ALL schools will remain closed until further advice is received from the Ministry of Health, a statement announced on Friday – and all examinations will be postponed with no date given for when they will be held.
The Ministry of Education issued the statement as the country continues to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic.
The statement said: “The Ministry of Education wishes to assure the general public that it considers the health of our citizens and residents of paramount importance. The Ministry remains dedicated to making decisions that will ensure the well being of all and we will be guided by the Ministry of Health’s advice regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Ministry of Education further informs the public that all examinations, including the national examinations, GLAT, BJC and BGCSE, will be postponed until such time as the government of The Bahamas deems it safe for students, teachers and support staff to return to physical buildings.”
Teaching will continue through virtual learning platforms, and new content and lessons will be posted on Tuesday.
In a new move, lessons will also be broadcast on television – initially on cable channel 295, starting on Wednesday, and then shortly afterwards on channel 296.
RealTalk 4 years, 11 months ago
You got to be kidding me...Home learning has failed. Let's face it, now is not the time to implement such a mode of learning. Close down all schools. Use the midterm grades as the final grades. School ends early this year. When this is all over, no Christmas Break, no Easter Break, shorter summer break. Sorry to the grade 12's who might have gotten the short end of the stick.
Clamshell 4 years, 11 months ago
No problem ... just award everybody their D- and be done with it.
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