Jailed for 18 months over gun used for ‘protection’


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 25-year-old man who was found with an illegal firearm that he claimed he had for “protection” was yesterday sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Police arrested Eric Thurston after they found him with a black Taurus pistol and six .40mm live rounds of ammunition on December 18.

He pleaded guilty to one count each of possession of an unlicensed firearm and illegal ammunition during his hearing before Magistrate Samuel McKinney yesterday.

The court was told that that day, officers responded to a code 91 near Island Luck on Cordeaux Avenue and Miami Street. Upon their arrival, they saw a man fitting the description they were given by officers in their control room. The prosecution said the suspect attempted to flee the scene, which prompted the officers to give chase. It was at that time that Thurston removed a black handgun from his waist and dropped it on the ground.

After a short foot chase, officers detained the accused and took him back to the area where he had dropped the firearm. He was then cautioned and arrested.

When given an opportunity to speak during the hearing, Thurston told the magistrate he had the firearm for his protection after he got shot a few years ago. He insisted he had no intentions of using the weapon to harm anyone.

After listening to his explanation, Magistrate McKinney fined him $5,000 and sentenced him to 18 months at the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. He warned Thurston that if he failed to pay the fine, he could risk spending an additional six months on remand.

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