Tribune Freeport Reporter
Following criticism over the COVID-19 response on Grand Bahama, Minister of State for Grand Bahama Kwasi Thompson assured that government is working aggressively in the ongoing fight against the spread of the coronavirus.
Describing the situation in Grand Bahama as “very serious,” he stressed that in order to overcome the virus Grand Bahamians must be united and supportive of each other and health officials.
“We are aware of the public’s concerns and fears which should not be politicized,” he said on Wednesday, as Grand Bahama has now recorded some 439 cases.
“We are all at risk and we are all in this fight together. Ultimately, how each individual member of our community behaves is critical to determining the country’s outcome. The situation in Grand Bahama, as we have been saying for some time, is very serious. It cannot be understated that our numbers are not yet at an acceptable level and the public must take the health warnings and restrictions seriously,” Mr Thompson said.
Minister Thompson indicated that Grand Bahama has been particularly challenged due to Hurricane Dorian, which destroyed the Rand Memorial Hospital.
“Unprecedented is an understatement when describing the plethora of challenges the island have experienced. Our island was ravaged by Hurricane Dorian in September 2019, resulting in more damage to an already weakened, ageing structure (Rand Memorial Hospital). Construction workers are working feverishly to the complete rebuilding of the hospital. The Prime Minister has announced that $21 million has been allocated for the Rand Memorial Hospital,” he said.
He indicated that the island will have a “new Rand Memorial Hospital” in September when work is expected to be completed.
“Contrary to critics, construction of a new COVID-19 Center on property was started several months ago and should be ready for occupants in a few weeks,” he said. While this will not be a new hospital it most certainly will be a new Rand Memorial Hospital.”
He said that the public is further advised of the following:
• The Grand Bahama Health Services COVID-19 Task Force follows the national protocols for testing and contact tracing that are based on international guidelines.
• Testing in Grand Bahama is systematic, targeting specific groups (symptomatic and asymptomatic) utilizing expanded testing
• The Government quarantine site is being utilized to quarantine/isolate all persons who do not meet the criteria for home quarantine/ isolation. During the recent tropical storm Isaias, persons at risk for COVID-19 were cared for at the Government facility.
• The Cancer Association has been utilized for COVID-19 patients since the beginning of the second wave. The center has 6 negative pressure rooms that can accommodate 6-12 patients and an additional 10 beds.
Minister Thompson pointed out that only COVID-19 patients or persons under investigation are currently housed there, and that clinical inpatient services are managed at two off-site locations.
“The public is assured that the Government of The Bahamas is working diligently with relative agencies to address all COVID-related challenges,’’ he said.
“Our nation’s response ought not be politicized, as it is vital that we stand united against this giant foe. The Prime Minister has consistently offered an olive branch to the Opposition who recently had the opportunity to meet with and ask any questions to the top medical officials however, many of the issues raised in their public statement were not raised to the health officials.
“Our intent is to do the best with what resources we have and to identify solutions for all deficiencies encountered. The pandemic is our collective problem and our collective responsibility. We take this opportunity to commend the Grand Bahama COVID-19 Task Force and all the frontline doctors and nurses who are working above and beyond to keep our island safe.
“The Government of The Bahamas continues to move swiftly and aggressively as the situation develops globally and here at home. We ask the public to continue to follow protocols issued by health officials to help minimize the spread of COVID-19” he said.
rawbahamian 4 years, 7 months ago
It is the Goverment's action of shutting down everything that is shutting down the economy. For every person that becomes a Covid victim, there are 20 people who become lockdown victims. The country is collapsing and the overpaid, safe, secure 'competent' authorities are comfortable in their grand homes eating steaks, lobster and the like because their inflated salaries are not being affected while Bahamians are being left to eat grass for dinner. The ' incompetent' authority needs to be placed where everyone else is for 3months and taste what it means for their elected authorities to suffer as they are suffering. I have not heard a word about "we will take a 50% cut in salary" to send the other 50% to help the needy. Bahamians on the whole need to simply ignore this lockdown strangling 'competent' order and carry on normally until MINNIS wakes up !!!
Economist 4 years, 7 months ago
The govermnents response continues to be totally inadiquate.
Their testing and tracing is a joke. Often persons, who's names have beeen given to te Ministry of Health are never contacted. Pathetic.
thps 4 years, 7 months ago
While he is at it, he can direct his advice to the cabinet. The government is one of the worst offenders.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
they most likely believe that they're immune..look at the PM'S statement, for him to be in close proximity to an infected individual it had to be a sign from God...and this after 1000 other people had already had a similar close encounter, but no signs there, just hard head
TalRussell 4 years, 7 months ago
Comrade Senator Kwasi, can you recall ducking answering a question back on May 7, 2020, when you were asked a direct and simple question by a Tribune reporter, If COVID-19 testing is being done on Grand Bahama? Your only response to the reporter's question on testing was to say, you are goin' leave that question to be answered by health professionals?
Is it not also true that up until this very moment, you have yet to provide an answer to the reporter's May 7 question?** Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?
Wisdom4 4 years, 7 months ago
This is totally ridiculous, Shutting down the economy and stopping working class people to provide for their families with low number of COVID -19 case within the NATION. Other countries with higher numbers of COVID-19, the economy is moving on and people our employ, plus bills are being paid. Meanwhile, many Bahamians are struggling to provide food on the table for their families, losing jobs and business are closing. All do to these lock downs. This is not a solution, but a major problem.
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
We do not need to waste tax payer money funding a "ministry" for Grand Bahama!!
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