Company losing fight against staff lay-offs


Tribune Business Reporter


An auto parts and hardware store yesterday warned it may lay-off some of its 25 staff members due to the restrictions imposed by the new two-week COVID-19 lockdown.

Doreen Rolle, owner/operator of Rolle's Auto, told Tribune Business: "The hardware side is open and our auto side is closed now. It is not going very well because I didn't get rid of any of my staff and I'm still on a full staff, but I don't know how long I can keep this up.

"I am right here now fighting and trying to do some adjustments, and it doesn't look like I am going to be able to keep all of these staff. This is 25 staff members I have, so I don't know. I was fighting this from March.

"We were on lockdown from basically March 19, so I really can't give you a figure off the top of my head on how much I am losing on a weekly basis, but I know I am losing at least 85 percent of what I usually take in because we only worked one day. The auto side was only opened for one day and the hardware doesn't carry a heavy load. I am basically losing 85 percent."

She added: "Even though I am open, I am only open to accommodate the people, but the hardware doesn't carry the weight like the auto parts. I sell all of the hardware stuff, like the plumbing and electrical stuff, but only the people in the immediate area know me for selling hardware."

Ms Rolle was not sure if the hardware store will remain open during the two-week lockdown, and said, "Only unless my supplies come in. I ordered some supplies that were supposed to come in. If they get here in time then I can probably sustain it, but other than that I would have to close.

"I will see. I have an order in and I am not sure if the order will get here by Friday, because I ordered a good bit of hardware. I sold out of the little bit of hardware that I had, so it depends on if they get here or not. That will determine if I stay open or not."

Ms Rolle said her shipment is "somewhere in a warehouse in Florida", and she added: "What we made before March is what took us through to July. We cannot go on like this without some staff reduction."


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