DNA leader: Crime is out of control



By Earyel Bowleg


DEMOCRATIC National Alliance (DNA) Leader Arinthia Komolafe said the crime rate has gotten too much out of control while laying out her party’s multifaceted approach to fighting the issue.

She listed a number of the DNA’s programme ideas and initiatives to deal with the possible causes of crime, such as the state of the economy and antisocial behaviour.

“We talk about our entrepreneurship programme, our empowerment programme for land and homes for the Bahamian people to be able to empower them," she told reporters Thursday.

“Just community initiatives and going inside the community and ensuring that there are programmes in those communities for the children to be engaged in so that we can address this issue of antisocial behaviour.

“We have a challenge of antisocial behaviour among some young Bahamians as well as anger management and the way that we deal with conflict and so these are things that are figuring also very prominently in our education platform – being able to address the character of the young people that are coming up in our society.”

Three years ago, the party put out it's Vision 2017 policy document laying out its plan to address crime. This included defining the “worst of the worst” crimes to carry out capital punishment through legislation.

They also suggested civilian complaint board regulations being strengthened and making sure the police commissioner and the Royal Bahamas Police Force are free from political interference.


bahamianson 5 years, 2 months ago

Crime is out of control, and let me guess, you will bring it back in control? Riiiiiggggghhhhtttt. Ok, you have my vote because I believe you. Whatever!

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

Or you have the alternative of voting for the other 2 parties who have been in multiple times and they have been so successful - right?

sheeprunner12 5 years, 2 months ago

Where was she when the Columbian drug cartels were running the country ...... or when Christie was in power??

That is why many of us cannot take these fake, asinine politicians seriously.

CEA242 5 years, 2 months ago

To be Fair, she was writing articles in the paper for years on solutions when she came back home from school. This was way before thinking about Politics, so NOT because she wasn't in the forefront speaking doesn't mean she wasn't speaking at all.

stillwaters 5 years, 2 months ago

Too new and foolish to know that crime is a platform that will only bury you politically......just not a good option for her to promise to solve our crime problem .....we have walked that dusty road far, far, far too often.

Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 2 months ago

Just another irrelevant voice......the DNA will solve crime by getting rid of anti-social behavior.....LMAO!

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

Anti-social behaviour and lack of knowledge of conflict resolution techniques IS the very root of the problem. She is spot on there. Perhaps you prefer the current compass heading of our ship?

bogart 5 years, 2 months ago

Crime out of control begs the question where dey bin when gov't been increasing biggest widening between pore and rich in the Bahamas of all Caribbean countries??

Just few days ago gov't experts banning plastic bags charging tax or fee of 25c to $1. Dollar per bag to stop plastic AND never checking for all the thousands of bag boys at all grocery stores across the island. All these young boys usually all from the struggling urban areas earn money which goes to buy food and essentials.

These struggling young men bag boys packing grocery bags get to learn discipline by stores working, learning proper dressing to work, bag boys get to learn excellent communication skills (they know how to earn that extra tip with good manners, smile efficient, run back checking prices items in aisle, ), learn their packing prioritizing skills-not putting the eggs and tomatoes at the bottom of bag , toting bags to vehicle etccetc .

Given the enriching of the store owners in have them charge for bags to eliminating full use of plastic bags and lessening the amounts of grocery store bag boys, ain't been seeing no decision making politicians hav nothing to say store owners getting richer by govt and also pushing pore struggling bag boys back into the pore homes in pore areas.

Jus another example of fully organizing by law tekking bread outta pore people an pore people grocery store bag boys sons and daughters mout an making rich richer.

themessenger 5 years, 2 months ago

What asinine remarks, you bitching about paying 25c for plastic bags when you can buy reusable ones for $1:29 and the packing boy’s still get tipped for packing and toting them, when you dumb you dangerous.

bogart 5 years, 2 months ago

You is obviously foul mouthed because you been up your peoples ass talking shit. There was no 25cent fee or tax for poor people to pay when buying food and then the tax or fee given to the shore owner! If you been to the store people often fills a sturdy bag and totes it themself. Less bags to pack, less or no packers, period!!!. Jackasses like yourself have for years pushing down regressive taxes onto poor Bahamians while you enrich friends cronies lovers.

momoyama 5 years, 2 months ago

Bogart you are in a small minority of Bahamians that understand the root cause of most of our issues: regressive taxes and idiotic pro rich policies that ultimately benefit nobody.

moncurcool 5 years, 2 months ago

Why do we continue to live at the bottom of the barrel. When you travel, how many packing bag people do you see in a store? the same grocer who cashes you out packs your bag. DO you tippled them?

It is sad how we argue for things that only increase the cost of living and are unnecessary.

TalRussell 5 years, 2 months ago

To be quick knock down each, any and all comrades willing step forward serve in diversity opposition roles is the sure way protect continued longevity the two old horses mainstream political parties. It requires many stumbles learn ropes becoming an effective opposition.

ThisIsOurs 5 years, 2 months ago

Agreed. I've often said I would have liked to see Dr Sands as PM, having seen him operate as Minister of Health I realize he's not the best at the optics of the political. and while I appreciate that, he has to appeal to the masses and navigate the landmines. He gives an honest measured opinion, that's what he does, he's a doctor...a good one... and gets in trouble for it. "We won't rush the marijuana report" for example, meanwhile Dr Minnis peaks over his shoulder 2 seconds later and says "marijuana for everybody"!! I'd prefer having the measured people in charge, and have them consulting a team on the political manoeuvrings

joeblow 5 years, 2 months ago

Crime is out of control and there are a plethora of dimwits who aspire to higher political office. The future looks grim!!

CEA242 5 years, 2 months ago

I Agree with your comments to an extend. Crime is indeed out of control and there are Politicians who don't care about our Country yet alone Crime! But I dare not say our future looks grim, especially before trying a better Alternative. I've been following Arinthia Komolafe for some years now, her ideology and progressive thinking is what's going to help get our country moving in a 21st century direction with a reform Education system that will produce much more better citizens and help to lower crime in the future. It won't be a overnight fix

joeblow 5 years, 2 months ago

... the problem is the inability of the DNA (under her leadership thus far) to create grassroots support because of their inability to connect with the issues that are important to the majority of voters. Thoughts and ideas don't win elections, grassroots momentum does!

TalRussell 5 years, 2 months ago

Pray tell ma comrades, shouldn't we be way beyond raised by bad parent constabulary going into colony's capital out island's local neighbourhoods and tourists frequented areas be fixing broken windows, and be's slapping up side head, anyone who dares verbally challenge abusive actions members constabulary?

SP 5 years, 2 months ago

Another out of touch political party. How could so-called intelligent, educated, people, be so dam dense that they can't simply look at where we came from to figure out how we got where we are now?

Prior to dumb Pindling, dumber Ingraham, and dumbest Christie, the Bahamas enjoyed over employment, Bahamians all had two or in some cases three jobs, there was no crime to speak of, and we never thought about locking our doors or partying until sunrise. Murders were something we heard about in the U.S. or other countries. On the very odd occasion, if there was a murder in the Bahamas, everybody went into deep shock!

Pindling, Ingraham, and Christie, with all their combined wisdom, decided we needed more people to build the country and opened the floodgates for Haitians and anybody else to come in and take jobs away from Bahamians.

The 3 stooges were so busy enriching bay street boys, sunshine boys, friends, family, lovers, and living high on the hog on peoples' backs, they never considered they had to actually educate the masses, and grow the economy commensurate with the massive false per capita population boom.

The 3 stooges abandoned the people they failed to educate, internationally labeled them as "D" average illiterates, and encouraged better-educated ex-pats from anywhere to come in and take jobs and entire sectors of the economy away from Bahamians. Over decades of this imbalance, Bahamians grew poorer and poorer, people began to despair, unable to find alternate means of survival, in desperation, they began turning to crime.

Bahamians now find themselves, unemployed, hopeless, with nowhere to turn for survival and supporting families other than "hustling" a living on the streets. As with any "job", the proper tools are essential. To hustle on the streets the required "tools" are guns and knives, resulting in the present crime wave, caused by the undeniable result of 50 years of failed governance!

The only solution to crime is to reverse the open door ex-pat policy, allow our people to get back to work, and give them the opportunity to earn a living.

sheeprunner12 5 years, 2 months ago

Well, the young DNA leader is a by-product of the 3 stooges ...... like 80% of Bahamians

ThisIsOurs 5 years, 2 months ago

"Prior to dumb Pindling....the Bahamas enjoyed..."???? Prior to??? "Prior to", the black Bahamian majority were oppressed people, women couldnt vote, black people couldn't work on Bay Street (we almost back tgere but that's another story). Where is this mythical "prior to" land where everything was going smoothly? I submit it was never good much less better for Bahamians in the Bahamas. What we had were craftily engineered distractions to take our minds off the misery, rum running, numbers, alcohol, the race track, illegal gaming, carnival and now marijuana..next is prostitution.

That said I agree with almost everything else you said...parliament being used to enrich those within the walls, the dumbing down of the population, the eradication of the middle class and the sale of the Bahamas to the rich foreigner..you can allow investment and you can allow investors to reap the benefits of their work but you don't have to sell the country and enslave the people to do it.

SP 5 years, 2 months ago

Granted, what you said is all true. However, my "point" is that unemployment and lack of opportunity for citizens are the root causes of crime in the Bahamians!

We need a government with enough backbone to reverse the ex-pat open door policy which deprives our people of jobs and business opportunities.

sheeprunner12 5 years, 2 months ago

Majority Rule gave more middle & lower class Bahamian people the illusion of social equity ...... but the old social elite (black and white) still own 80% of the national wealth 53 years after 1967 .......... the oppressors have only been tweeked

SP 5 years, 2 months ago

Exactly! The bay street and sunshine boys are holding the "majority" hostage. So-called "majority rule" is a myth that needs to be dispelled so that a conversation can be started leading to a real equitable distribution of wealth!

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

You are absolutely correct - AND the DNA has hinted from time to time about "regularizing" those who were "born here" contrary to out Constitution. That, I believe, is their biggest weak point. If they can convince us that they are truly for Bahamians - and not for those who just showed up - they have a chance.

On the other hand, the Bahamian people are very much at fault for not putting one DNA in the House so we could all hear their views on various topics and be able to make an informed decision. Instead, we continue in our ignorance, which we love.

CEA242 5 years, 2 months ago

Agreed but have you been following the DNA and its current leader's pronouncements on immigration? I am not talking about Bran's comments; he is no longer the leader of the DNA.

CEA242 5 years, 2 months ago

Some of the comments here is exactly why we are in the state we are in as a nation. We want change but we attack those who want to help bring about change. I am not ashamed to say that I support the DNA and its current leader.

I have followed Mrs Komolafe over the years and she is smart and will make a great leader.

It is interesting to see that even though The Tribune doesn't run the DNA's commentaries, they decided to publish some of the derogatory remarks here in the paper today to discredit the DNA. The Bahamian people see the plot and the gameplan here. It's obvious for all to see.

Change will come regardless.

TalRussell 5 years, 2 months ago

A sure way scare off any comrade born here, raised here, never lived anywhere but here from seeking citizenship - is if they become familiarised with what historical researches are now saying about how we Out Islanders looked and acted like before the Europeans made landfall - including how used likes eating people? If the historical researches hadn't say it, I couldn't write it!

TheMadHatter 5 years, 2 months ago

That old tired argument Tal about "never lived anywhere else", if accepted would just be used as an excuse for others to do the same thing. Those same people who you are saying were born here, raised here, never lived anywhere else are having children here themselves. They know they don't have status - so are they telling us they don't care if their children grow up not having status either? If they don't care about their own children having status, why should we care about them having it?

TalRussell 5 years, 2 months ago

Far myth being society's freeloaders, comrade unauthorized immigrants, alone proportionally pay the same local VAT and Custom Duties, Driver License, and all other government levied fess taxes.as do legal immigrants and citizens alike estimated to pay in excess $500 Million Dollars a year. Colony cannot do without influx their half a Billion Dollars so, isn't lit but only question of which nationality* are we replace them with? Net result will be to deport those born here import others born elsewhere? Good Day!

Giordano 5 years, 2 months ago

Ms Arinthia Komalafe seldom comes into the known national media with anything and there are so much reason TO TALK OR SAY SOMETHING,everyday given to apparently uncompromised such politicians,specially the ones stagnated in the opposition . She should say more and do more from a party that people are gasping to here,talking about everyday concerning situations including crime as the most heavy and most concerning one. She looks like she is scared to talk or say something that might activate or pull up the bottom of bullism against the female gender and others in this nation of so many Churches. The fact is that crime never had been down in the last two decades in The Bahamas because of the Police failures to address Minors Complaints for so long and everyone who is not in directional positions has brilliant idea about how to solve crime. Also,by the way,the RBPF needs to find the right approach to prevent crime first beside solving them in a Post-mortem,sadly to say, way. Would like to see an end to this unsustainable nightmare. E!acted politicians need to change their long standing bad behavior of we change them.

CEA242 5 years, 2 months ago

The issue is not that she is not speaking. The problem is that mainstream media wants to maintain the status quo with the FNM and PLP.

Have you been to the DNA's website and social media pages? They are always issuing press releases and speaking to national issues but The Tribune and The Nassau Guardian don't publish the DNA's commentary intentionally. You should ask them why. Thank God for thebahamasweekly, even The Punch and social media.

CEA242 5 years, 2 months ago

The DNA Leader is absolutely right. The level of ignorance on this thread is baffling. Many of the commentators here seem to be out of touch with what is going on in this country.

Crime is out of control and anti social behaviour, anger management problems and lack of conflict resolution skills are the main causes.

sheeprunner12 5 years, 2 months ago

We know that crime is a national problem ...... the reality is that the DNA will not solve the problem ..... it has NO following anymore

Giordano 5 years, 2 months ago

DNA needs to have their own newspaper,use party members to distribute those along the community and everyweek,print an album of CORRUPTION exposing the wrongdoing everywhere in the country,absolutely everywhere..,in government and all cabinets ' members,public sector including complicity of local representative or head quarter of international,financial institutions like IDB who lends so much money WITHOUT following destination of funds. Where are the $40.00 MILLIONS to plant mangroves trees?. Also exposed police bad behavior and complicity with the blue collar criminals,DNA should encourage values in the community like integrity and being in the right side of history,talk about bullism and all these Kaki-uniform complicity and refusal to comply with the national pledge before complying with elected head of the state's pledge. DNA should charge an small fees for the mentioned newspaper and encourage extra sponsoring to make it free sometimes and build up funds to make the fight stronger against corruption and all wrongdoing responsibly. DNA should use the experience of history and similar,other nations,to advance transparency and democracy in The Bahamas.

proudloudandfnm 5 years, 2 months ago

Well we sure as hell can't do worse than the FNM/PLP clown show. Maybe we should give the DNA a chance. Lord knows this country does not need PM Brave or PM Minnis....

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