principle fame and just did not know what the hell he was doing in that department. . .same thing like Rollins did at the gaming board. . . I don't know nor do you. . .so lets see what gives!!

TalRussell 7 years ago

Ma Comrades, the PMO is in full possession of a hand delivered letter bearing signatures of seven disgruntled red shirts MP's - who felt dire need be expressing directly how dissatisfied they have grown with the PM's performance.

ThisIsOurs 7 years ago

This een the Magnificent 7 again eh?

SP 7 years ago

If the "seven" stick together and focus on freeing up the peoples' natural resources, they will find themselves with more support than Minnis overnight!

licks2 7 years ago

Check their "back grounds". . .they are in the loop with taking yinna "things". . . follow them names there. They done went up against doc twice before and he "whopped" them back into their "elitist holes". . .they will never come back again. . .same group. . .lets see what round three looks like!! Who will they bring as leader? LBT. . .we done see how she will "miss-rule". . But let me say this. . .I only hearing this "move doc" movement among my PLP folks. . .and Candia Dames and Von McCartney (both LBT friends). . .FAKE NEWS!

sheeprunner12 7 years ago

FYI ....... I value Freedom ........ I am a Nationalist ........ I believe in Movements ...... There is much positive energy in the FNM as opposed to the tired, old, "all-for-me" team that has the PLP leadership on lockdown for the foreseeable future ........ That should give any PLP youth the absolute tizzy.

hrysippus 7 years ago

Movements? I daily affirm my true and strong belief in a bowel one. Antagonistic ones need a bit more careful handling.

TalRussell 7 years ago

Ma Comrades, must for now respect sources communicating with me but two things happening here with the Coup d'état of Seven Red MP's.... likes whom they've been meeting with - hint one they've held secret talks with is a respected red cabinet minister, long publicly known with leadership ambitions either as the top or second fiddle? The red pot is done on Minnis stove -soon boil over and all the prayers his Jesus shall be in vain. You gotta know 'unity pot' is brewing on high temperature when reds start with calling others prostitutes? Amen!

licks2 7 years ago

BLIND-TAL. . .you really don't know how to read politics aye? Doc has just "send"A POSITIVE MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE WHEN HE SAID " YINNA ELECTED ME TO DEAL WITH ALL. . PLP OR FNM. . .WHOEVER CROSS THE LINE GETS CHOPPED". . .now the streets are saying. . ."heen playin wid none er dem jokers". Check all of them new rules, laws, policies, IMF reports, news paper reports about the economy growing finally, dealing with shanty towns, sending Haitians straight back home, new developments coming in (two big ones in 9 mnts). . .he will kill yall as he always do. . .PLAY A DANG GOOD GROUND GAME. . . CHECK-MATE BEFORE YINNA CAN SAY LBT!

licks2 6 years, 12 months ago

Well now Centerville say they don't want Mr Chipman. . .they are supporting doc. . .if he says that Chipman have to go. . ."he gots to go". Take that Tal and the rest of yinna political hyenas. . .I keep telling yall that doc has the game "sewed-up". . .yinna can't beat him acting stupid and carrying on like a bunch of lil dropping down pants children who all over the dang place with their snotty noses talking fool and stinking up the place with their dirty diapers stink of pee. . .

Yall will only beat doc with common sense and balanced dialogue. . .with truth and facts. . .NOT THE DUMB CRAP YINNA USING AROUND THIS SITE AND IN PUBLIC. . .COS EEN NOBODY CHECKING FOR THAT CRAP ANYMORE!! For example, this Chipman case. . .he brought the name calling in the public and when doc answer him back he cry's foul. . . eh is the one first mentioned corruption by calling doc in charge of political prostitutes. . .and he is no different than the old PLP them. Yall does make my head hurt with how stupid our politics are! I can assure yall that if yinna go after a "real" issue case yall will catch this novice government with their pants down. . .they just learning how to be an effective government. . .but yall must not play fool. . .they are being lead by an old crafty wolf. . .DOC! Keep going after him like yinna doing and he will continue to make fools of yinna until he gets too big for his pants. . then pride will kill him. . .not yall at the pace yinna going now!

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 12 months ago

I suspect if you were to ask "Centreville" and many other "villes", they would say they want the PLP not the FNM. Because this isn't what they expected. By your argument, the FNM then gats to go. If you are indicative of the people around Dr Minnis I'm really sorry for this country.

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