PM announces limited opening for auto parts, hardware and home stores

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks on Sunday afternoon.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis speaks on Sunday afternoon.

In a press conference on Sunday afternoon, Prime Minster Dr Hubert Minnis announced that some businesses will be allowed to operate starting this week.

The 24-curfew returns from 5am Monday until 9pm Friday – when the weekend lockdown returns – however, in New Providence:

• Auto parts stores will be allowed to operate on Tuesdays from 8am to 5pm.

• Hardware and home stores will be allowed to operate on Wednesdays and

Fridays from 8am to 8pm.

• Plant nurseries will be allowed to operate on Mondays and Thursdays 6am to 12 noon.

• Landscaping and property maintenance will now fall under essential businesses and will be allowed to operate during the 24-hour curfew, Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm.

With regards to the lockdown, the Prime Minister added that: “Unless exempted, you may only leave your home for essential purposes such as purchasing groceries, food, gas, etc. pharmaceuticals and other essential items, or in the event of an emergency.”

Dr Minnis also announced that there are two new cases of COVID-19, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 60.

Other key points:

• The government will continue the shopping schedule implemented last week. The general public may food shop from Monday to Friday from 6am to 7pm. The first two hours are reserved for senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Seniors and persons with disabilities may of course shop at any time during these hours. Saturdays, from 6am to 6pm are reserved for essential workers. However, essential workers may also shop during the regular shopping hours Monday to Friday. The Farmer’s Market on Gladstone Road will be allowed to operate on Saturdays from 7am to 5pm, for essential workers only.

• Construction on the Family Islands will be allowed to resume. Face masks are mandatory.

• Also on Family Islands, hardware, lumber, plumbing and electrical stores that cater to construction will be allowed to open Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm.

• Family Island borders remain closed to international and domestic air and marine transport from other islands.

• Employers must register essential employees. If found in violation, they will be fined. To help identify essential workers, every Bahamian and resident will be required to carry valid government-issued ID when in public. This may include: a passport, NIB card, driver’s license or voter’s card. Employers of essential workers should register employees with the Royal Bahamas Police Force at 311.

• Employers will face fines if their employees serving the public are not wearing a mask. Store owners may also be fined for allowing customers to enter their establishments without a protective face covering.

• Starting early this week, health officials will expand sampling using current RT- PCR capacity. Those targeted for testing include: Contacts of confirmed cases, especially those with symptoms; Healthcare personnel nearing the end of their quarantine period; Nursing and Homecare personnel; and individuals calling into the hotline reporting concerning symptoms.


TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

The Primus inter pares PIA background props becoming that more 20X magnified gigantic with each new photo op's staged address to the colony of 700 islands and cays. Nod once for yeah tis truth the man's is full he self, twice for no... has all appearances having his hand's full being escalating serial Hoarder toilet papers...Can't make this shi# up, just, can't.

tell_it_like_it_is 4 years, 6 months ago

I'm glad auto parts stores are allowed to open with social distancing (even essential workers can have car problems). But I think there should be more than 1 day allowed. (2 at a minimum - eg. Tues & Thurs.)

If there's only 1 day... Tuesday will be crazy!!!!! There have been many people waiting to get vehicles fixed (especially with no public transportation). Why can't government see, when they put too many limitations, it makes matters worse??? (I guess at least the mandatory masks will help...less cloth, more real ones).

Give these businesses a bit more time for customers to shop, then everyone won't crowd them all at once! It's not rocket science!! SMH

Plant nurseries get 2 days, but auto parts get 1?? ROFL

birdiestrachan 4 years, 6 months ago

doc never thinks things through. Car part will be sold. What about the mechanics needed to fix the cars. will their business be open. parts are no good unless there is some one to fix the cars.

Grand Bahama is a family Island. do these new rules of operation apply to them?

Did the kiss up Journalist ask these questions?j

Clamshell 4 years, 6 months ago

Great. I can buy a carburetor but I can’t buy a can of beer.

Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 6 months ago

Minnis definitely seems to be on some kind of most serious ego power trip. Even Governor Cuomo of the Great Empire State of New York backed down on requiring individuals in the highly populated metroplitan area of New York City to wear any kind of mask or facial covering, if they have serious breathing issues that prevent them from wearing anything over their mouth and/or nose. And you would think that Minnis as a medical doctor would know that all too well that this is a fairly common problem for many people.

Minnis really needs to revisit the credibility of the sources of advice he's receiving, especially if the main sources are the WHO and PHO which have been proven to be way too beholden to the interests of Red China's very ruthless Xi Jinping led communist regime.

braehead 4 years, 6 months ago

Family Island Borders still closed. Does that mean that New Providence is now open?

Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 6 months ago

The company that used to clean my swimming pool on a regular basis twice a week is still claiming it has great difficulty in now doing so because Minnis has apparently ordered that pool cleaning businesses can only operate on Fridays and Saturdays. Is this true, and if so, how can such an order possibly be justified?

ohdrap4 4 years, 6 months ago

It is true. We had trouble here with pool maitenance. We require 3 visits a week.

birdiestrachan 4 years, 6 months ago

who stand to benefit from the lifting of these restrictions, Who will be working.? what companies will benefit??.

Who knows doc may be slay like a fox.

Clamshell 4 years, 6 months ago

Hey, Mudda ... things being what they are, you’re not likely to gin up a lot of sympathy here over a little scum on your swimming pool. Birdie’s gonna go nuts, and TalRussell’s head might explode ... 🤣😎

Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 6 months ago

May be so, but my 86 year-old mother, who lives with me and has serious pain problems in her lower back, gets much relief from her severe pain by swimming for an hour a couple of times each day. And of course my wife and I enjoy swimming and chatting with her, especially knowing that she won't be with us too much longer. Oh well, it is sadly what it is.

truetruebahamian 4 years, 6 months ago

The three stooges - (Sorry CurlyJoe Larry and Moe - I am sorry for the insult.) I would be happier if they contributed only to the Cockroach Cay Times.

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

Had to have been during the relaxed digestive period after indulging home-baked magic brownies for the mind have determined what be the best avenue for the colony's PM to justify his logic but not offend to the grown frailed feelings the thousands went and going bankrupt businesses whilst watched over by Royal Constabulary enforced closures... why it is okay for garden plant nurseries and grass cutting operations to fall under the Essential Services Act?
Nod just the once if you think can just make this shi# up, just, can't.

RealTalk 4 years, 6 months ago

It's starting to get mind boggling. The way he was deflecting questions was dismissive and shows that he has no control of this situation. There is no plan after all of these weeks. LETS DO THE MATH PEOPLE. 5 DAYS OPEN, 2 DAYS CLOSED. How is the weekend shutdown stopping the spread of this virus? 5 DAYS OPEN, 2 DAYS CLOSED. Technically 1 DAY CLOSED... Think about it...

RealTalk 4 years, 6 months ago

We might else well open all 7 DAYS. Tired of the one foot in, one foot out mentality. At least then, there wouldn't be crowds of people at the stores.

Clamshell 4 years, 6 months ago

You’re expecting logic ... do you live in the Bahamas?

RealTalk 4 years, 6 months ago

I live on an island called New Providence.

Clamshell 4 years, 6 months ago

Sometimes I think it should be spelled “New Providunce” ...

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 6 months ago

Located in the Bananas. I love the Bananas btw

Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 6 months ago

I can't help but agree with your sentiment that he seems to have no control or plan and therefore has no clue whether he's headed east or west. His political obituary will be well described by only one word: "Directionless!"

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

Source directly out Colony's Central Bank saying that the bank's comrade governor is mauling over ordering all banks discontinue the handing out, and accepting of cash deposits?
Also, for all businesses, and government departments and facilities, go Cashless to stop conducting cash transactions?

Porcupine 4 years, 6 months ago

The Bahamas is unprepared to go cashless. While you can order anything online from amazon, try paying your bills or doing online banking with our national bank, or Customs, or any other agency. We are wanting first world conveniences using third world intellect and no imagination. This "schedule" of open and closed days for business is a prime example of the lack of adult thought given to this situation.

ohdrap4 4 years, 6 months ago

You need to tell it to the police character reference office. They only accept cash there.

Porcupine 4 years, 6 months ago

Been there. And when you tell them that you filled out the application online, received a confirmation number, they smile and say that the online process doesn't work. Another waste of our time. No apologies.

avidreader 4 years, 6 months ago

In all my years I cannot recall witnessing or reading about such a level of mass hysteria (at least in relatively modern times) in relation to any medical/health problem. Watching documentaries about past pandemics can be informative but this level of mass insanity and economic suicide is beyond human comprehension. In my youth (about 1957-1958) I vaguely recall schools and movie theatres being closed as a result of what was called a polio "outbreak" in Nassau. We children were taken to Saint Matthew's Schoolroom for our dose of the pink vaccine on a sugar cube. This present situation almost smacks of MK ULTRA mind control experiments. Let us hope that increasing international tensions do not result in military adventurism arising from a sense of desperation.

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

Comrade Avid, polio has not disappeared it's still a live virus just that thanks to medical science today's children can be fully vaccinated against polio.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 6 months ago

I've said before that 20 years from now they'll be studying how the world fear and panicked itself into a global crisis. Everyone keeps saying we've never done this before, but what I see is a crisis that got out of control when sensible people world over followed Trumps do nothing lead then overcompensated on the ensuing disaster. If Obama were there for example, US health officials might have been pressing the Bahamas on its health protocols from December/January, instead, in March our Tourism minister was crowing about the liklihood that we could profit from the pandemic.

If the US had a different leader I doubt we would be in this situation.There's an often repeated clause in the bible that goes something like so that the prophecy could be fulfilled, and a dumb and ill informed, autocratic leader might be the requisite puzzle piece. Cause you couldn't imagine bizarro world with a one world govt, global military leadership, police checking the movement of citizens, if we go cashless govt could literally analyze your life, could prevent its enemies from making purchases by blocking a device, all while a young man with property labelled 666 has the ear of the leader of the mightiest nation in the world, and the church backs him. It's all the ingredients of a real life science fiction Brave New World

avidreader 4 years, 6 months ago

Let everyone wear a mask (for what it's worth), wash hands frequently, maintain a "safe" distance as far as is humanly possible, get outside and back to work if the job still exists. The longer this lockdown foolishness continues the worse the outcome for the national economy which is well on its way to its final agony. These are serious times we are experiencing and there is little room for experiment and waiting to see what foreign leaders are doing.

avidreader 4 years, 6 months ago

My dear TalRussell, I never stated that polio has disappeared from the world. For that mater neither has leprosy or the bubonic plague for that matter.

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

So True but In the meantime try not to for even a second to allow your guard to slip notch down for coronavirus. The PM has a massive task handle this one,

The_Oracle 4 years, 6 months ago

The Prime Minister did himself a great discredit with his off script "rant" questioning peoples Hearts and whether they have one or not. Abaco and G.B. could well question where his is, with respect of Government Dorian response. The Governments of this country have consistently set themselves up as the "great Provider" to the Bahamian people, perhaps the lesson here is the largess of that lie. Thank God for foreign NGO response and continued efforts. Businesses will be needed to restart your economy, try doing that without them. With no income they are hemorrhaging ( a word you may be familiar with?) Foreign payables, payroll, utilities, and restoration costs in the case of Abaco and G.B. none of which stopped. No, an apology is owed to the Bahamian people on that count. I don't know which "rich merchant" you went south on (maybe all?) but a national address was not the place for it. Your anger was on display, and was misdirected. If no apology then it should be added to the transcript of your speech. Let the record show what you said. Meanwhile, Grand Bahama would like a clarification on its status as an out island as per a previous order (the food store fiasco a-z names/days) or as Nassau. (store opening days) The interpretations are left right and center at this point.

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

Honestly won't believe there are PopoulacesOrdinary who wake up anxious to take on the comrade PM over his administration's inconsistent business do's, don't's and can't's, the curfew, social distancing, and mask-wearing policies...which means he must be pushing lots PopoulacesOrdinary's tolerances buttons of a crosssection different political leanings.

tell_it_like_it_is 4 years, 6 months ago

Good points. I thought the "humane" part was not logical either.
If your expenses are greater than your income, it doesn't matter how much inventory you have, you're really not rich at all.

Some of of these businesses are literally making zero dollars right now.

Bonefishpete 4 years, 6 months ago

Just open it up. All of it.

joeblow 4 years, 6 months ago

For those who believe in the power of prayer, lets pray that our PM gets an infusion of heavenly wisdom! We have seen how well he has done without it!!

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

Current Prime Minister when he was Papa Hubert's health minister back in September 2011. Pay close attention to his call for government transparency.

  • Dr. Hubert Minnis, Health Minister, Colony of 700 Out Islands and Cays -


alfalfa 4 years, 6 months ago

Just found out that Road Traffic Dept. Is opening tomorrow April 20 with a new system for the licensing of vehicles and renewal of drivers licenses. The 20th and 21st are reserved for March customers who did not get theirs completed last month. So we now have a new system and 7working days to license all of April's vehicles. They are working seven hours a day, and will license, in my view, what has to be in the area of 10 - 15 thousand vehicles ? That's 2,000 a day and roughly 300 per hour. Must be some majic s--t they invented with this new system. And this is all happening at month end and Govt. Payday? Plenty people will get left out. Dialed 311 to find out whether any decisions have been made regarding the undoubted situation of unlicensed vehicles, and the officer very nicely told me that if you car is not licensed park it. If you drive it you will be ticketed. Another disaster in the making.

Lknowles 4 years, 6 months ago

Plant stores dont need 2 days who will buy plants during these hard times people need car parts n damn tires I have been off the road since a.i.d close so when they open now it's going to be a hole damn mess only 1 day nonsense

Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 6 months ago

With each passing day that locally owned businesses remain shut down, there is an increasing likelihood they will never recover and simply go out of business. This would significantly ratchet up unemployment. It would also put serious pressure on the capitalization of the commercial banks through higher loan losses. Not good. We are probably now at the point where the economic harm done to our country will likely result in more pre-mature deaths of our people than the Red China Virus itself.

Lknowles 4 years, 6 months ago

A.i.d on the family island is no nowhere like a.i.d in Nassau wulff road for example the only thing they can do at a.i.d on the island is change your tire we dont have mechanics at a.i.d on the island

moncurcool 4 years, 6 months ago

So landscaping is now an essential service? Did I miss something on this? And autoparts 1 day? Did they not learn anything from the grocery massacre? The plans just seems to be without logic. I figured they would have at least seen how no grocery schedule went so well that they would not have gone back to that garbage. Anyway, we will see what is left when this hopefully is over.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 6 months ago

Yeah that autoparts one day, building supplies one day is a recipe for disaster. They didn't learn anything from the foodstore debacle. It also will mean rather than getting all of your errands completed in one day, you now have to be on the road multiple days per week. I can't believe sensible people are coordinating this effort. and if the plunbing breaks down on the wrong day....

tell_it_like_it_is 4 years, 6 months ago

Moncurcool I figured that a major landscaping company has contributed to the FNM campaign or someone in government or their family owns major landscaping companies... (rolling eyes). Cause there's no logic to the lunacy that's happening around here!!

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 6 months ago

that background is horrendous. the flag would do just fine..

truetruebahamian 4 years, 6 months ago

The Minister of Confusion is working diligently and at full 7 day per week capacity!

bogart 4 years, 6 months ago

Plant Nurseries are more than what the eyes see and should have been better advertised in the Bahamas. They not only deal with house plants but have wide operations for instance they have farms, greenhouses growing varieties lettuce, green peppers, cucumbers, cooking herbs etc. They produce continuous vegetables for the grocery stores. The operations may involve hydrophonics lots of timers , pumps, lights, temps, constant attention to monitor, lessen, add changes along cycle of growing caring produce. The nurseries may also have contacts to supply and care of decorative plants in many businesses offices now closed lenghty time periods. Hotel businesses and businesses, home estates, condos etcetc., maintenance landscaping gated communities, condo complexes common grounds areas, hotels with extensive lawns, golf courses, landscaping would require constant upkeep to keep plants it maintaines especially with hot climate already affecting bermuda grass and some landscaping plants requiring constant care.

Better to try good maintenance for constant vegetables from local plant nurseries to be available in the food store and good upkeep landscaping to immediately available to restart businesses hotels , others, than trying restart landscaping, to buy again what is available remove, replace, plants, grass, resod restart. No tourist or business people wants to visit island when it opens to see dried up landscaping.

moncurcool 4 years, 6 months ago

Tourists go to Dubai and Qatar and Las vegas, places in the middle of the desert with no landscaping. They not concern about he dry landscape in those desert places. Tourists don't come to the Bahamas for landscaping.

Now while I understand they may be more than plants, (still trying to find the ones that are supplying supermarkets with vegetables), the reality is in this crisis environment we are dealing with, how does it become an essential service, even more than autoparts stores or mechanics? Something is missing there for me.

bogart 4 years, 6 months ago

@moncurcool see not in order and there ane many others...www.enviroscape.com/ www.careyscape.com/

On where beyond the eyes can see are many of the vegecrops are in structures and are side roads where the tiefs cant readily get to them. You can understand why erry effort is to do this. And keep it that way. You can dig some of them up looking in yellow pages lol

The aquaponics farming usually small areas, not huge acreage. There is vast potential in farming with now experimental farming in US where crops in structures containing layers vertical where the roots are nurished in vapors with nutrients according to growth etc. Farming that seems to be solely pushed by Govt and Agriculture is archaic farming huge acreage with oxen tilling land. A friend who some years aga had been advocating had been pushing backyard farming and local area market in densely populated urban areas create compost for soil, crops, backyard have competitions money prizes to encourage, have local craftwork etc and have buses of tourists from ships come off and spend /inject new money before govt even got one sq mile area ova da hill organizing businesses same money among themselves. There needs to be total revamping Govt Agriculture to develop, innovate, create better Agriculture to seriously reduce imports.

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