The sum of all fears


We all have phobias and are afraid of different things. Fear, in the Bible, is presented as a spirit. 2 Timothy 1:7 says: "For God had not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

What voice is whispering in your ear predominantly? Who is getting your undivided attention? Is it the spirit of fear, or is it faith? We live in a time where we are overwhelmed with social media, and the horrid stories happening daily in our country. The carnage is surreal to most and incredulous to some. However, I believe that fear can feed something in the spirit we may not wish it to. What is permissible or admissible? Where do we draw the line in our homes, schools, or in public? How far have we fallen to entertain our suitors on social media with the plethora of violence perpetrated.

Proverbs 4:23, "Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life." Someone once said, "garbage in, garbage out", when it comes to our minds. Fear is demonic and will paralyse you. Fear will keep you from fulfilling the assignment that God has chosen for your life, if you permit it to. Fear will keep you from your destiny, and it will ultimately destroy you. God's word is an inalienable source.

We must act upon what God says, and not what fear says. If fear can speak, then fear can listen! Learn how to speak to the spirit of depression and anxiety, and fear. These are all demonic entities sent to cripple us. Let's enact the word of God over every situation in our lives, no matter what it is. Matthew 8:8 says: "But speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed."

Speak the word and walk in the word, and watch fear vanish away. Too many of us are sitting on our God-given assignment because of fear. It's time to root it up, and rid ourselves of this loud-mouthed demon called fear. Fear be gone, in the mighty name of Jesus!

• For questions and comments, e-mail keithevans242@gmail.com or kenazevans242@gmail.com


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