Prayer Walk

Rev. Angela C. Bosfield Palacious

At the Anglican Retreat Centre, Mt Olivet, there are 14 crosses in the prayer grotto. Each one has a word carved on it to assist with the prayer walk. It is a wonderful place to visit but until you do, allow the following questions to will help you to meditate more intentionally during Advent:

  1. TRUST: What does it mean to trust God? Whom do you trust or not trust?

  2. COURAGE: What does this mean to you? When have you displayed it and when not?

  3. JUSTICE: How do you define justice? Who needs it today and what changes need to be made?

  4. TRUTH: Pilate asks what is truth? How would you answer his question? When do you fail to speak the


  1. WISDOM: How wise are you and how does it differ from knowledge? From where do you get it?

  2. PATIENCE: How do you define patience? Are you a patient person? If not why not?

  3. STRENGTH: What does moral strength look like? How spiritually strong are you?

  4. LIGHT: What thoughts come to your mind when you hear this word?

  5. COMFORT: When have you needed comfort? What brings it to you and how do you comfort others?

  6. FORGIVE: When is it hard to forgive? Do you feel forgiven by God? Whom do you need to forgive?

  7. REPENT: How do you define this word and what part does it play in your spiritual journey?

  8. HONOUR: What comes to your mind? How do you show it and to whom?

  9. LOVE: What are your thoughts on love? How do you express it and to whom?

  10. SACRIFICE: What does this word mean to you? What is God’s greatest act of sacrifice? How do you follow this example?

Which of these words mean the most to you, bringing back pleasant or painful memories? With which word do you least identify? Perhaps you need to spend some time with that one and see what God wants to say to you. You may lengthen the list and develop your own spiritual reflective tool for the months ahead.

As we prepare for Christmas, these weeks of Advent are intended to help us focus on the need for a Saviour and the loving grace of God to send Jesus Christ to die in our place. Let us not become so distracted by food, trees, gift buying, and festive decorations that we forget what this season is really all about.

Plan to go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, read the Christmas story of the birth in Bethelehem, and share the Good News that the shepherds heard from the song of the angels. Like the magi, who travelled to find the newborn king, remember to seek a personal, intimate and life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ. Let the spirit of giving lead you to want to receive less and be motivated to give more. Let your prayer walk become a love walk for the rest of your life.

• Rev Angela Palacious, a motivational speaker and author of several devotional books, is an Anglican priest. She may be contacted at 393-9000 or by e-mail at angelapalacious@gmail.com.


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