Davis against term limits for prime minister post

Leader of the Opposition Philip ‘Brave’ Davis. Photo: Terrel W. Carey/Tribune Staff

Leader of the Opposition Philip ‘Brave’ Davis. Photo: Terrel W. Carey/Tribune Staff


Tribune Staff Reporter


OPPOSITION Leader Phillip "Brave" Davis yesterday said instituting term limits for the Office of the Prime Minister may cause the public to be deprived of who it desires to be its representative.

Mr Davis added he has "no issue" with fixed election dates, however, he said no "responsible opposition" should be caught off-guard by a snap election.

In the 2017 Speech from the Throne, the Free National Movement promised a constitutional referendum will be held to mandate that a prime minister could serve a maximum of two terms in office.

In May, Attorney General Carl Bethel said public consultation on bills establishing term limits for prime ministers and fixed dates for election will begin before the end of the year.

Mr Bethel confirmed Cabinet would examine bills related to these initiatives on Monday, according to The Nassau Guardian.

When asked for an Opposition response, Mr Davis said: "It's just political rhetoric that feeds into the emotions of our citizenry.

"I think one has to recognise the history and experiences of our people. We have a representative democracy, which means that we are voted in by the people and when they are dissatisfied with us, they vote us out.

"To legislate term limits may very well be depriving the citizens of what they desire.

"So if they wish, or the will of the people, is for a person to serve for more than two terms in office, that will will be thwarted by an act of legislature. Or if they wish to determine your representation after or before, is being, again, thwarted.

"So I think in making things statements, one has to appreciate and understand the nature of our own democracy and what does it mean. Democracy requires the will of the people, in its fullest expression, to be carried out. Are you going to trump that by telling the people that if they want someone to serve as prime minister for more than two years, that cannot happen, by an act of Parliament?"

When asked if fixed election dates could put an end to the practice of "snap elections", Mr Davis said "it could".

"I have no issue with fixed election dates," he said.

However, he added a "responsible opposition" ought to not be caught off guard by snap elections.

"Because if they are appreciating the landscape, you ought to be able to predict and see what is happening or what is not happening to prepare themselves," he said.

"For example, I'm preparing myself for anything, for any eventuality that may arise in the future, having regard to what is going on in the country today."

Mr Davis also said the PLP Leadership Council had a meeting last night to "discuss the way forward". He added the matter of the party's convention will also be considered.


Interest 6 years, 6 months ago

After the last election, it is fitting that term limits should be set for the Office of the Prime Minister. Hopefully, this will encourage those in power to train persons under them to govern the country.

TheMadHatter 6 years, 6 months ago

Hey, China's new dick tator recently amended the laws so he can stay in power for life. Why not follow the leader? Let's have another Pindling. Heck, we got so mucha Haitian here now, why don't we have another Papa Doc. We recently had Papa and now we got Doc, so we just gotta combine 'em together and we be straight.

I don't think Stephen King could write a scarier novel than our real life thriller here in these shallow seas.

DDK 6 years, 5 months ago

You're really rockin' and rollin' today LOL!!!!

The_Oracle 6 years, 6 months ago

A not too distant P.M. may find himself deposed by the Chinese when you elected idiots cannot repay loans! Sri Lanka has lost it's harbor to the Chinese, Angola its oil, Maldives have given 38% of state owned resorts, Madagascar lost land, Zambia is now a damn Chinese Colony, losing their airport and Air space, Ethiopia has lost their national rail system, And Kenya has lost its own mineral rights and mines, all the above because their politicians borrowed from the Chinese and defaulted. And here we are borrowing more from them to buy a defunct hotel from them!

TheMadHatter 6 years, 6 months ago

Yet, people say Trump and Bannon are crazy when they say western civilization is at war with China.

geostorm 6 years, 6 months ago

What nonsense is this that Brave Davis speaks? I am just baffled at the nonsense that comes out of this man's mouth. Does he really think that Bahamians are that stupid?

sealice 6 years, 5 months ago

Cus he's next and he's gonna be PM forever YAY back to the 80's maybe he can bring back the clothes and TV shows when even more drugs and criminals come back to town....

stillwaters 6 years, 5 months ago

Bye, Felicia............I mean.... Davis

BahamaRed 6 years, 5 months ago

Smh cause that's exactly what we need... a 70 yr old prime minister who doesn't know when to call it quits. Power is addictive...

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