Bannister: No load shedding this summer

Minister of Public Works Desmond Bannister.

Minister of Public Works Desmond Bannister.


Tribune Staff Reporter


WORKS Minister Desmond Bannister yesterday expressed confidence that there will be no load shedding across New Providence this summer.

He said “we have more generation than we need” to put an end to the country’s longstanding electricity woes.

Speaking ahead of a Cabinet meeting, the minister commended Bahamas Power and Light for the progress it has made in resolving legacy generation issues.

He said: “This time last year, everybody was on me about load shedding and we’ve had no load shedding. So, let’s look at the successes that BPL has had. These are hard earned successes.

“It’s been 20 years since we’ve had a summer where we can say we have had no load shedding and we’ve had none so far this summer and I want us to look at the progress that’s been made and let’s celebrate those progresses also.”

He continued: “They’ve been hard ones. They’ve been huge challenges and the country is moving forward now in a sector where energy has begun to become reliable for the first time since some of you have known yourselves.”

“Some of y’all are very young and every summer, y’all have been accustomed to this. This is a huge change, and this is the kind of thing that we have to celebrate also.”

Last summer, residents in New Providence suffered almost daily load shedding since June 19. In an effort to end load shedding in the capital, the power provider added a new engine to its Blue Hills Power Station in March in a move officials said would help improve the country’s energy production.

At the time, BPL chairman Donovan Moxey called the new GE TM2500 engine a “game changer” for BPL and the Bahamian people, adding it will aid in fixing long-standing problems experienced by BPL consumers.

However, in recent months, there have been several power outages across New Providence.

In April, for example, lightning strikes on the company’s overhead system caused outages in areas including Nassau East, Star Estates, McKinney Drive and Carmichael Road.

A month later, the capital experienced an island-wide blackout and the fault was traced to a substation on Skyline Drive. The Tribune understands it was caused by an operator switching error.

Blaming recent outages on either bad weather, transmission issues or human error, Mr Bannister noted that such power failures were not uncommon in more advanced countries around the world.

He made the comment when asked how confident he is there will be no load shedding this year given the fact that summer had just started and there were already several outages so far for the year.

To this, the Carmichael MP replied: “You’ve had outages related to the weather, you’ve had outages related to transmission and distribution. You’ve had outages related to human strikes and you’ve have outages regrettably related to human error.

“There have been several in the east and there have been three or four in the west. Even the great cities in the world have those kinds of outages and we have to improve transmission and distribution at BPL and that’s a next target, but we can’t fix them all at one time. We targeted generation this last year.”

He continued: “Now we have more generation than we need this summer and I want you to ask me that same question at the end of the summer and at the end of the hurricane season. You’re going to come and say ‘Mr Bannister, we had no load shedding. What happened?’”


tribanon 4 years, 8 months ago

The joke of the week, possibly the month, coming directly from Bannister's forever dishonest and most deceitful lips. LOL

tell_it_like_it_is 4 years, 8 months ago

Most major hotels won't be open for most of the summer. So if load shedding still happens, this situation at BPL is even worse than I thought. This is nothing to brag about. SMH

thps 4 years, 8 months ago

let me summarize the article:

Your mechanic last yar told you that your car a/c will be better than it was in the history of summers. Better than when your old mechanic used to look at it.

After saying that, your A/C rarely worked last year.

The mechanic) tells you the problem was the compressor.

He spent all of last year trying to rebuild, fix, find old compressors. . Finally, at the end of the summer, you get a new compressor.

This year your a/c runs, just not as strong, causes your car to overheat and causes cuts out from time to time.

You go to your mechanic, He says, I know your car cools sometimes but its better than last year.

You say, but sir it still don't work as well is expensive to run and doesn't deliver when I need it the most.

He says: It may be acting funny due to radiator cap, water pump, sensor, and thermostat but count your lucky stars your compressor works.

geostorm 4 years, 8 months ago

😂😂😂....well what a time!

joeblow 4 years, 8 months ago

Load shedding normally starts about 2 weeks after they announce there won't be any load shedding! Its just what we need, COVID-19, lockdown, people don't have jobs, hurricane season and power off! Will be a memorable summer!

moncurcool 4 years, 8 months ago

He continued: “Now we have more generation than we need this summer and I want you to ask me that same question at the end of the summer and at the end of the hurricane season. You’re going to come and say ‘Mr Bannister, we had no load shedding. What happened?’”

He was doing so well until that last sentence. Well for you BPL folks in New Providence, will see what the summer brings. Those of us in the other islands will just enjoy our cool breeze.

tribanon 4 years, 8 months ago

Bannister foolishly thinks there will be no power generation issues because Atlantis and Baha Mar are likely to remain closed throughout the summer. But little does he know. Just wait until BPL is soon forced to start laying off and/or reducing the pay, allowances and other benefits of its union members. All hell is going to break loose and we will find ourselves swallowed up by the darkness of night at the hottest time of the year.

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