Prime Minister is not elected

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Presidents of the United State are elected, Prime Minister of the Bahamas are selected!

An opinion writer in his quest to downplay the promise that Hubert Minnis made about term limits for prime minister, painstakingly laid out the difference between The Bahamas using the Westminster system and the United States, where the President is elected.

But what was not said was the glaring fact that the Americans have all the say in who they wanted to be their commander in chief.

We, on the other hand, had a general election and elected the FNM with the majority of seats. The party went into a smoke filled room and said, “goosey goosey gander” and lo and behold we ended up with their choice as to who they wanted to be prime minister. We, the Bahamian people had no choice.

It is high time for us to revisit the system that has been used. The MPs, should not be responsible or have the last say. The Bahamian people should have all of the say who should lead us. The US system is fair.

The system has been used by the British, have a monarchy that has been there for centuries. These same people made sure they planned for the well connected to continue to have a say about who should wield the power.

So this unfair system has caused us to be led by the powerbroker behind the scene, as opposed to who the people really want. But we acquiesced to this foolishness for far too long now.

In the United States, Donald Trump has been sitting in boiling water since his inauguration, and possibilities exist that he may be forced to answer for his indiscretions. On the other hand, because we have such a mysterious system, do we think that Minnis would ever be called on the carpet for his transgressions? The Oban deal is a case in point.

So therefore, no right-thinking sober-minded individual can say with a straight face that there is any merit to our system and not help to lobby for us changing what has been to the masses disadvantage and detriment for hundreds of years.

Finally, there is no logic that the leader of any political party is automatically the prime minister. We know better! We can cite many incidences otherwise.

It has been said the Bahamians do not read. But what can also be said is that cunning writers can muddy information so that you get lost in it. So stop this spinning, it is making me dizzy.

Nothing personal.

Reading is fundamental!



May 218,2018.


sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago

This is so funny ...... Donald Trump is the US President even though 3 million (more) Americans voted for Hillary Clinton (than Trump) to be President ...... He won States, that gave him Electoral College seats to beat Clinton ....... so tell the whole truth.

Are we to vote on EACH island for who is to be Prime Minister, and the candidate who wins the most islands, should become the Bahamian PM???? ....... That sounds fair, right???????

Sickened 6 years, 9 months ago

Well said!

I once asked one of these young up an coming politicians (who is now an MP) how we can fix our political system because it just doesn't work well (none that I know do). He looked at me like I was insane! There is VERY little will from outside or within politics, to make things better.

OldFort2012 6 years, 9 months ago

Yes, we should ask the Bahamian people. They have such an excellent record of getting things right.

Falls off his chair in stitches

joeblow 6 years, 9 months ago

Far more important than reading is understanding.

If parties had more sensible stalwart councillors, we would have better Opposition leaders and by extension better PM's!

sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago

No exclusive club of political party leaders will ever do anything in the interest of the majority of voters ......... Party leaders represent lobbyists.

DDK 6 years, 9 months ago

There is no more convoluted and corrupt political system in the world than that of the U.S. and I cannot imagine anyone wanting to hold it up as a shining example of how political representatives should be elected or how a country should be run (in my humble opinion).

Aegeaon 6 years, 9 months ago

Although the US has it worse. Their politicians play smart and bribe smart to avoid getting caught because of extensive measures put forward by the federal agencies. The Bahamas's corrupt politicians don't have to bribe that much to avoid getting caught.. Because there's ZERO measures to catch them.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 9 months ago

Again .......... this all wishful thinking ....... Our Constitution will have to be amended ..... Nuff said

Porcupine 6 years, 9 months ago

I'm curious. Why do we, in 2018 where we are tied to the internet, need representatives to do OUR bidding? I don't know anyone who can represent me. Not one. Democracy, a great idea. Perhaps we should try it.

Chucky 6 years, 9 months ago

idiotic article, the US leaders are chosen during the primary's , a system that allows approx. 1/2% of American's (coincidentally the ones with money) to decide who gets to run.

Then the people get to pick the leader who will diddle your a## for the next few years.

Of course your aided in your choice by media (again owned by the rich) and given some good debates (dog and pony show) with rigged questions to help you the "people" make the choice.

The only democracy that sort of works is the Swiss Direct Democracy, at least all major issues are put to a referendum. Though the flaw is that the people are typically not too interested in participating for most referendums.....

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