Turnquest: Ignore fake news

Peter Turnquest

Peter Turnquest


Tribune Freeport Reporter


Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest has promised the government is committed to the nation’s full recovery from Hurricane Dorian and its battle against COVID-19.

His assurance came as he said a significant amount of “fake news and irresponsible information” is being circulated on social media over the condition of roads and schools in East Grand Bahama, the constituency Mr Turnquest represents.

In a recent video clip posted on WhatsApp, a man claims that schools in EGB are always neglected by successive governments.

In the 48 second video was footage of a public school in disrepair. The man said: “Can someone please tell me why every school in GB is getting fix besides the schools in East End? Can someone tell me why East End always got to be last to get anything done from any government, especially from the people who been supporting the FNM government for years and years and always getting left behind? Like, what the expletive?. Seriously, though? Every time, every government, it is the same thing over and over, always.

He further complained: “Why the (expletive) EE always getting left behind? There is always a new school someplace, always a clinic someplace, and they just fix the same old, dumb, stupid sh.. all the time, like why?”

In response to the video, the East Grand Bahama MP stated that a comprehensive school is being built in High Rock.

According to MP Turnquest, the site is identified, and engineering work is underway to make it a resilient school that is capable of being a hurricane shelter.

He said: “While a significant amount of fake news and irresponsible information make the social media rounds, the video clips related to the road and schools in East Grand Bahama highlight the genuine concerns of residents who have every right to demand updates.

“I remain proud to represent the wonderful and community-minded people of East Grand Bahama, and to be a part of a government committed to our nation’s full recovery of hurricane Dorian as we now tackle COVID-19 and it’s deadly impact,” said Mr Turnquest.


ThisIsOurs 4 years, 4 months ago

This sounds like Piscewell standing in the middle of the empty field talking about new basketball court coming and how much he love the people.

tetelestai 4 years, 4 months ago

Dont drag Picewell into this rubbish.

trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago

Mr. Turnquest can you and the de facto Minister (Mr. Johnson) figure out an economic plan for the country.

Hope you're not thinking of raising VAT. That's the only thing we've seen you do so far.

Can we appoint some donkeys to the Economic Reco CD rry Committee? I think we'll get the same results we're getting now.

trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago

Typo, Economic Recovery Committee

happyfly 4 years, 4 months ago

Hey ! they have proven capable of photocopying some ideas from other places. A one-year work visa in which a foreigner comes here for a year and pays rent and spends money for nothing probably should have been thought up a decade ago but hey !!

trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago

We started with some vision with the kate Sir Lynden Pindking. Then we went down this dark road of visionless, incompetent, arrogant, petty leaders. We can't find someone with vision and we can't get someone who can at least manage. smh

Why is it so hard to find the right people to govern these little rocks in the Atlantic? These guys make the simplest things seem so complex. Please everybody in Parliament on both sides of the aisle, do the right thing and resign.

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 4 months ago

Too many stubborn old folks in office who need to get wit da times and head into a retirement home because their heads are LONG GONE! We need more young people in office! Sadly many of our youths have already realised that they have a much better future in the U.S than back home, majority of the youths left over here have a D- and only want to turn up, do drugs, make babies, and break into homes!

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 4 months ago

Young people worked out well on this COVID thing. It's not about she, it's about competence. I'd take advice from Buffet over Travis any day

Chucky 4 years, 4 months ago

Everybody talk like the politicians are fools.

You’re so wrong.

These politicians want to be seen as bumbling fools, as this hides the fact that they’re crooked thieves.

Every mistake, poor education, bad roads, slow bureaucratic processes. All planned.

Bad healthcare. Planned

Crooked politicians. It’s just that simple.

They’re goal is to ripoff the country, keep you stupid, and keep you under control.

Not one since independence, not one, has had the interests of the people before their own interests. Fact!

trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago

There is some design here. I can allow for that. But, if you look.at what they do, all of it that is, they are incompetent. They're not the brightest.

Playing or appearing dumb while in the midst of corruption is one thing, displaying a lack of understanding of basic leadership skills is another. Listen to some of these guys when they present ideas, they're lost. That is not an act. Think of it from this perspective, if your intent is to steal, if you grow the economy you can steal more, right?

TalRussell 4 years, 4 months ago

What's Comrade East Grand's House-elected MP Uncle Joe KP runnin' on about this time? Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

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