Police establish WhatsApp number due to high volume of 311 calls

The police wish to inform the public that, due to the high volume of calls to their 311 number, many people are not getting through to the COVID-19 Command Center. As a result, they have established a WhatsApp account number – 806-6852 – to further assist customers. This number is to be used for WhatsApp text messages ONLY. 

The public is further advised that all emails are to be sent to the email address covid19@rbpf.bs only.

Other telephone numbers at the police COVID-19 command centre are as follows:




The police are seeking the public’s cooperation with these changes in order to minimise unnecessary inconvenience, as they seek to keep The Bahamas safe and prevent further spread of the COVID-19 virus.


Giordano 4 years, 5 months ago

If RBPF is seeking to prevent further spread of COVID-19 They need to control those well known drunkers & mentally ill people in different communities violating the curfew and trespassing into private properties and knocking on doors for money/food and causing stress on law abiding citizens.

Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 5 months ago

It's beginning.....thank you Minnis!

shonkai 4 years, 5 months ago

Would also be nice to know what information they want us to send. Name, address, going to, license plate,,,,,,,What? Don’t journalists ask questions anymore?

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