‘That’s not your job, Mr Speaker’

Speaker of the House Halson Moultrie. File Photo: Terrel W. Carey Sr/Tribune Staff

Speaker of the House Halson Moultrie. File Photo: Terrel W. Carey Sr/Tribune Staff


Tribune Chief Reporter


AS AN “impartial arbiter,” House Speaker Halson Moultrie should not be calling for action or legislation on any matter regardless of his convictions, attorney Wayne Munroe insisted yesterday.

Instead, Mr Munroe said Mr Moultrie should curb his expression and public comments if they are not related to parliamentary affairs and decorum in the lower chamber.

Mr Monroe was contacted for comment after Speaker Moultruie told the House of Assembly on Wednesday that he had reviewed the Penal Code to see if something could be done regarding obscene language in social media videos. He said something needed to be done about the issue as it was “eroding” the country’s moral fabric.

He also expressed regret that National Security Minister Marvin Dames was not present at that point in the House sitting to hear his concerns.

“I don’t know how as the Speaker he comes to be expressing these thoughts,” Mr Munroe told The Tribune.

“His job is to be an impartial arbiter in the legislative body, so he shouldn’t be calling for any legislation about nothing regardless of what he feels. He needs to curb his expression because the post that he holds means that his comments are supposed to be about the decorum of the House and dealing with that, but as Speaker he gives up the rights that other members have and perhaps he needs to read the rules of the House instead of reading the Penal Code.”

He also said: “...The Speaker needs to look at the Police Services Act and the Constitution about who controls policing in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and it’s not the minister of national security, although their behaviour seems to come down on the side that they are, suggesting that he is when he is not.

“Secondly the Penal Code does have provisions now for using obscene language to the annoyance of other people, but how are you going to say you’re annoyed when you choose to listen to somebody because he is talking about if someone sends you a video and you choose to listen to it.”

Mr Munroe said the hallmark of a democratic society is the freedom of choice.

“Anything that seeks to control what somebody else does can affect free speech, so for instance the Constitution doesn’t give the freedom of expression. It’s not an absolute right. So in there you will find you can control civil servants’ freedom of expression, so that’s specifically the Constitution so they don’t have the right to speak to the press without clearance from their head of department,” Mr Munroe added.

“But the Constitution tells you that if you go around slandering and defaming people, the Constitution tells you that protecting the rights of others is an exception of free speech but the things about public morality and the rest of that are only permitted in so far as they are justified in a democratic society.

“You might be able to say for instance that at the ecumenical service for independence you could criminalise someone coming up cussing and stripping naked on stage because that’s a public event, but nothing to do with choice can be justified by censorship in a democratic society. So if you go to one of these rap concerts where you know the fella will cuss a lot how you going to complain?”

On Wednesday, Mr Moultrie said some social media posts had become “callus and insensitive”.

He said: “…And in some cases is unlawful because I’ve seen some posts on social media and it caused me to examine the Bahamas Penal Code to see if there was some reform to the code with respect to obscenity.

“Persons are able to actually make video posts with their faces in focus and using the most obscene language.

“It’s unfortunate that the minister of national security isn’t here at his time,” he also said. “Something has got to be done. This is eroding the very moral fabric of our society. Something must be done to stop the obscenities in particular to stop the obscenities that are being disseminated by social media.”


Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years ago

We've never had a dumber and more embarrassing Speaker of The House. And we have none other than Minnis to thank for that irrefutable fact.

retsof18 5 years ago

This smoky looking gremlin needs to stay in his league, assigned by his appointment.

hrysippus 5 years ago

Excellent Editorial, on point and timely.

jus2cents 5 years ago

For the nation to move forward, these dinosaurs must go.

geostorm 5 years ago

Many, including Mr. Wayne Munroe are the reason our country has strayed away from decency and decorum. Carry on smartly!

sheeprunner12 5 years ago

Like everyone else in Government, the Speaker is a toothless tiger who must answer to the PM and his Cabinet ………. It is a farce that the Speaker dictates anything of substance in the House ……….. His Office is just like the Office of the Governor General - Pomp, Pageantry, and Powerless.

If The Speaker had any REAL power ……. (1) He would have changed the House Rules …… (2) He would have ordered the PAC (or the many other House Committees) to do its job ………. (3) He would have gotten the MPs to respect his Chair …………… (4) He would have gotten the House to meet on time ………… (5) He would deal with non-compliant MPs who do not report their annual $$$$$ affairs ………… SMH

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years ago

It's Minnis and Turquest who are the toothless tigers. Our country today is being run by the likes of the IDB, IMF, OECD, EU, Red China's ruthless Xi-led communist regime (Fooking enterprise - Baha Mar, Hutchison Whampoa - Freeport), corporate america (Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Bain Capital - Atlantis), and so on and so on. Minnis and Turnquest now only do as they are told by their various foreign masters who could not care less about the interests of the Bahamian people.

sheeprunner12 5 years ago

Mudda …….. that comment is a different issue …….. We know that the Foreign Interests control the small Caribbean countries.

I suppose the PM dem has to bully someone, as he is being bullied by US, WTO, IMF, OECD & China etc.

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