Rebels face ‘ultimatum’ - toe line or exit party


FNM chairman Carl Culmer.


Tribune Staff Reporter


The FNM will host a conclave on November 2 featuring parliamentarians, senators and constituency association executives.

FNM chairman Carl Culmer said yesterday the conclave will be an opportunity for the party to evaluate its performance and look for ways to improve. However, another source in the party said the conclave will serve as a “come-to-Jesus” moment for the four rebel parliamentarians.

“Either they will come out whole or some will be gone,” a source said.

The conclave comes after four FNMs MPs voted against the government over the awarding of a five-year lease to cabinet minister Brent Symonette for the use of his Town Centre Mall to house the Post Office.

Vaughn Miller, the Golden Isles MP who on Wednesday accused the Free National Movement of continuing to perpetuate corruption this week, said yesterday he remains an FNM supporter and hopes to be part of the party’s team in the 2022 general election campaign.

Mr Miller said the party had not pressured him to fall in line after his speech in the House of Assembly lambasting a resolution to enter into a lease agreement for, which is partly owned by Symonette.

Mr Miller said Wednesday evening: “There is no shame in this shameful act. We in the FNM seem to be saying corruption is wrong in public office only when the PLP is doing it. Corruption is corruption regardless of who is doing it. This resolution is offensive because it reeks of a corrupt, foolish act that supports the wicked transfer of money out of the people’s treasury into a pocket of a Cabinet minister boldly and brazenly.”

Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine declined to talk about his future in the party yesterday while Centreville MP Reece Chipman and Bain and Grants Town MP Travis Robinson did not respond to The Tribune before press time. The three, along with Mr Miller, voted against the Town Centre Mall resolution in the House of Assembly on Wednesday.

Asked if he hopes to be on the FNM’s ticket in 2022, Mr Miller said: “I hope we can get mature to the point that we respect each other’s view even if we disagree. Persons want you to respect and adapt their view. Certainly I would wish that as we progress towards 2022 that we remain together, a unified force with me involved. I wish to be a part of that. All of my adult life this has been me. I’m very passionate about what I believe, very passionate in my expression about those beliefs and views.”

Mr Miller said he still believes Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis is the “the best person to be leading the party and the country”.


jackbnimble 6 years, 4 months ago

Obviously they don't know their leader well. He's petty as hell and vindictive.

Probably dreaming up some way to get rid of all of them.

They don't have a prayer!

sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

If this is indeed an "ultimatum" for McAlpine, Miller, Chipman and Robinson .......... this will not go down well with true-blood FNMs of the Whitfield branch ......... Those "dissidents" valued the ability to speak out against injustice and unfairness and defend integrity and honour ........ But Minnis must pay the "pipers" (like Brent).

DDK 6 years, 4 months ago

Time for dissident four to form new party, perhaps with former pre-election dissidents. This government is ruling over the heads of The People. They are not the FNM of former days who may not have been perfect, but this lot is diabolical.

truetruebahamian 6 years, 4 months ago

If Minnis continues on this mission, I will burn my FNM card, the remainder of my family here in Eleuthera will follow suite.

sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

We feel you ............. an MP should not be kow-towed to follow a party ......... He/she was elected to represent his/her constituents of ALL persuasions.

BTW ........... why has Culmer not told Fox Hill to resign as yet?????????

BahamaPundit 6 years, 4 months ago

Sad to see the "REAL" FNM being treated this way by the fakers in Cabinet.

tell_it_like_it_is 6 years, 4 months ago

This FNM dictatorship garbage is getting old.

Alex_Charles 6 years, 4 months ago

Shouldn’t it be Tow the line and not “toe the line”?

Greentea 6 years, 4 months ago

oui. oui. The d average strikes again!

truetruebahamian 6 years, 4 months ago

No, Toe the line is proper usage. The headline is correct.

TalRussell 6 years, 4 months ago

Comrade Chairman Carl should turn conclave into an opportunity for the red shirts party to fire Minnis and KP (be utter waste time to evaluate either their governing performances} and look to improve lot their constituents by nominating two new red shirts to replace these two men's to runs in by elections be announced by the People's Her Excellency Marguerite.


proudloudandfnm 6 years, 4 months ago

The one that should be gone is our useless, dishonest PM....

TalRussell 6 years, 4 months ago

Ma red shirts comrades, rather than calling face lift conclave discipline /expel the lower fishes from pond - have balls stop with the cancellation duly constituted red party's national convention because the party's executives remain too damn chicken to have Minnis and KP's leadership undergo close examination under microscope party's convention delegates.
Minnis may not be fisherman's of kinds likes Coopers Town's Papa Hubert.... but more than anyone in politics - the gift recipient free fishes - nose should easily detect from smelly bad odor that “the fish does stinks from the head down.” {You'd be wrong thinks Minnis's encounters gift free fishes was all made up by man's political enemies }. Just maybe, likes former comrade president Obama has now done within past 72 hours - Papa Hubert will step forward to PeoplePublic call out Minnis for what he is?

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