Cooper calls for 'czar' to handle business reform

Deputy Progressive Liberal Party leader Chester Cooper.

Deputy Progressive Liberal Party leader Chester Cooper.

Progressive Liberal Party deputy leader, Chester Cooper, has called for a "czar" to spearhead the government's attempts to improve the ease of doing business in The Bahamas.

At the same time Mr Cooper also said government funding to help small and medium sized businesses should be increased by $45m.

In a release sent to Tribune Business, the PLP deputy leader and shadow minister for finance, Cooper, stated: "I note that The Bahamas has dropped on the World Bank's annual ease of doing business index. While the drop is not precipitous, it is noteworthy given the pace at which other countries in the region are implementing reforms and climbing the index. In the global marketplace, The Bahamas must stand out as being open for business and ready to work with local and international partners."

"The Minnis administration talks a good game on business reform, but independent assessments tell the true tale. It has become apparent that the time for talk alone has passed. Action should be the order of the day."

Mr Cooper added: "To that effect, the government should immediately appoint an ease of doing business czar whose sole focus is to drill down into the categories where we slid or where there is an obvious need to improve, and formulate policies and legislation to address it which can be implemented in the next six to nine months."

The government had established a The National Ease of Doing Business (EODB) Committee, co-chaired by former president of the Senate Lyn Holowesko and lawyer, Bryan Glinton.

Through Mrs Holowesko, the committee has gone on record in saying they were disappointed the government had not enacted more of its recommendations.

Mrs Holowesko then came back in August and said that said the committee is now very pleased with many of the policies had been introduced in the 2019/2020 budget aimed at improving the business climate in the country, particularly surrounding immigration, conveyance valuations and estate planning.

The Bahamas last week dropped one slot on the World Bank's Ease of doing Business ranking from 118 to 119.


The_Oracle 5 years, 2 months ago

A CZAR? Good grief! don't we have enough ministers? Cabinet appointments? Permanent Secretaries? Board appointments? What use is another Big Chief if they're pulled from the same incompetent pool? Another big chief means another tribe of useless indians!

totherisingsun 5 years, 2 months ago

It's only $45M in the hands of a public official who Beliieves in da People...Let's do it and show that once again we are True Believers in the ability of public institutions to be excellent... and don't forget the car with the red plate and free gas for all those who serve da peoples. Why not $500M and we all join the public sector... we can always borrow more money or tax business more?!

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