15 more cases of COVID-19, two deaths under investigation

THE Ministry of Health recorded 15 additional COVID-19 cases yesterday with two more deaths under investigation.

This brings the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases to 1,813 and the number of deaths—which now includes those under investigation—to 48.

According to the latest data, there are now 1,039 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Providence, 525 in Grand Bahama, 66 in Abaco, 53 in Bimini, 19 in Exuma, 15 in the Berry Islands, eight in Cat Island, eight in Inagua, five in Eleuthera, four in Acklins, two in Crooked Island and one in Andros.

There are 68 confirmed cases with “locations pending”.

Of the 15 cases reported yesterday, 10 are in New Providence, two in Grand Bahama and three are in Bimini.

“The Ministry of Health also confirms that there were two deaths reported today that are under Investigation,” a statement released shortly before midnight said. “Details about these deaths will be released once they have been properly classified. Hence, the death toll currently stands at 48. Also, one death has been classified as a confirmed non-COVID related death. Hence, non-COVID related deaths now tally at six.”


ISpeakFacts 4 years, 4 months ago

Only 22 test completed! Yep, we're repeating the cycle again, just have the Ministry of Health push out low testing and fake recovery numbers so the country can quickly reopen its borders to the U.S so we can have another surge because this country still has NO PLAN (the 2nd wave hasn't even PEAKED yet!) and then Minnis aka "His Majesty" can put us all under his mighty lockdowns again!

pencil 4 years, 4 months ago

does anyone know what the "68 location pending" stands for?

ohdrap4 4 years, 4 months ago

Well they were recording tests in handwritten forms. Information likely ommited or illegible.

Had they typed into a computer, accuracy could be increased by making entry fields required.

One day someone will come along to invent microsoft access just like they had it at ths SS ENTERPRISE.

trueBahamian 4 years, 4 months ago

Reopening is inevitable. No economy can shut down forever. At some point before a total collapse, you have to reopen. But reopening has to be done in a smart, well thought out way. You can't simply open the doors and keep your fingers crossed.

whogothere 4 years, 4 months ago

Remember the days when they investigated deaths before attributing a cause and added them to the count...

“ . Critics said the government wasn't doing enough to combat the virus, and some even suggested that health officials were covering up deaths. Dengue infections can be life-threatening when they occur in individuals with asthma, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

Former Health Minister Dr Hubert Minnis dismissed these claims. "When someone who has dengue dies, that death is not necessarily attributed to the virus. It could be caused by other factors. We are not covering up or hiding the number of deaths. In fact, I have asked the public to inform the Ministry of any suspicious cases so that we can have them investigated," he said at the time.”


joeblow 4 years, 4 months ago

... don't worry, things are trending down based on the data and input from medical professionals! Ignore the obvious infections and deaths. You can go to the beach and relax! Your supreme ruler has spoken!

SP 4 years, 4 months ago

I am told the two deaths were both Covid-19 deep cleaning technicians that caught and died from the virus!

Covid-19 is no hoax or joke! It's real, and coming to a neighborhood near you.

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