Minnis: Why all the fuss? Look what PLP wanted

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis defended his administration’s decision to enter a lease agreement with the Town Centre Mall during debate on the matter in the House of Assembly last night by attacking the Progressive Liberal Party’s failure to secure a stable future for the General Post Office.

He spent little time directly addressing the concerns that have riled his critics, that it is inappropriate for a sitting Cabinet minister––Financial Services and Immigration Minister Brent Symonette in this case––to enter into a business relationship with the government.

Mr Symonette is a part owner of the Town Centre Mall.

Dr Minnis said his government has been transparent and accountable because Mr Symonette declared his beneficial ownership in the mall and was not allowed to participate in Cabinet discussions to lease space within the mall.

Touting the perks of the deal, he said: “Owners will retrofit the space, will renovate and make necessary changes at no cost to the government or people of the Bahamas. There will be no first month rent deposit, there will be no last month rent deposit and there will be no security deposit to be made by the government. It will be a turn-key operation.”

By contrast, Dr Minnis said, options proposed by the PLP would have “taken much longer, were not as easy, were less cost effective, were not transparent and were shot through with all kinds of dubious questions.”

Dr Minnis did not address the four Free National Movement backbenchers who also insisted the resolution contravened good governance principles. Those four MPs joined the four PLP parliamentarians to vote against the resolution. In the end, 22 parliamentarians voted in support of the move. Eight were absent from the lower chamber when the vote took place, including Mr Symonette who left the room.

Dr Minnis said the Town Centre Mall represents a convenient location for the public, adding it will be easily secured by the nearby police station.

During his hour-long speech, which was frequently interrupted by members of the opposition who rejected his claims, Dr Minnis made familiar arguments about how the former Christie administration misused public funds.

“This debate is about doing the right thing in a timely and decisive manner, in the interest of the Bahamian people,” he said. “For some years, but especially during the five years of the Christie/Davis government, residents of New Providence and long suffering staff of the General Post Office had to endure terrible conditions in a building that was unsafe, unhealthy and decrepit. Despite this, the PLP failed to act.”


TalRussell 6 years, 4 months ago

Lest we forgets this same comrade PM who himself was too a previous cabinet minister and a long time controversial Landlord to both the gold and red shirts during their swaparope governing days.
Why would you expect the man's now have a come Jesus moment - over why such fuss about his Imperial government's seeking permission from the House to lease over 10 years period - space from someone he appointed to cabinet at a cost PeoplesPublicPuse of $60 million plus..a building sitting mostly empty for years in massive disrepair and neglect would be lucky if sell for fist full millions at most...... And considering Minnis and his imperial cabinet colleagues and House MP's - position on conflict and corruption does fall shockingly flat when compared when Minnis and his 34 general election candidates - talked crazy, wild, unfounded which to this very day does remain unproven before any courts law - against prime minister Christie's PLP cabinet colleagues - whilst in opposition and on the 2017 general election campaign trail. { Can't make this man's up }.

TalRussell 6 years, 4 months ago

Actually, told lease cost over 10 years be's $90 million, not $60 million going into bank account a sitting Imperial red shirts cabinet minister's company.
How is it possible wear 'no conflict' blind fold, if the same individual has has frequently been called out by the mainstream media - as being the chief comrade money bags handler for the funding red shirts party's former governing days, whilst sitting kin waiting in opposition and the party's 2017 general election campaign? At bare minimum - would you not agree, not just some ordinary cabinet minister nor landlord to the current governing party?

licks2 6 years, 4 months ago

What a waste of time to write. . .

BahamasForBahamians 6 years, 4 months ago

It is sad that as we move away from last general election date our worst Prime Minister's speech becomes more popuplated with the quote "PLP".

A critical thinker, would expect the blame game to diminish as time progressed but not this retard.

TigerB 6 years, 4 months ago

Stats never rotten, they are like our history, here forever and can be viewed again and again, the PLP do hip, bottom line, even in this post office deal with the Independence Shopping Center, that will not go away.

birdiestrachan 6 years, 4 months ago

The doc does not know right from wrong. So what can any one really expect from him. It was a farce some what like the OBAN fake signing. the deal was made and signed a long time ago. MR. Small things can leave the room as much as he likes he can only fool the peoples time voters.

It was signed sealed and delivered. It was in the bag.

rawbahamian 6 years, 4 months ago

Pray tell, who in their right mind is gonna go to that location night to collect their mail.

thomas 6 years, 4 months ago

They set the bar real low if they keep comparing themselves to the PLP.

jamani2 6 years, 4 months ago

Really! I don't know what all the fuss is about. Sounds like a win-win to me. It actually sounds like Symonette, a very rich Bahamian patriot, is trying to find the best way to give back to his country.

Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 4 months ago


Yep, the dimwitted doc is showing his true colours now, with all of the nastiness that he can muster....and given that he's always been a very nasty fella, that's one whole lot of nastiness he has put on display.

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