PMH staff 'at tipping point'

Doctors and nurses outside PMH on Tuesday.

Doctors and nurses outside PMH on Tuesday.

LOCAL doctors and nurses are calling on health officials to implement the “necessary protocols” to better protect healthcare workers at Princess Margaret Hospital amid safety concerns about the COVID-19 threat. Their calls for more safety measures comes as the country continues to experience a surge of COVID-19 cases, with the total currently standing at 679.

“This morning, we are at a tipping point where our staff members have become compromised because of the overwhelming number of patients with suspected COVID symptoms presenting to A&E,” head of the Bahamas Doctors Union, Dr Melisandre Bassett told reporters Tuesday morning outside PMH.

“...We’re still here, we’re not leaving our jobs and this is not a walk out. This is not a sick out. We want to help the Bahamian people, but we have to do it safely and sensibly."We’re waiting for this situation to be rectified and until that happens you can’t ask anyone to put themselves in harm’s way without the necessary protocol and safety measure in place. That’s all we’re asking,” she said.

When contacted, an official at the Public Hospitals Authority said a statement would be released on the concerns.


ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago

Its August and we only have 30 Chinese Virus ICU Beds in the country, with majority on New Providence and a few on Grand Bahama. Majority of us knew about this deadly Chinese Virus back in January, but by March our health officials should have been on top of it and had everything prepared, but here we are in August STILL without mass testing, tests kits on the family islands, anitibody tests, proper protocols and PPE equipment for our health workers, and very very very few ventilators and ICU beds!


joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago

A doctor wearing a cloth mask in a public hospital setting? During a COVID-19 pandemic? Is this for real???

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago

This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, this country continues to sail backwards with each passing day and there isn't any sign of this ship turning around anytime soon!

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