Meditation - Walls come tumbling down

By Rev Angela Bosfield Palacious

As I watched the video of the imploding of the Crystal Palace Hotel so many thoughts came to mind. Let me share some of them with you:

I. Walls that need to come down

  1. The walls that exist in our homes between the generations, between siblings and spouses

  2. Walls that divide us on the basis of gender with the so called "battle of the sexes"

  3. The historical walls of racial segregation and the lingering distrust associated with racism

  4. The social walls that separate classes of people and perpetuate inequality

  5. The walls that still exist between the able bodied and those with challenges of various kinds

  6. Walls based on education, experience, exposure, power, popularity, money and the like

Some of us lived through the moments when the Collins Wall, the Berlin Wall, the Great Wall of China were breached and broken down in places, while others will read about them and visit the ruins to marvel at what time and effort, blood, sweat, tears, negotiation and prayers can achieve.

The fall of the walls of Jericho speak of political and spiritual conquest, reminding us that some things are accomplished by the grace and might of God alone: "So the priests blew the trumpets. As soon as the people heard it, they gave a loud shout, and the walls collapsed." (Joshua 6:20). This happened after the whole people had marched around the city once a day for six days, and seven times on the seventh.

What walls need to come down in your life? Do you have walls that are blocking you from praying, worshipping, studying Scripture or serving the Lord? Do you have walls of unforgiveness toward God, yourself and others? Are there walls of abuse that have imprisoned you, keeping you from having healthy relationships because you have not received wise counsel to help you to heal from the past? Are you still struggling with low self-esteem because you do not see your tremendous worth and value in the eyes of God?

Spend some time to reflect on your present spiritual and emotional status. Do what you need to do to bring down the walls that are preventing you from enjoying God's abundant life.

Walls that need to be re-built

If we switch the metaphor to consider the very opposite, we may consider our lives and our communities from this angle. What walls need to be re-built?

As the Anglican Hospital Chaplain, my mind goes to the walls of our health, keeping disease and sickness out by:

• Preventive measures where possible

• Promoting better health with better eating habits (eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and eliminating or greatly reducing foods with little or no nutritional value).

• Drinking lots of water, exercising, resting and engaging in wholesome activities.

As a pastoral counsellor, I also think of the walls of personal integrity made up of blocks such as trustworthiness, honesty and respect.

As a priest, I pray for spiritual healing of our country and a God's world and the re-building of faith and faithful living.

As a wife, mother, grandmother, mentor and spiritual guide, I see the need for our children to have walls of safety and security in their lives to protect them from harm, danger and abuse.

As a citizen interested in our national development, I recognise that we each have to make a more meaningful contribution to the progress of our people. We have to work together for a brighter future in the face of global trends.

For example, there is a new website launched last week titled Maritime Matters. I urge you to go on to it and see what is happening in every area of maritime and marine activities. There are links to numerous other sites that will educate you and challenge you. There are job opportunities on the land and at sea, conferences and seminars from time to time, visitors guides, material for school projects, information on laws and international protocols. There is something for everyone. We have to protect our marine environment even as we make plans for future economic progress. The National Maritime Policy is there for you to peruse.

I trust that you will spend some time this week, reflecting on the implications of demolition and reconstruction of personal, familial and communal walls. Every event may prompt meditation. Ask God to reveal to you the lessons you need to learn and teach as you consider walls.


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