When I read an article in this week’s Tribune, in which Canadian billionaire and fashion magnet Peter Nygard, claimed to be the victim of a ‘conspiracy’ I almost expired from the fit of laughter that over took my entire body.
Ah the irony!
This can’t be the same Nygard, that bragged all over social media of his feud with American billionaire and fellow Lyford Cay resident, Louis Bacon?
Now is not the time to play victim, Mr Nygard.
The entire Bahamas, and probably the world at this point, knows that both you and Mr Bacon engaged in a grandiose ‘urination contest’ over numerous petty, trivial matters.
Leaving countless Bahamians as collateral damage, in their wake.
I must say I’ve watched fictional dastardly ‘villain millionaires’ over the years very keenly.
From stooping to the lowest levels, showing no conscience or remorse while pulling off the most cunning deals (Robert Kraft of the New England Patriots is a perfect example) quite a few have aligned themselves with the most unusual allies.
Namely, the politically influential and upstanding, as well as powerful grassroot gangsters, who operate with lawless abandon.
Asa Buchanan, Palmer Cortland and Adam Chandler ruled the daytime soap operas with similar ruthless tactics. (Yes in my college days I would watch ‘All My Children’, ‘One Life to Live’ and ‘General Hospital’ before basketball practice. Our coach did also, so it was team orientated.)
Taking into account all of the wheeling and dealing, the total disrespect toward our Prime Ministers, immediate past and present, as well as other high ranking government officials, the denials and finger pointing, the innuendos, the foul-mouthed rants, the sinister allegations (as well as characters such as ‘Toggie’ and ‘Bobo’ enjoying their 15 minutes of fame) in our own Bahamian scandal, all masterminded by Nygard, makes the above mentioned villains look like saints.
At some point, somebody needs to reign in our own hometown antagonists.
It needs to be done before we as a nation suffer the consequences of these characters’ selfish actions.
Since Mr Nygard brought up ‘conspiracies’ it reminded me of a few ‘conspiracies’ attached to Mr Nygard.
We all remember a post PLP election victory in 2012, the viral videos of Nygard entertaining members of the new PLP government at the infamous ‘Nygard Cay’ bragging how ‘they took our country back.’
Then came the viral videos of Nygard bragging about a certain $5 million campaign contribution and then PM Perry Christie moonlighting as a ‘proctologist’.
Not to mention the sordid allegations from numerous young women in regards to their stays at Nygard Cay.
Mr Nygard is subject to numerous contempt orders here in The Bahamas. As a matter of fact, Nygard was due in court yesterday to be sentenced for contempt in a case centering on the theft of emails from QC Fred Smith’s law firm which will be represented by Julian Malins, QC, from London and Ferron Bethel.
(And we all know Fred Smith doesn’t lose.)
Instead of using the courts to stall the legal process and delay the inevitable, I suggest Mr Nygard return the land he acquired illegally, as order by the courts. (Yet another contempt.)
Or as Mr Nygard himself, called for current Prime Minister Hubert Minnis removal as leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition back in 2012, now ‘Doc’ can do all of us a favour and give Mr Nygard a dose of his own medicine.
Remove Nygard from the alleged Crown Land he allegedly illegally obtained at his Lyford Cay residence, ‘Nygard Cay’.
Remove the negative publicity associated with ‘Nygard Cay’ and the Bahamas brought on by the CBC ‘Fifth Estate’ special edition “Larger Than Life” and numerous articles on the prestigious website regarding all the alleged sordid events parties and other mysterious goings on at ‘Nygard Cay’ and the lawsuits left behind.
Remove Peter Nygard and his personal agendas from The Bahamas.
Rid The Bahamas of this modern-day vampire, slowly trying to suck the life out of The Bahamas for his own selfish personal gain, leaving a trail of bloodless political souls in his wake.
No conspiracy, and problem solved.
birdiestrachan 5 years, 4 months ago
Fred Smith does not lose. He did lose to Dorian. He should get a judge of his choosing a have a judicial review against Dorian.
And you the joker will really have something to laugh about.
Porcupine 5 years, 4 months ago
Doesn't the truth provide the best fodder for comedians?
sealice 5 years, 4 months ago
You mean Vigo the Carpathian from Ghostbusters??
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