78 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

The Ministry of Health reported on Saturday that there were 78 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19.

This brings the total number of cases to 2,135 with 1,293 of those active.

Sixty-three of the new cases are in New Providence, four are in Grand Bahama and the locations of the remaining 11 are pending.

Health officials are reminding the public to practice the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

• Wear a face mask when you leave home;

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol;

• Cover your cough or sneeze in your inner elbow or with a tissue; and

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as phones, remotes controls, counters, doorknobs, and keyboards.


trueBahamian 4 years, 7 months ago

Is this situation under control? Doesn't seem so.

ohdrap4 4 years, 6 months ago

The problem is that it has not been revealed what "under control" means.

It might be the number of hospitalizations per 100000 or percentage of occupied ICU beds.

It might also be the impact on the economy. I think someone finally impressed on these idiot doctors one cannot luckdown people at the cost of them being jobless and homeless.

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago

"New Providence is doing very very well, at this time, a hard lockdown is no longer recommended!" - PM Minnis

Meanwhile New Providence is still surging and the CONFIRMED deaths in the country is now at 60! And why are we already at 88+ locations pending??? We've had 70+ pending for WEEKS now!

ohdrap4 4 years, 6 months ago

That will remain. It is not worth it to pursue, current cases is time better spent.

They were embarassed to say they were not even recording tests in a computer. This happened because of their own incompetence combined with lack of resources.

There is even the man who walked away from the long line and then was told he tested positive

They are making up numbers and can no longer luckdown people.

hrysippus 4 years, 6 months ago

WHO has said that 20 new cases per day per 100,000 of population in the tipping point when corona spread becomes uncontrollable. 78 cases on Saturday is very close to this point.

TalRussell 4 years, 6 months ago

Would a secret survey of The Colony's medical profession, and frontline support workers say to ask to what extent the Central Regime's own officials out fear retaliation by Central Regime's House-elected and politically appointed could be sitting on the sidelines of the gravity what the PopoulacesOrdinary at large POAL, and business community are seeing, experiencing, hearing and living through?
What if its all make this stuff up. Just
shouldn't have thought such a thing such.** Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

tribanon 4 years, 6 months ago

Our healthcare system is completely overwhelmed meaning any very serious case of Covid-19 is now tantamount to a death sentence. Triage is no doubt being practiced which means only those patients most likely to recover are being treated, especially if they have a good health insurance policy or other financial means to pay the exorbitant medical costs.

MrsQ 4 years, 6 months ago

This situation is out of control. Hundreds of new cases have been reported in the week since the PM announced that it was miraculously time to open businesses back up, despite saying that a full lockdown was needed a few days before. As of a couple of days ago, it was reported that the hospitals are at capacity and there is no room to treat more COVID patients.The PM has had the correct instincts regarding the seriousness of COVID and the need to protect the citizens, but he has executed lockdowns in a disorganized manner and now he has lost the trust of the people. If he had given people the time and resources to prepare for lockdowns properly, the virus would be much more under control. Another poor decision was to reopen the border in July. The government says no tourists brought COVID here and it was only Bahamians traveling to Florida who brought it back, but how realistic is that? No tourists coming from the U.S. COVID epicenter brought it here but somehow the virus knew to infect Bahamians only? Seems very unlikely. I think the PM was angered by the (deserved) backlash against his latest lockdown attempt and has now given up. Protect yourselves and your families, everyone. The government definitely isn't going to do it for you.

tribanon 4 years, 6 months ago

@MrsQ: The last few sentences of your post serve to remind all of us of Minnis's well known predilection for being downright nasty and vindictive whenever his most foolish decisions or serious abuses of authority are brought into question.

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