FRIDAY UPDATE: One new case of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health announced on Friday that there is a new confirmed case of COVID-19.

This latest case, the fourth this week, is a 40-year-old man of New Providence with a history of travel. He is in isolation at home.

There have been 108 confirmed cases in total – with eight of those still active.

Health officials are reminding the public to practice the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

• Wear a face mask when you leave home;

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol;

• Cover your cough or sneeze in your inner elbow or with a tissue; and 

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as phones, remotes controls, counters, doorknobs, and keyboards. 


My2Cents 4 years, 8 months ago

Tough. That’s the consequence we knew we would face when deciding to open the borders. Don’t fw my freedoms by tightening curfews/restrictions because of this. Manage the risk effectively as you said you would.

TalRussell 4 years, 8 months ago

Warning, this video is hard to watch. The clip needs no comment it speaks for itself.

  • Inside An Overcrowded South Carolina ICU Where COVID-19 Patients Fear For Their Lives NBC News NOW Jul 10, 2020


ISpeakFacts 4 years, 8 months ago


The NEW surge of the deadly Chinese Virus has already begun thanks to the incompetence of Hubert "Idiot" Minnis, also known the VILLAGE IDIOT!!!

With the peak of hurricane season approaching in the next few weeks, WE ALL KNOW this country cannot contain or handle an outbreak of this deadly Chinese Virus, 4 cases in the span of 2+ days is already concerning considering this corrupt country is barely testing. This is a very tough task that I'm requesting from our idiot in chief, but can Hubert "Idiot" Minnis please use his rat sized brain and close our borders NOW before it's too late!!!

joeblow 4 years, 8 months ago

So may unanswered questions: where did he go? was it by plane or boat? who else was on the plane, are they tracing them as welI?

In the past people who tested positive were sent home unmonitored by a tracking system. What assurance do we have that this person won't be in the grocery store or some other public place tomorrow or the day after?

And to think, this was all avoidable!

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 8 months ago

Sadly Minnis' brain is most likely still at the repair shop and no one knows when it will be ready!!!

Minnis clearly resembles his followers and cronies, a complete idiot!

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago

There are no doors at the beach. Multiple people are not touching the same door handle to get access to sun sand and sea.

There are no seats at the beach. Multiple people are not sitting on the same surface.

The beach is open air. Multiple people are not breathing in the same contaminated recycled air

After these 4 infections with high probability of even greater spread from persons who didn't approach a beach, I really hope Dr Minnis and Kwasi Thompson get a grip and start addressing the problem where it lies. Where is the plan to deal with infected persons crossing our border? Your travel pass is a step but it can't work on its own. Dr Minnis needs to resign as Minister of Health IMMEDIATELY and for the good of the country reinstate Dr Sands. It's clear the medical team will not contradict any of the dumb unscientific Trumpian decisions from Dr Minnis.They then need to implement a random sampling of all visitors to the country. Now is the best time as numbers are low. If 28000 applied for a travel pass testing 2000 is in the realm of possibilities.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago

I do not think Dr Minnis is an idiot. I do believe his knowledge is so limited that it's impossible for him to make good choices. He's simply not aware of the options. Now the thing is all of us suffer from the same thing, noone knows everything, but Dr Minnis' failing is he doesnt seek those who have the knowledge he lacks, he seeks those who make him comfortortable with his ignorance.

joeblow 4 years, 8 months ago

@ThisIsOurs... Minnis is an idiot, because he is a doctor and former minister of health who should have a basic knowledge of medicine. But, he does not know his limitations. This also means that the leadership team at the Ministry of Health should be replaced immediately and Dahl Regis should be fired as a consultant. From day one they have been behind the eight ball. They did not close the borders early enough and decided to open them too soon. Their contact tracing has been a failure. They failed to protect healthcare workers in the past and had to send 150 of them home at one point! They kept Bimini open for six weeks after the first case was diagnosed and only closed it down after more positive cases were found. They shut down islands where there were no cases or travel to those islands. They allow people to go into the closed environment of a gym huffing and puffing, or to dine indoors, but won't allow families outdoors on the beach. They previously admitted they could not find two people who tested positive but had not put a means in place to track those in self isolation. And they failed to do enough testing and simply will not do any antibody testing.

This team has been a disaster and should be removed. Sands should not be allowed to return since his performance wasn't that good either, he simply communicated better. They need to allow the people who deal with infectious diseases to manage this, since it is an infectious disease problem!

And every voter in Killarney should get the cat o nine tails for putting such a dunce in the HOA!

proudloudandfnm 4 years, 8 months ago

Borders open but not near enough tourists to impact our economy. That trend will continue while this virus rages. So what's the plan when the re-opening fails and our economy continues to fall?

Or was reopening the only plan? So now we're taking on trump's magical thinking? Once we open everything will be fine? Does this mean our PM is as dumb as trump? Or as evil?


tribanon 4 years, 8 months ago

Minnis is dumber than most and certainly dumber than President Trump. President Trump at least knows he can print a hard currency, i.e. US dollars. Minnis on the hand, has yet to figure out he can only print colourful monopoly money, i.e. Bahamian dollars. But that has not stopped the very dumb Minnis from borrowing hard currency like there's no tomorrow in order to continue paying our grossly over-bloated civil work force their full pay and benefits while unemployment or serious pay reductions are all the norm in the private sector. And this blithering idiot would have us believe he knows where he's headed when in fact he's totally directionless. Since May 2017 his only answer to our country's economic woes has been to just keep on borrowing as much as possible for as long as he possibly can and be damned the consequences for all Bahamians of him doing so. Bottomline: Minnis is not only grossly incompetent, but he has way, way too many loose screws!

TalRussell 4 years, 8 months ago

Personally speaking, meself is done with The Queen!
Who could've to imagine that not even Sir Stafford's UBP, would've fallen so low in popularity as to gone took the Junkanoo right out the 47th to celebrate the colonialism of The Colony's Empire.
Just couldn't make this Empire stuff up. Just, couldn't. Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

mandela 4 years, 8 months ago

11 Days open to international flights and already 6 new cases of the virus.

TalRussell 4 years, 8 months ago

Almost the twelfth day and neither of the comrades' Brent nor Dr. Duane seems prepared to stand up on the floor of the House to end his OPM's tenure. Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?

licks2 4 years, 8 months ago

As usual. . .I am right around here!! The same voices that were rowing for open borders and civil freedoms to do what ever the hell they like and were calling doc an idiot for opening too slowly are now the ones rowing for opening too soon!! This proof case for doc and his team not listening to yall at all!! Eya. . . yinna issa sorry group of peoples them!!!

I can guarantee una that een nobody will pay any attention to this site. . .it is too fulla yard chicken thinking!! And to make matters worse, una want doc to lock down the whole nation. . .because una say so?? Because una een gat a dang clue of what is going on it seems? Bouy carry yall dumb behinds and sit the hell down. .. .een nobody on yall run. . .cos yall don't have a clue about what yinna want really!! Until yall start acting like there is some sound reasoning skills sans political "bandwagon" jumping. . .yinna go sit down!! Suck teeth!!

tribanon 4 years, 8 months ago

My oh my what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. You assinine Minnis spin doctors are too comical and most predictable. LOL

ashley14 4 years, 8 months ago

Three cases sounds great to me. Can I move there. We have states that 10,000 cases a day, and our President is more worried about the economy than whether we live or die. At least that’s how his reactions make you feel. I have asthma and really don’t need to catch it. I work for the schools which they are making them open and you know what a disaster that could be. I’m going to follow all the safety measures. Most of all Trust God to protect us. You know the Bible’s predictions are happening and things are changing rapidly.

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