Man guilty of $350 fraud


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 28-year-old man who defrauded his former employer of $350 was yesterday ordered to pay back the money he stole.

Police said Albert Rolle possessed and uttered a forged Royal Bank of Canada cheque which he drew from the account of Marvin’s Safe and Reliable LP Gas Services on August 24.

The prosecution argued when the defendant committed the acts, he unlawfully obtained $350 from Marvin Bethel’s RBC account by means of false pretences.

During the hearing before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes yesterday, Rolle pleaded guilty to all of the charges.

The court heard Mr Bethel told police one of his former employees had stolen several cheques from him sometime between May and August of this year. The prosecution said Rolle was in possession of one of the cheques and cashed it at a local supermarket, despite the fact that Mr Bethel never issued the cheque to him or gave him permission to cash it. The court was told officers who investigated the matter arrested the defendant a short time later.

In an interview with police, he declined to comment.

During the hearing, Rolle’s attorney Devard Francis told the magistrate his client’s crime had “no hallmarks of violence”. He also insisted Rolle understood his actions were wrong and claimed he only received $100 after cashing the $350 cheque. Mr Francis said Rolle was contrite and craved the court’s indulgence in tempering justice with mercy.

In response, Magistrate Forbes said there appeared to be a proliferation of these types of offences in recent times. As a result, he convicted Rolle of the crimes and ordered him to compensate Mr Bethel the money he defrauded.

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