‘McAlpine needs to make his mind up’


PINERIDGE MP Rev Frederick McAlpine.


Deputy Chief Reporter


FREE National Movement Chairman Carl Culmer suggested yesterday Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine should seriously consider his future with the FNM following repeated disparaging remarks about the work of the government over the past year.

Mr Culmer said he and others in the party have continued to reach out to the first-time MP in an attempt to addresses his grievances.

However, according to former Cabinet minister Tennyson Wells, it would appear Mr McAlpine does not respect any of the party’s protocols to address issues. He said the MP’s conduct recently has been “most inappropriate,” adding he should know what to say and when to say it.

While some have called for Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis or party executives to reprimand Mr McAlpine, Mr Wells believes the right way to handle the matter is to allow the MP to “hang himself” by speaking negatively about his party. 

Asked about the issue, Press Secretary Anthony Newbold suggested the prime minister’s recent comments at a church service on Sunday celebrating the one-year anniversary of the FNM’s election victory were directed at Mr McAlpine. At the service, Dr Minnis admonished FNMs not to attack each other in the press or publicly criticise the government’s efforts because it would bolster the opposition’s agenda.

Days later, the backbench MP was again at centre stage telling the Nassau Guardian he had no regrets about criticising the government. Mr McAlpine said he intended to continue doing so. 

“In an organisation you either support the organisation or (you don’t)” Mr Culmer told The Tribune yesterday.

“My thing is I am a disciplined person. If I join an organisation and it’s not going the way I want it to go, I have to make some choices for myself. I guess Mr McAlpine needs to do some self-inspection.”

He also said: “I have been reaching out McAlpine for quite some time. I have been talking to him trying to find out what he really wants. I will not speak ill of an FNM, (but) my job is to unite the party.

“I will continue to reach out to McAlpine to find out what is going on.

“All day (and) all night, 24/7 whenever he wants to sit down and discuss any challenges (he can) or he can even call me. I have reached out to him. I know several other people have reached out him. His colleagues in Grand Bahama have reached out to him because we want to move away from these instances move the country forward,” Mr Culmer added.

For his part Mr Wells maintained Mr McAlpine has a right to speak. However he said the MP should know what to say and when to say it.

Mr Wells said: “He needs to stop contradicting himself on some things. But I don’t think they should reprimand him. Let him speak. His constituents will deal with him at the end of the day.

“I wouldn’t try to stop him from speaking.

“If I were the prime minister I wouldn’t get involved in it,” Mr Wells also said.

“He must know what he is doing, but at the end of the day, if he is seen by the council as a detriment to the party the council will deal with him.

“They should give him every leeway and if he wants to speak and hang himself then so be it.”

Mr Wells said there is no reason why Mr McAlpine has not addressed his branch, the FNM council or the parliamentary caucus.

“He should go and raise his issues first among his branch people and get their views and then among the council and then the parliamentary group and try and get answers for these things.

“Whether he has done these things I don’t know, but I have never heard anyone said he came to the council with it and I have spoken to council members occasionally.

“But it would appear that he doesn’t have any respect for the protocols.

“In such a short time after the election he should give the leadership of the party or the Cabinet members some time to perform and I think one year out dealing with a budget the party didn’t really put together. I think is most inappropriate of him,” Mr Wells said.

On Wednesday, Mr McAlpine was critical of the government’s attempts to boost the economy of Grand Bahama.

“Grand Bahama don’t need 50 jobs or 100 jobs, Grand Bahama needs economic infusion, and not at the expense of destroying the lives of people,” the Pineridge MP said.

“So, we don’t need just jobs, we need jobs that’s going to get at least 2,000 – 3,000 people to work in order for Grand Bahama to feel the turn around and the economic impact that it needs to have,” he said.


Socrates 6 years, 10 months ago

McAlpine does not appear to be a team player in a pursuit that is all about the party 'the team', and not individuals. he has a right to view his opinions, but his gripes should be to his colleagues in whatever manner they meet to air them, not to the public via the Press. if we didn't know better, one would conclude when he speaks that he is in Opposition, not government.

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 10 months ago

No one that lives in Freeport sees any accomplishment of this government. McAlpine is 100% correct.

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 10 months ago

And honestly. I don't hive a rat ass what tennyson thinks. He is an embarrasment to our country and should not be a part of any government.

proudloudandfnm 6 years, 10 months ago

And honestly. I don't give a rat ass what tennyson thinks. He is an embarrasment to our country and should not be a part of any government.

TalRussell 6 years, 10 months ago

What I've been hearing from the 3.333 Comrade Tal's block captains on ground Grand Bahamaland, is red party chairman Carl is about dislodge the holders spots as the # 1 and #2 most disliked by the locals - Minnis and KP..... and that was not such an easy achievement for any one man's find he self lodged-in.

bogart 6 years, 10 months ago

What this shows is the level of democracy, the right to represent the views of the actual people and not be a part of the old boys network when which people vote for change and it does not happen....just like what is being unravelled when massive costly trophy projects are built in family islands and PMH dont have beds for the pore.....an people aint speaking up for the pore... Change in delivery not the same ol same ol toe the line......just like new Boards to correct challenges but these people are friends with the previous Board because dey in da same profession...nothing changes. McAlpine voted different recently in the Speakers issue and his dissenting vote turned out to be much applaided as correct by the people. His criticisms should be welcomed as constructive criticisms which is what the party was founded on?.the right to be free.....free at last...on the radio interview a few days sgo he most admirably stated his position.....concerns for the pore Bahamians taking shelter in the Bazaar etc..... AND his respect for his party, leader and others.

joeblow 6 years, 10 months ago

Collective responsibility has to do with support of governments cabinet decisions, it has nothing to do with personal opinion about governments performance! McAlpine has not done anything wrong and if anything, government should listen to the complaints and concerns of his constituents through him. Don't shoot the messenger!

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 10 months ago

"FREE National Movement Chairman Carl Culmer suggested yesterday Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine should seriously consider his future with the FNM following repeated disparaging remarks about the work of the government over the past year."

Huh??? This is the craziest statement I've ever heard.... Well, maybe not THE craziest... Back benchers are free to speak their minds. what kind of Stalinist "democracy" is Culmer advocating?

tetelestai 6 years, 10 months ago

Slightly disagree with you, ThisisOurs. The Hon. Member only has the platform he has now because of the fact that his party won the election and, specifically, he won due to being a member of said party. Had he run on any other ticket he would have lost. It, then, the Hon. Member is so disenchanted with his Party and, as I see it, is losing faith in the Prime Minister and the manner in which the PM is trying to effect change, then the Hon. Member should do the honourable thing and resign. Then he can opine free and clear as he wishes. If you notice, despite all that the Hon. Member has said, he is not willing to lose the comfort of a M.P. seat. Either express your views in quiet, or express them publicly (but not as an MP). Can't have it both ways.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 10 months ago

I don't believe that's correct, the backbenchers are allowed to oppose the party position. They are representatives for a group of persons outside the parliament. If parliament functioned as it should, more of them would be advocating for their constituents. Cabinet appointments have been bastardized for decades to take this voice away from the people. It's been done so much that now people like yourself believe no one can speak out against the party's position in the open. And that's not the way it was meant to be. The allegiance is to the people you represent, not the party.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 10 months ago

"an organisation you either support the organisation or (you don’t)” Mr Culmer told The Tribune yesterday."

Ok I spoke to soon clearly this is the craziest. This rhetoric is frightening. You're either with us or against us, no room for independent thought

TalRussell 6 years, 10 months ago

What in hell gives with the red party's chairman - sending Pineridge constituents into a stuttering stinker because they don’t understand what makes the red chairman show such disrespect for the man's they "elected to the House as their voice." If they silence their MP, who will speak for Pineridge's.... certainly not Minnis, KP or Pintard.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago

Pineridge should take a page out of Long Island response to not being made a Cabinet Minister and being given a second-rate ExecChair position ...... you take the lemons and make lemonade.

The Long Island MP is really making hay with what he has been given. And he is being creative to get things done for his down-trodden constituency. That is what an astute back-bencher must do. Kudos to Mr. Adrian Gibson.

But McAlpine is pulling a DocRollins move and will soon find himself in a minefield.

thephoenix562 6 years, 10 months ago

I once listened while in a barber shop to McAlpine grumbling about the PLP party and Mr Christie when he lost a nomination to Pleasant Bridgewater.Im not suprised that he is carrying on now about the FNM.What are you Fish or Fowl?.Dont talk this crap about you support the FNM but then turn around and piss on the Party every chance you get.Dr Minnis and the FNM are not perfect but give them a chance.Fish or cut bait if not get the hell out of the boat.Some people never learn.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago

McAlpine will find out quickly that Minnis will put him on a short leash ...... he will be a toothless MP very soon ....... he has the GB "ungrateful" spirit in him.

licks2 6 years, 10 months ago

Like I said for a long time now. . .when yinna were saying that doc could not run a well oiled unicycle. . .if ya right he will "break it". . .just wait and see. . .McAlpine may turn out to be right. . . the days of cutting off opposition are over. . ."it's the people's time". . .remember? Don't yinna red folks forget. . ."the people een the FNM". . . we just helped yinna bury the PLP for ever. . .yall needed us just as much as we needed yinna. . .DON'T EVER FORGET THAT!!! WE ARE NO FRIEND OF THE FNM. . .WE LOVE OUR NATION!!!

TalRussell 6 years, 10 months ago

Ma Comrades, wanted get my facts aligned so I spent hour earlier reviewing the red party chairman's beaming endorsement of the 2017 general election "constituents selected" candidacy Reverent Frederick for the constituency Pineridge... what a hypocritical walk back and away from sungin profusion praises upon same man's by the red chairman - whilst he walks and holds he crotch same time.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 10 months ago

In a democracy, McAlpine should be free to speak his mind .......... in this glorified autocratic oligarchy Bahamian system that we have masquerading as a "Westminster system" ...... McAlpine is going to be marginalized by the party machinery, the non-elected PM and the handcuffed kiss-ass Cabinet ........... In Britain, Canada, USA or Australia, he would be lauded for his political stance ......... Question is, do his constituents support his positions?????

licks2 6 years, 10 months ago

They can only marginalize him if his constituents are not in support of him. . .he has become rogue in a quest of "getting something for himself". . . otherwise to "cut him off" will put a nail into doc story of cutting out the old friends, family and lovers paradigm!! I say let the man speak. . .if he is a loner looking out for himself. . .then he will do his self in. . .otherwise leave him the hell alone. How we can be crying for whistle blower legislation and will agree to shut-up this MP for blowing the whistle?

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