Tribune Business Editor
The Bahamas Mortgage Corporation's (BMC) chairman says "doing nothing is not an option" with the struggling lender having just five years to escape hitting a $110m debt mountain.
Patrick Ward told Tribune Business he felt there was "sufficient time to salvage" the corporation's financial position and avoid calling for a Treasury-funded bail-out that would result in it "becoming a burden to the taxpayer".
Stressing that it was important for all Bahamians to understand the wider ramifications of the Mortgage Corporation's troubles, Mr Ward said "fundamental issues have been kicked down the road for far too long" by successive administrations.
He emphasised, though, that "there is no thought that the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation will not honour its obligations" to investors holding its bond debt, pledging that the Government-owned lender will "start acting decisively" to address its woes.
To correct its multiple problems, particularly its loan portfolio's 47.28 percent arrears rate, Mr Ward said the corporation's management and board were still working to "flesh out" the details of a strategic plan that aimed to transform its financial fortunes.
He added that recent homeowner evictions and lock changes, which received much publicity, formed one element of its plan to curb borrower delinquency. Mr Ward argued that this was "a much better" solution for the Mortgage Corporation, as it ensured homes were made available to new owners with the ability to repay a loan, while also reducing the housing waiting list.
"If you look at the totality of bonds outstanding, it's difficult to see how the Mortgage Corporation will effectively be able to repay the outstanding principal that's due at the time it comes due looking into the future," Mr Ward told Tribune Business.
"In terms of the amounts coming due, in the short-term I don't think there's an issue. In 2018, we have $5m coming due. But there are staggered amounts that commence in 2023 onwards. It's more 2023 onwards when the big chunks become due.
"At the moment, based on the amount accumulated in the [bond] sinking fund,
Bahamian citizens, taxpayers and pension beneficiaries are exposed to the Mortgage Corporation in multiple ways, with its problems not merely confined to troubled and delinquent borrowers:
- The Mortgage Corporation's last audited financial statements, for the year to end-December 2013, show a collective $110m in bond principal must be repaid to its lenders/investors over a four-year period that starts in 2023.
Most of that $110m matures during the first three of those years, yet the Corporation's so-called "bond sinking fund" - which is supposed to amass monies to enable it to repay this debt as it comes due - contained only $64m at year-end 2013.
This leaves a $46m deficit compared to what is owed between 2023-2026 alone, and the Mortgage Corporation's high delinquency rate - with almost half its loans in arrears or non-performing - means it is impossible to generate the cash flow and profits necessary to boost the "sinking fund" to levels where it will be able to repay the $110m coming due.
As a result, there is every likelihood that long-suffering Bahamian taxpayers could be called upon to help the Corporation meet its obligations to investors, unless the latter agree to extend the bonds' maturity and "roll" the debt over.
- Bahamian taxpayers are already effectively "on the hook" for the Mortgage Corporation's "bad loans". The footnotes to the 2013 financial statements reveal: "Approximately 96 percent of mortgage loans are guaranteed by the Department of Housing."
Given that both entities are owned by the Government, it is not surprising that this guarantee has not been enforced or called in, but it illustrates how the Mortgage Corporation's liabilities could rapidly spread beyond that organisation.
- At year-end 2013, close to two-thirds (61 percent) of the Mortgage Corporation's bond debt was held by the National Insurance Board (NIB). The national social security system, upon which many Bahamians still rely for a pension and other retirement/health benefits, is thus exposed should the trouble-stricken lender default on its debt.
The balance are held by banks, insurance companies, pension funds and other institutional investors. Among them, it is thought, are the likes of Family Guardian and Commonwealth Bank.
Acknowledging this reality, Mr Ward reiterated to Tribune Business: "Doing nothing is no longer an option. We have to start acting, internally and decisively, to ensure a much better outcome. Doing nothing is not an option.
"It's pretty clear that the fundamental issues have been kicked down the road for far too long, and it requires us to take some tough action. I think this is what the population at large needs to bear in mind: If the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation does not succeed and defaults on its obligations, it becomes a liability for everyone, including the taxpayer.
"We're trying to ensure we don't end up in that scenario where we become a burden to the taxpayer. I think there is sufficient time for us to make some corrections that will fundamentally alter the course the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation is heading in. I don't think it's too late for us to take corrective action and have a successful outcome.
Evidence that "issues have been kicked down the road" is laid bare by the Mortgage Corporation's loan portfolio quality. With 1,366 out of 2,889 loans in arrears, almost 60 percent of these troubled borrowers - some 818 - have been behind on their payments for one year or more.
Collectively, these 818 loans account for a total $32.269m in non-performing credit and 28.31 percent of the Corporation's total loans - more than one in every four. With the bulk of arrears falling into the longer term category, it indicates that previous efforts to collect on the collateral/security for this credit have either been ineffectual or non-existent.
Mr Ward said tackling a loan arrears ratio of almost 50 percent was among the priority "operational improvements" addressed in the Corporation's "draft strategic plan", which is still being worked upon.
This, he added, required the evictions and lock changes at properties owned by delinquent borrowers. The move sparked much debate and criticism, especially from the Government's political opponents, which seized upon the repossessions to portray it as heartless and uncaring towards poor Bahamians in financial distress.
Responding to this criticism, Mr Ward told Tribune Business: "What I would say to that is there are quite a number of persons looking to get into homes, and to the extent that we can salvage a situation over the long term and create an environment where we can put somebody else into that building who qualifies for a mortgage and is able to repay the money, it's a much better outcome as opposed to doing anything else."
Declining to give specifics on the Mortgage Corporation's strategy, Mr Ward added of the Board: "We are right now, in conjunction with management, looking at coming up with a plan of action that addresses current operational deficiencies in the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation, and deals with the longer term issue of repaying the obligations.
"We have a draft of a strategic plan that has already been discussed among the directors and management. There are some additional things we have to do to flesh out the details, so I don't want to be took specific at this stage."
Mr Ward explained that operational improvements, and reduced loan arrears, were directly linked to the Mortgage Corporation's ability to meet its bond principal repayments when they became due.
"If the operational performance of the Mortgage Corporation improves, it means we can accelerate payments into the [bond] sinking fund," he said. "Second, that will give confidence to the investing community to extend the duration of the bonds or roll them over if they see an improvement in the overall performance of the Corporation.
"I think that if we have the will to do what needs to be done, there is a way we can salvage the situation and come out in a better place. There is no thought that the Bahamas Mortgage Corporation will not honour its obligations in one form or the other. We will do everything possible to make sure we honour our commitments."
BahamaPundit 6 years, 3 months ago
FRAUD -- This is the same scheme used in BOB! Stop the FRAUD now!!! Politicians using government owned banks to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from Bahamian treasury. We demand a public forensic audit NOW! We demand the thieves be prosecuted NOW!
BahamaPundit 6 years, 3 months ago
The move sparked much debate and criticism, especially from the Government's political opponents, which seized upon the repossessions to portray it as heartless and uncaring towards poor Bahamians in financial distress.
If Davis has such a bleeding heart for those not paying their mortgages, he should pay their mortgage arrears out of his own money!!! But alas, these men are so generous when it comes to breaking rules and giving away other people's money, but heartless when it comes to policing their own fortunes.
bogart 6 years, 3 months ago
bogart 6 years, 3 months ago
Cannot see what is the holdup in re viewing the mortgage files and correspondence between management and references provided with applications. Simple mathematical calculations .
BahamaPundit 6 years, 3 months ago
We need to define "bad loans." This phrase is being used too often. It reminds me of Perry's "teachable moment." I would venture that the phrase "bad loans" is a euphemism for theft!
BahamaPundit 6 years, 3 months ago
If I give a $500,000 loan to someone making $1,000 a month, is that a bad loan? It seems that they would categorize this as a bad loan, when it is in fact an act of fraudulent theft. If I give an unsecured 20 million dollar loan to a politician, is that a bad loan? The term "bad loan" should only be used when all the internationally accepted procedures are set in place and the loan still fails due to completely unpredictable circumstances.
TheMadHatter 6 years, 3 months ago
"and avoid calling for a Treasury-funded bail-out that would result in it "becoming a burden to the taxpayer"
Why bailout? Just let the investors - both private and NIB - lose their investment. That's what investment is. It comes with risk. Not a guaranteed thing, or else everyone would do it.
Stop changing people's diapers and they will learn to go to the toilet like the grown-ups.
realfreethinker 6 years, 3 months ago
The bonds are guaranteed by the government. So we are still fucked
bogart 6 years, 3 months ago
"bad loans" gubbermint....being a loan that has defaulted...payments protracted....past 3 months in arrears....90 days past due...triggering notification to insurors..indemnity ..GOVT Gurrantors....
VERSUS VERSUS VERSUS "bad loans" application which does not contain correct financial information....such as 1.the Applicant has letter from employer showing excessive way above average income for job. 2. References from persons which seen shady 3. Financial budget info provided by applicant shows they spend the least in groceries, light bill, gas for car, etc out of anyone in the Bahamas 4. Given certain trends govt employees have salary deductions most often at certain banks, applicant does not 5. Given certain accompanying Reference letters, bank officer does not wznt to raise questions 6. Some bankers have loan targets to meet so as to get favourable or mandatory for salary increase and may not correctly hear the information applicant is giving 7. Failed loan applications may be REVIEWED BY SENIOR STAFF... 8. Influences of politicans, families friends loved ones may override ones judgement 9. Applications becomes more risky or marginal with the use of Indemnity Insurances, where allpicant does not meet equity injection requirement and provided debt service ratios of 45 % total loans debt and 55% capabklity to sufvive. 10. Loans are not monitored to catch early signs of risk 11. Short staff makes it difficult to monitor loans, retrieve arrears 12. Gross incompetance of staff enzble mathematical unfit loans to go through 13. Lack of auditing to guide or redress onefficiencies 14. Political interferance 15. Plain inadequate negligence and lack of DUE CARE IN ENSURING MORTGAGE APPLICANTS HAVE CHANCE TO SUCCESSFULLY REPAY LOAN BY BANK WHEN INADEQUATE ...MORTGAGE APPLICATION FORM IS USED TO QUALIFY BANK.... 16. Use of antiqiated MORTGAGE APPLICATION questions does not take into account payments for internet, cell phone usage,.etc 17. Lack of other necessary veryifying BANK AUDITING check forms Balance Sheet to provide check of assets liabilities that income generated....extraordinary expenses... 18. ABYSMAL FAILURE AND LACK OF ONGOING TRAINING OF BANK STAFF 19.. LACK of follow up information mortgage applicant may provide. 20. Intimidation by other officers 21. Loan sucess contingent on customers expenses to fix certain defects in home that bank refuses to fix 22.......I COULD GO ON WITH ALL LIKELY ISSUES WHY LOAN DEFAULTED.....WHICH AMAZINGLY AND INSIFFICIENTLY CENTRAL BANK THINKS .......CONSUNER CREDIT BUREAU WILL NOW MIRACOUSLY GIVE GOOD LOANS.......ROLMAO
TheMadHatter 6 years, 3 months ago
When doctor delivers baby in the Bahamas they should spank them EXTRA hard - to get them used to the cut ass they gah tote when they grow up.
Not child abuse. A training exercise.
bogart 6 years, 3 months ago
In all the history of Banking in the Bahamas....while there are more criminal charges showing up against Bank officers for alleged theft, alleged ATM issues some 800k, some alleged charges of money laundering against banks, does not appear that any Bank has ever been charged wid NEGLIGENCE.....LACK OF DUE CARE....simply amazing......while banks worldwide .from thd biggest ...too big to fail....face charges of wrongdoing......!!!!
BahamaPundit 6 years, 3 months ago
I love how he says, "Doing nothing not an option" now that the cronies have stollen all our money. If you wrote a fairytail about good and evil, it would be difficult to create characters more corrupt than Bahamian officials.
Bonefishpete 6 years, 3 months ago
Half the people not paying their mortgages. 70% some people not paying their light bill. God only knows how many not paying their real estate taxes. I think I sees a pattern.
ohdrap4 6 years, 3 months ago
do you remember the halcyon days when you paid for gas AFTER they put it in the car? Now you prepay, and with the new chip cards you have to go to the window to pay.
bogart 6 years, 3 months ago
Financial institutions need to be investigated.....given the large amounts of persons having difficulties. SIMPLE COMMON SENSE is if ya taking a taking a taxi ...jitney to the airport the driver has a duty to ensure there is enough gas and the mechanisn mechanics vehicle works perfectly to do the job....or if ya takjng a jet plane somewhere it aint breaks down...plenty safety goes to the loo dere must be enuff toilet tissue....common sense....Banking practices must be investigated...Boards of Directors management responsible ......
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