Decommissioned Western Air plane collides with overhang

The scene after the plane collided with the overhang.

The scene after the plane collided with the overhang.


Tribune Freeport Reporter


A decommissioned Western Air plane collided with an overhang during routine mechanical checks in Nassau early Friday morning, according to an airline official.

Sherrexcia Rolle, VP of operations and general counsel at Western Air Ltd, told The Tribune there were no passengers or crew on board the aircraft, and no personnel on the ground were hurt during the incident.

Photographs of the incident were posted on social media of the aircraft which appeared to have collided with an overhang structure. The front wheel of the aircraft collapsed causing the nose to make contact with the ground.

When contacted on Friday, Ms Rolle reported that sometime around 6.30am mechanics in Nassau were performing routine run-up engine tests on a decommissioned SAAB 340A aircraft.

"It (the aircraft) was out of passenger services; it was not an aircraft that was scheduled to do any flights, and as they were doing checks the aircraft jumped over its parking chock that is used on the tyres and proceeded forward and made contact with a concrete area, which caused it to tilt forward," she said.

"It is really important to note that there were no passengers or crew on board. I saw some of the comments (on social media) about pilots - there were no pilots involved and no personnel was harmed, and the aircraft was not in flight service. It was decommissioned and completely out of passenger service."

Ms Rolle said the airline is continuing to investigate.

"Obviously, this is incredibly rare and does not happen often so we are grateful that no one was harmed, and that it was on an aircraft that was not being utilised," she said.

She added that Western Air is continuing to offer flights as usual, including additional jet flights for the upcoming North Andros Regatta in early July.

"We always increase frequency of flights based on volume, and we anticipate doing that in the early part of July as people continue to travel," she said. “We try to keep up on what is going on each island."

The airline also provides some newer routes, including Exuma, Cat Island, and Abaco, from Nassau. She said the routes are doing well.

"We have some additional flights that we will be adding to Exuma. And our Nassau to Freeport 701 morning flight, we will be moving earlier, instead of 7am, to 6.30am to accommodate people who want to have a longer stay to Freeport," she said.


Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 5 months ago

Who was operating the power controls of the plane when the incident happened? Who failed to apply the foot pedal brakes during the power up of the engine(s)? Was anyone actually sitting in one of the cockpit seats at the time the engine(s) were powered up? Why can't The Tribune find and hire reporters with enquiring minds? Is it because The Tribune continues to refuse to pay most of its reporters a living wage?

DDK 5 years, 5 months ago

They'll never tell!

observer2 5 years, 5 months ago

Actually the tests were doing themselves.

No one was there.

When they came there at 6.30am they found out that the test malfunctioned.

No one to blame.

Similar to the BEC powercuts. No one was incompetent, no one will be fired.

Now shut up and mind your own business. Western Air mussy ain need dat plane.

Ain’t we running da country wit one runway? Western could run wit one plane and BEC running wit one broke a*s generator.

licks2 5 years, 5 months ago

Why yinna does follow after mudder-take-sick is beyond me!! A good rule of thumbs is when yinna are attempting logical thinking. . .AVOID THE REASONING OF MUDDER-TAKE-SICK. . .he/she usually act as if the gear box between mind and mouth needs a mechanic too!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!

licks2 5 years, 5 months ago

See why I tell yinna that yall don't read and think about what yinna let come out of yinna mouths!! Think peoples. . .who fix and DRIVES yinna cars during maintenance?? The mommy. . .the daddy. . .the chirrins dem who usually drive in them cars? Oh. . .maybe dem Grannies who does sit in the back seats tellin they grown chirrins dem how to drive!! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!

Ahem!! Now let me learn yinna some good comprehension skills here! Westernair's official statement said. . .the air craft was decommission (taken out of services and don't carry peoples dem). . .was under going routine engine checks (the MECHANIC WAS DRIVING WHO KNOWS HOW TO DRIVE A PLANE ON THE GROUND. . .SOME EVEN KNOW HOW TO FLY). . .no pilot was involved (THEY DON'T FIX PLANES. . .THEY FLY DEM). OGA. . .yinna expected that one PILOT was trying TO LAND THAT PLANE IN DAT SHED FOR THE MECHANICS TO FIX IT???

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . I GUESS THAT PILOT DID NOT PICK UP HIS VFR AYE??? FROM WHAT I SEE, THE DAY WAS CLEAR FOR FLYING INTO THAT SHED!!! That shed landing was a slam dunk for any bush pilot!!

There ya go peoples. . .THIS IS SIMPLY LOGIC. . .YA EEN NEED NO HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA FER DAT!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

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