Brent: My decision to leave Cabinet

Brent Symonette

Brent Symonette


Deputy Chief Reporter


ST ANNE’S MP Brent Symonette said yesterday his decision to step down as a substantive Cabinet minister had “absolutely” nothing to do with recent controversy over a contract awarded to a company tied to his family. Instead, the former financial services, trade and industry and immigration minister said the move was up for discussion between him and Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis for the past six months.

The situation has been shrouded in speculation as it came just two weeks after it was revealed that Bahamas Hot Mix, a company with ties to his family, was awarded a contract to upgrade runways at Lynden Pindling International Airport.

However, yesterday, Mr Symonette gave insight into what led to the decision.

“I told the prime minister I would not go beyond my 65th birthday and we decided it would be better to do either within the fiscal year or before the new one began, which started today (yesterday),” Mr Symonette said in an interview with The Tribune.

“So it would have been better to do it at the beginning of the fiscal year rather than wait until December when my birthday is and have a Cabinet minister leave then. I vowed that I wouldn’t be a Cabinet minister a day past my 65th birthday.”

Asked pointedly whether the resignation had anything to do with controversy over contracts, he said: “Absolutely not.”

He will remain a member of Parliament.

The Tribune understands, according to a well-placed source, there may be another shuffle in Cabinet later in the term.

On Sunday the government issued a brief statement, which read: “It is notified for general information that Brent Symonette has tendered his resignation as minister of financial services, trade and industry and immigration, with effect from July 1, 2019.

“Elsworth Johnson will assume portfolio responsibility for the Ministry of Financial Services, Trade and Industry and Immigration with effect from July 1, 2019.”

This was followed by a statement from Dr Minnis who thanked Mr Symonette for his service over many years.

Dr Minnis noted: “While he will no longer serve in Cabinet, his constituents in St Anne’s will continue to have an MP who cares about them. I wish Mr Symonette all the best in his future endeavours.”

Dr Minnis said he was confident that Mr Johnson will serve the country well in his new capacity. The Tribune understands Mr Johnson will receive his instruments of appointment today at 9.30am. Mr Johnson is the most recent state minister for legal affairs.

When faced with questions about Bahamas Hot Mix getting government contracts in 2009, Mr Symonette explained that his children’s trust may have a small investment in the company, but he did not. At the time, Mr Symonette, who was a Cabinet minister in the Ingraham administration, said he played absolutely no part in any of the competitive processes or negotiations of contracts related to Bahamas Hot Mix.

In response to the news, Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said this will do nothing to resolve the perceived conflicts of interests in the government, adding the resignation decision was long overdue.

“The PLP welcomes the resignation of Brent Symonette from the government,” Mr Davis said. “It is long overdue. He is emblematic of conflict of interest and self-dealing in the government. There are others who need to follow him.

“Unfortunately for him and Prime Minister Minnis, the conflicts will not be resolved by simply stepping away from the government, he will remain in the House and will continue to be an influence on the body politic. Further, there must be a complete and thorough investigation and report of all that Mr Symonette has accumulated since his latest foray into the government and whether he can account to the Bahamian people on the issue of self-dealing.”

He continued: “We call on the country not to be distracted by this resignation because the light now shines fully on the prime minister who led a government full of self-dealing and conflicts of interest.”

The situation has also dredged up memories of Mr Symonette’s 2001 resignation as chairman of the Airport Authority during the second Free National Movement administration.

Then-Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham asked Mr Symonette to resign from the post after it was revealed the latter had awarded BHM a contract to carry out paving operations at the Lynden Pindling International Airport without approval from the board of directors.

According to previous reports, Mr Symonette later explained that he had done so because the matter was urgent and not enough board members were on the island to form a quorum at the time.

When the board did meet again, it approved Mr Symonette’s decision, The Nassau Guardian had previously reported.

Opposition allegations of conflicts of interest were renewed in June when BHM beat five other companies for the rehabilitation work to Runway 09/27 and Taxiway India at LPIA.

The Nassau Airport Development Company stated the capital project was valued at just under $20m.

According to NAD, the request for tenders (RFT) for asphalt paving services was initiated in April and was sent to four international and two Bahamian firms.


B_I_D___ 5 years, 8 months ago

Happy semi-retirement...we thank you for your selfless and humble service.

empowermentorlkemp 5 years, 8 months ago

utter non-sense, you white ass kisser

sheeprunner12 5 years, 8 months ago

When you are as rich as the Symonettes, there are bound to be haters, apologists and ass-kissers on full display .............. But Brent said it best ......... He is the only surviving poster child of the UBP legacy (last of the Mohicans). When he hangs up his gloves, there will be none left in active Bahamian politics .......... Who will the minority have to look to in Parliament? .... South Abaco??

empowermentorlkemp 5 years, 8 months ago

his money like other white was gotten on the back of black people

Gotoutintime 5 years, 8 months ago

Have you forgotten Godfrey Kelly??

BahamaRed 5 years, 8 months ago

If he knew he was going to be 65 during his term, he should have never accepted the position. It was done out of greed, and now he got what he wanted- he's resigned.

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago

Precisely.....but there's plenty more the greedy Symonette family wants and will be getting with the help of the Minnis-led FNM government.

truetruebahamian 5 years, 8 months ago

Davis, get a life and try to deal with truth and facts - I know that it is difficult for those of your ilk, but give it a try - the truth will be a pleasant surprise!

licks2 5 years, 8 months ago

Brent Symonette have no urgency to answer anybody for anything. . .if it was me, with all the money I will need for this life time if nothing goes wrong. . .LET THE POLITICAL LOW BROWS HAVE THEIR GOVERNMENT. . .AND MOVE ON!! I know he need not explain anything to me. . .I normally exercise good common sense in my reasoning. . .NO NEED TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING TO ME. . .OYGA, I GAT SENSE!!

TalRussell 5 years, 8 months ago

This just in right my most trusted PMO source. Whilst Brent gone and with no Knighthood in the works, talk has it that minister tourism the honourable Dionisio James is lobbying PMO, recommending that the 'Swimming Pigs,' all be recommended be recipients for honourary Knighthoods from we British Queen for their contributions Colony's of Out Islands tourism, yes, no......... swear in name Joseph the father Jesus, I'm not making this up............see ya self....“Groink, “groink!


yeahyasee 5 years, 8 months ago

LOL Tal....lighten up on the amount your using in those brownies

TalRussell 5 years, 8 months ago

Comrade Yeany, me secretly guarded recipe of added ingredients baked to brungs dark crispy crust brownies with 0.62 lbs real butter is just why I needs obtain legal license to supply Colony of Out Islands populaces who does needs supply of medical brownies lighten load brought upon them as result the Imperialists red shirts cabinet's bad governance, yes, no Brent's interview with comrade sister Candia, does sounds more likes self promotional retirement video................

sealice 5 years, 8 months ago

Brave Davis is emblematic of conflict of interest, self-dealing and racism in the PLP.

Looks Brave anyone can be a racist idiot like you and Fred Mitchell who has been pushing racist rhetoric at his Fox Hill parties ever since he's been elected. They know you don't care about 5% of the population just remember that 5% is your entire pigeon hunting population.......

Hoda 5 years, 8 months ago

This is what the PLP does and the DNA seem to wanna join in, saying anything to appeal to the masses baser instincts.

Wake up Bahamians, we must adjust and adapt to the modern world: age of globalisation and technology. Nothing will be given to us. Every selling sand and sea and travelling further to experience new things.

Do not allow these ppl to make you think this country can just not participate in the global economy and changing world. Has this Believe in Bahamians/ borderline racist/ talk produced anything.

Bootstraps 5 years, 8 months ago

The powers that be know quite well what is coming under WTO. Key to globalization is having a modern port facility. Control the Ports and pretty much you are in control. Ask Michael Maura with his new appointment. Its okay to have differing views, do some research before being critical from a superficial, politically persuaded view.

Hoda 5 years, 8 months ago

Port of Nassau is the only port of access in the country?

GB know what modern and efficient port operations look like and can be. You should research the work done in GB at the container port and it's place in global trade and transshipment.

Take your own advice

TalRussell 5 years, 8 months ago

Not my words but attributed be those of Comrade Papa Hubert, uttered back April 2003. "Under the Colony of Out Islands Westminster system governance, it is difficult to just remove a Cabinet Minister or discipline him/her effectively, as all it may do is 'create a political enemy' who retains his/her seat in House of Assembly," yes, no....................

Bootstraps 5 years, 8 months ago

Yes, you are quite right. Powers bestowed from our beloved Westminster approach

birdiestrachan 5 years, 8 months ago

here in lies the problem. The FNM Government accuses the PLP as "ALL For ME BABY" Contracts for lovers and friends. but when they do even worse. They try to find a way to justify what they have done.

A good example is VAT all that doc and Turnquest had to say about VAT. Then they increased it by 60%. The spy bill was all bad ask Elsworth Johnson They made it worse then passed it.

BAH MAR was so bad the 0wners were everything except children of God Then doc grins as he cuts the ribbon and D;Aguila boast of the Tourist increase, after all the negetive things he had to say about BAH MAR and its owners. Hypocrites and liars they all are.

proudloudandfnm 5 years, 8 months ago

Kind of like how Perry talked so bad about CWC buying BTC huh? Then when Perry got back in he was in love with CWC hey? They let him lie to us about getting 51% back hey? By the way. You see any money from that commission him and CWC started to spend the money from the 51%? The 51% Perry never actually got?

Wake up gal. The PLP are the worst of the worst and always will be....

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago

The jury is still out....the Minnis-led FNM government could well end up being the most incompetent and corrupt government the Bahamas has ever had.

jus2cents 5 years, 8 months ago

Brent Symonette is a honest, hardworking, doer and did a great job helping the nation, he was much better at his job than most MP's. Least corrupt of them all, he doesn't need the money! He was very wealthy before politics and will stay wealthy, actually would have been even richer by not being involved politics. Just wish a few more over 65's would follow his lead, get out of the way so some younger minds can manage the nation.

Thank you for your service to the nation Mr Symonette!

geostorm 5 years, 8 months ago

Agreed @jus2cents! Unfortunately, no matter what you say, people will continue to listen to nonsense and write a false narrative! Well done Mr. Symonette!

jus2cents 5 years, 8 months ago

Brave Davis how old are you 68? Bye, Bye!

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago

Davis's law firm knows all about conflicts of interest......that's where all of the big time skulduggery has been hidden away.

TheMadHatter 5 years, 8 months ago

Reminds me of Nixon leaving the Beverly Hilton Hotel in 1962 saying "They won't have Nixon to kick around anymore".

He loved to speak in the 3rd person, about himself. Anyway, this is very similar. The white man is gone, now maybe we can start to pay attention to the issues that affect the majority of persons in this country, find out how they can someday be rich and successful and intelligent and all the rest of it. Let's focus on the Bahamas now, instead of searching for scapegoats. Stop blaming Brent, stop blaming Perry. Do the job and reporters need to report the job and the job's results. Nobody has yet figured out where OUR VAT money has gone, but the media and others have managed to convince the public to pay attention to Brent's money. Brent's money is not your money. The VAT money is YOUR money. We need to find out where it went and where it is going, as we continue to pay it every single minute of every single day. I went into a shop the other day and bought a $20 item, and had to pay $22.40 for it. That upset me. Brent did not buy it for me. Brent did not pay the additional two dollars and fourty cents. It did. Now what in the world is government going to do with MY money? What have they been doing with it since January 2015????????????????????? Wake up people. Stop following soap opera, and keep your eye focused on your empty wallet.

DDK 5 years, 8 months ago

Right on, Hatter! Right on!

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 8 months ago

Successive corrupt governments have been robbing you (Peter) to pay their crony (Paul). That's where your VAT payments have gone my friend.

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