Hateful speech

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I would like to add some comments to the excellent letter in Monday’s Tribune from Saskia D’Aguilar in reference to the letter from Kevin Evans in Friday’s Tribune. Evans’ letter in essence says homosexuals are the devil’s children who will spend eternity in hell.

Homosexuals have been around long before Christ walked the earth, i.e. long before Christianity. Worldwide statistically two in a 100 people are homo or bi-sexual.

It’s important to understand it’s NOT a choice it’s in the make up of their DNA. So the concept they will be punished for a sexual orientation that is totally out of their control is absurd.

Look at it from this perspective if Christ walked the earth now would he condemn homosexuals and define them as Satan’s children? Christ spewing hateful bile?

Christ may, however, take great exception to preachers like we have here and all round the world whose only interest in religion is acquiring wealth and power whilst using that power to molest boys and girls. The Catholic Church has been bedeviled with this sickness and the Bahamas is far from exempt from malignant pedophilia.

Letters such as this from Evans are to be expected as this is the guy who praises and defends the dreadful racism spouted by the hate-filled Trump.

Freedom of speech is important in a healthy democracy, but reading hateful drivel is unspeakably vile.



November 30, 2020.


Porcupine 3 years, 9 months ago

I totally agree. Kevin Evans, as a so-called Christian, seems to exemplify the opposite of what the true Christian message really is. I quit reading his nonsense, as it is often so outrageous that I feel obliged to respond. A waste of time.

joeblow 3 years, 9 months ago

... how often people overlook the words of Christ to the woman caught in the act of adultery (which in Jewish culture was sex between a male and female couple with at least one person being unmarried) which was "... go and sin no more". Surely if Christ thought heterosexual sex outside of Gods prescribed boundary(marriage) was wrong and people should choose to stop it, then same sex relations must be as well (since the Torah was His point of reference). All sexual acts with the exception of rape are voluntary acts, which means they are free will choices not acts of automatism!!

People also choose to overlooks Christs response when asked about divorce when he noted marriage is between a male and female. Society can change civil law to suit its purposes, but it cannot change Gods law, but each gets to believe what they choose, at the end of the day, God will judge!

ScubaSteve 3 years, 9 months ago

I'm going to assume that you are a heterosexual (as am I). I would like for you to wake up tomorrow and immediately stop being attracted to women and instead long for the touch of a male. Could you do it? Could you simply flip a switch when you wake up and do it? Let me help you with the answer... it is a NO. And guess what, I couldn't make the switch either. For some reason, I am wired to only be attracted to females and as hard as I might try... I will never be attracted to males. But according to you and what you preach... it is as simple as making a choice and making the "right" choice (otherwise, you will burn in hell).

joeblow 3 years, 9 months ago

... consider that in virtually every instance a thought or feeling precedes an action. A person can then decide to act on that thought or feeling. That is why there are many things you have thought to do you have not done and vice versa. Habits are formed by repeatedly yielding to certain thoughts or feelings until they become second nature. If this is not true then we should nor prosecute pedophiles and incest and bestiality should be okay because they are "wired that way"! How else do you explain bisexuality or celibacy?

BTW, heterosexuals can and do go to hell too, because admission has nothing to do with sexuality!

ScubaSteve 3 years, 9 months ago

I'm trying to keep this as simple as possible. I'm only asking one question... can you wake up tomorrow and start going about your day as fully attracted and aroused by men (rather than women)? It's a simple yes or no question. Nothing else comes into play. YES or NO? Of course the answer for you and I is a "no." Therefore, this obviously proves it isn't a "choice" as you claim it is to be. But instead, simply how our brains are wired. And guess who programmed our brains... GOD.

joeblow 3 years, 9 months ago

... it appears you have not given my comment any real thought!

How do you explain a Bruce to Caitlyn Jenner phenomena or a 60 year old person who was previously heterosexual claiming they are bisexual? We wire our brains with what we repeatedly choose to say yes or no to. Think!

JokeyJack 3 years, 9 months ago

I also disagree with Mr. Evans, but I cherish his freedom to express his views. Only if we allow all persons to speak, and we are open to considering their ideas might we someday (probably by accident) stumble upon a solution to the terrible tragedy which is the human condition.

Bahamians and Americans live in a nice little bubble, protected from what goes on all around the world. I could tell you stories of things that happen in South America, and in the eastern counties (far east) that would likely make you vomit right where you stand. However, they are not suitable to be mentioned in this format. The US media certainly does an excellent job of turning a blind eye to them.

Consider for example how the entire issue of COVID on the African continent and how it is being dealt with over there (they have a VERY low fatality rate and low case count), is not at all covered in the US media. Close living quarter, lack of clean water for hand washing? Why is Africa not really suffering from COVID-19? I encourage you to do some research on that. I would mention it here, but I would not want to suffer the consequences of mentioning the name of the medicine they use. The very mention of it, brings forth a great wrath.

Free speech is a valuable thing, and the lack of it (such as in the latter case) can even lead to death. I wish the best to Mr. Evans and hope that free speech continues with us into the future. I also hope that he will someday consider that some of the wording in the Bible may have been mistranslated and perhaps our Father in Heaven is not one who burns his own children in eternal fire. If we truly believe that, then why don't we legalize it here on Earth? If someone's children misbehave can they pour gas on them and set them on fire? Why not? I've heard it's a Godly practice.

tribanon 3 years, 9 months ago

The only problem I have about the 2 in 100 (if that's the correct percentage) is that the 2 make so much more noise about their sexuality than the other 98. Flaunting one's sexuality in the face of others, as if trying to 'convert' them, is definitely not a good thing. That's why law enforcement authorities around the world really must continue clamping down on all of the unprovoked but threatened heterosexuals (yes, heterosexuals) who are constantly parading their fully clad bodies in the streets while waving the most boring and unattractive colourless flags and banners. lol

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