Lighthouse Point park plan ideal

EDITOR, The Tribune.

ONE Eleuthera Foundation’s proposal to turn Lighthouse Point into a national park with gateway economic zones fits perfectly with the government’s push to empower small Bahamian business.

The foundation is confidant its model will rival a cruise ship port in terms of jobs, offering more fulfilling work to Bahamians with openings in park management, environmental research and education, small retail and eco-lodging and so on.

Anyone who has visited national park systems abroad will have no problem understanding and embracing the concept.

At home, Exuma’s famous swimming pigs are an excellent example of how Bahamians have harnessed natural resources to successful and sustainable businesses.

The spin-off benefits from the shark and swimming pig excursions in the Exumas have been nothing short of phenomenal.

Anyone who’s in doubt should visit Staniel and Compass Cays and other areas of the Exumas to see the amazing success stories first hand.

In this age of eco travel and Airbnb, Lighthouse Point holds tremendous potential for Bahamians and an opportunity to keep visitor revenue at home instead of enriching the Mouse’s coffers.

A staggering 28,000 people have petitioned the government to allow for Lighthouse Point to be turned into a national park, protected for future generations of Bahamians and visitors and from exploitation by the cruise ship industry.

One Eleuthera says a national park will create 190 full time Bahamian jobs and real ownership interests. It’s pushing to break the cycle of poverty on the island with opportunity for growth and advancement.

And it shouldn’t be taken lightly, having reportedly invested nearly $20m in job-oriented projects to date.

The foundation ought to be commended for taking the initiative concerning the responsible development of their island. How refreshing! This is exactly what the country needs.

The national park proposal is firmly backed by The Bahamas National Trust, which has vast experience in park management, Re-Earth, BREEF and the Bahamas Architects Association.

With vast resources of persuasion at the Mouse’s disposal, it will be interesting to see how this plays out.



September 25, 2018


GypsySoul 6 years, 5 months ago

Athena, your OP-Ed asserts without any legitimacy. Please support your assertions with proof that what you say is true.....

Porcupine 6 years, 5 months ago

What she says is true. Why don't you prove her wrong?

juju 6 years, 5 months ago

A few years ago on the north end of Guana Cay, Abaco, before Baker’s Bay,DISNEY arrived with the BIG RED BOAT. A wide, deep channel was DREDGED for the cruise ships to securely gain access to the land. So much fill was dredged from the sea bottom that an ISLAND was created. With the crowds of tourists came pollution and not that many jobs. Eventually, the channel silted over, the ship insurance was cancelled, docks and buildings abandoned, and hurricanes took them away. Why would ANYONE want this to happen again? This is ludicrous. How can the BNT and Government support this.? PLEASE forward this to your friends and save the natural beauty of Lighthouse Point. THIS project should NOT happen.

ThisIsOurs 6 years, 5 months ago

When the government comes to understand that the Bahamas' brand is natural water based beauty and tranquility maybe they will stop puposefully destroying our real golden goose. I was never so horrified as I was the other day to pass one of the only remaining pieces of public beach out east to see workers PAVING the shoreline. Who came up with that idea??? Why we have to cover everything with tar? Natural beauty don't need your help. The sad part is they won't maintain it, it will eventually fall into potholes and be in worse condition than if they never touched it. Please govt man don't pave the open beachfront by yamacraw hill curve

DDK 6 years, 5 months ago

We trust the Mouse and the Bahamas Government will not turn into piranhas! Send the Mouse to the Florida Keys!

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