EDITOR, The Tribune
On or around 20th March 2019, multiple American news outlets and online magazines highlighted a European study, originally published in Lancet Psychiatry, that showed an increased risk of losing touch with reality (psychosis) in users of high potency marijuana. This may include hallucinations and developing false beliefs, which makes it difficult for a person to determine whether something is real or not. It is well documented that frequent marijuana use is associated with higher risk of psychosis than in non users.
This particular study, which took place across London, Amsterdam and Paris showed higher rates of new psychosis than other cities in the study because of the availability of the higher strength weed. It was found that people who smoked marijuana daily had a three times higher risk of having a psychotic episode than a nonuser. Those who started younger than 15 years had a slightly higher risk than those who smoked later in life. Those who smoked high potency marijuana daily had a four times higher risk of having a psychotic episode.
It is important for Bahamians who like to jump on the ‘progressive’ bandwagon and seldom consider consequences of actions, to understand the risks of high THC marijuana; and it is equally important for the government to pay attention to the likelihood of this trend starting here.
I know more than one person who “lost their mind” smoking marijuana long before these high THC strains were available, so I shudder to think of what could happen here.
A word to the wise used to be sufficient, let’s hope it still is!
April 2, 2019.
banker 5 years, 9 months ago
We have our own example here. An abstruse commentator who has consumed too much of the hash brownies and gone crazy publicly praises them. Of course, it could also be due to the lobotomy that the PLP does on its adherents.
DDK 5 years, 9 months ago
You calling our Comrade ABSTRUSE? LOL! There may be much " verbal method" behind that madness!
TheMadHatter 5 years, 9 months ago
Sorry, but this rare threat is insufficient reason to continue to imprison our young men, give them "no job" police records, and turn them into murderers then causing others to lose their lives.
If you like Fox Hill Prison so much you should ask Min Dames if you can pay to rent a room there.
joeblow 5 years, 9 months ago
They are not being imprisoned because of the threat of psychosis, they are being imprisoned because it is still AGAINST the law in THIS country!!!
TheMadHatter 5 years, 9 months ago
JoeBlow - i understand it is against the law in this country. Is the law your god? Are MPs gods? They are the ones that make laws. If MPs and their laws are so perfect why does any Party ever lose election? Surely the people would not be disappointed with perfection?
joeblow 5 years, 9 months ago
You cannot have an ordered society if everyone is allowed to do what is right in their own eyes, that is why laws are not only necessary, but change to reflect shifting views. Anarchism never works. Imperfect men cannot create perfection!
TheMadHatter 5 years, 9 months ago
You are correct. I agree 100%. At this time in our development as human society it is an important question which is being decided. Hopefully society will choose to change the law before too many of our own sons and daughters have had their lives ruined or killed. How many is too many?
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