In a period of severe racial unrest in the United States, Philadelphia-based pastor Gino Jennings, tells black people to stop giving bigots a reason to stereotype them.
Pastor Gino Jennings, head pastor of First Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, spoke to The Tribune from his church’s headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The church has branches in America and other countries around the world including Nassau at Honeycomb Street off Hay and Flint Street. Pastor Jennings is known for hard-hitting sermons around the world which can be seen on YouTube.
“I agree fully that the black man has been stereotyped by racist bigots for many years, but that doesn’t justify us in giving them a reason to stereotype us,” Pastor Jennings said.
“That’s why I tell our black men, ‘pull your pants up, man’. Why would you want to advertise your behind? What’s the reason?
“I tell my black brothers and sisters, don’t be lazy, don’t be afraid to work, stop thinking that the only way out of the ghettos of America or the world is to be a rapper or to play ball. Why would you just look at that and think you can’t do anything else? Parents should encourage their children and tell them that they can be a doctor, or a nurse or the President, or a governor or a mayor. If parents are limited in their vision, then the children will be limited on how to approach what they want to accomplish in life. The scriptures teach us that, ‘If there is no vision, the people perish’. That is not just narrowed down to church, but that’s in life.”
Jennings was criticised recently in his native America for ridiculing those involved in the “Black Lives Matter” movement by asking them if black lives really matter in a society where blacks are killing each other, black men abuse black women and sell drugs to other black men.
Asked about these remarks, Jennings told The Tribune: “Black brothers need to have more self-respect, self-decency. The quote here in America - as you have seen in the demonstrations - is “Black Lives Matter”. I addressed that on a live webcast and I told them the slogan is powerful, but it is only verbalised when a black person is murdered by a white policemen. Black lives should matter across the board.
“I say this, if black lives matter so strongly, why is this statement only stated when a black man is killed? Why doesn’t it matter when a black woman is abused by black men? Why doesn’t a black life matter when a black woman is raped by a black man? Why doesn’t it matter when a black woman is beat up by a black man? So black lives should matter in every perspective.”
Highlighting relationships between black men and black women, he said he would really like to see black men respect black women more. He said young, black men should stop running the streets and “knocking up every woman you meet”. And, he also said these men will soon have daughters and then reap what they sow.
“I want our black brothers to respect the black sisters,” Jennings noted. “Our names will cease to exist without the females and our children taking on our names. How can you love yourself as a black man and hate the black woman? So I warn our brothers to stop beating their women. Stop verbally abusing your women. Take care of your women. You cannot criticise society for stereotyping if you constantly give them something to stereotype.”
Pastor Jennings has very strong views about the current demonstrations by black people in America. He is not hopeful that these demonstrations will make a difference with the growing racial tension there.
“One thing I will say about Trump is that he is an open bigot,” said Jennings.
“He makes a lot of Republican politicians nervous because he says in the open what they say behind doors. He is an open racist! And, what I am saying to you on the phone, I will say the exact same thing on television. Blacks will demonstrate! Blacks will fight! Why should you have to fight for a right that America says is already yours? Think of it, why do we have to demonstrate if it’s true that all men are created equal? When the constitution of the United States was written blacks were not included.
“There will be more demonstrations and more murders. If you research the history of America, the blacks have demonstrated continuously. And, now you have all these white companies coming along with the slogan, “Black Lives Matter”, you have television stations playing more black movies and black entertainment. To me that is sheer hypocrisy and white guilt because if these companies are legitimate in what they are saying just see how many black women they have on their board of directors.”
Pastor Jennings labeled this apparent appeasement of blacks in America as a mere “illusion of progress to make it seem like something is happening”. He said blacks in America have built the society there, but yet are still hated by whites. He also said many businesses and industries like the cotton industry has been built off the backs of black people and have made whites rich.
“They can take down all the statues they want in America, that won’t stop racism,” he continued. “They are taking down those statues and moving them into museums. So what’s the purpose of taking them down if you are going to still have them somewhere else for people to see? As far as the confederate flag is concerned where the south was trying to fight for slavery, that’s one thing, but you have to take it further and realise that it was under the current American flag when blacks had to sit in the back of the bus. The protests will die down and then America goes back to the norm like nothing had happened.”
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
Black in America will never make progress until they shed their victim mentality and stop elevating their ethnicity over the humanity of others! All lives matter and BTW, Native Americans have been treated far worse than American blacks!!
moncurcool 4 years, 7 months ago
And all lives will not matter until Black live matter too.
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago
Joeblow, those are white supremacist talking points, but you probably don't know any better. Please educate yourself.
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
@hurricane... please offer a more intelligent 'educated' response! Facts to support your view would be nice!
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago
You're a lost cause...not even worth my time. I just feel sorry for your mis-education and brainwashing. We just have to let some of yall stay on the plantation. Best.
benniesun 4 years, 7 months ago
@hurricane... The situation is a spiritual one. One of their best minds proved who they are… . Slavery and theft was sanctioned by their god from the beginning of their conquest and colonization. Evil parasitism is the modus operandi (… ) - we can only be aware and await the coming resurrection of our God.
geostorm 4 years, 7 months ago
@joeblow, you are absolutely correct! The victim mentality is what is keeping many blacks in America. How is it that so many Caribbean islanders are able to immigrate to the US and achieve great success?
Everyone agrees that racism still exists in America, but will blacks continue to lay down and play the victim? Everything Pastor Jennings says is true. They have so much opportunity but many choose to lead a life of crime. They need to get their acts together, pull up their pants and get to work!
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
@geostorm... If one were to take a look at the lives of Booker T Washington, George W. Carver and any other black American who accomplished anything of note, one will find the common thread is that they did so because they shed the victim/entitlement mindset and were prepared to work. The fact that @hurricane is unaware of the number of black Bahamians alone who are doing outstandingly in the USA is evidence enough to upturn their presumed intelligence.
Blacks from everywhere, including Africa can and do succeed in America before American blacks!
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago
And the Chinese, Jamaicans, and other foreigners in the Bahamas are doing better than Black Bahamians. See how that works?
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago
Geostorm, in Miami, the median wealth for white households was estimated at $107,000. Cuban households: $22,000...Caribbean Blacks households: $12,000. Is that what you call thriving? Your bar must be pretty low. Again, please educate yourselves and get acquainted with current data.
bahamianson 4 years, 7 months ago
Hurricane , every race held the other in slavery at some point in time. No one should be anyone else's slave. Native americans enslaved blacks as well, so JoeBlow is on point. Actually, there was a time in history where Blacks enslaved whites . It seems JoeBlow has educated himself. His comments can be proven with history , they are not supremacist talking points ,just facts.
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago
Bahamians are so ignorant about American chattel slavery. What are they teaching in schools these days? Yikes?
benniesun 4 years, 7 months ago
The situation is a spiritual one. one of their best minds - Bertrand Comparet - clearly lays out who they are (… ). Their god sanctioned our slavery and theft of our realm. That is their modus operandi (… ) - we can only be aware and wait for the resurrection of our God.
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
@hurricane... a little history lesson for you. Blacks have owned slaves (black and otherwise) throughout all of human history. The first person in America to own a black slave was a black man from Angola named Anthony Johnson. Read and learn!
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago
Blacks "owned"slaves by buying them back to protect the breakup up of their families. You sound like a white supremacist living n the Bahamas, are you?
hurricane 4 years, 7 months ago
Joeblow, a history lesson for you, for the majority of cases free blacks "purchased" family members as slaves to protect them. Any other red herrings you want to throw out?
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
.. I tired! I bow to your superior enlightened intellect! All the best!
benniesun 4 years, 7 months ago
The situation is a spiritual one. One of their best minds - Bertrand Comparet - clearly lays out who they are… . Their god sanctioned slavery and theft.
bogart 4 years, 7 months ago
Haiti......for centuries from Haiti's Independence from 1804 to around 1825 period where the French Government and French Owners of slaves demanded and placed Gunboats to demand Haiti.......compensate them some 150 million francs !!!!!! equivalent of Billions of dollars.!!!!!!!!
If today there is a much much more glaring case to have corrected this pathetic, repugnant documented by papers enforced by France putting Haiti and its slaves and generations into human suffering and impoverishing Haiti, this is a first case.
If there is talk and action of Black lives matter, then Haiti must be in forefront where France and French owners of slaves demanded and received slaves and Haiti govt to compensate them for their enslavement of their slaves !!!!!!!!!....and slaves fighting and winning battles beating their French Plantation slave owners. Haiti must be at the forefront black lives matter in addressing their documented case against France and French plantation slave owners for justice.
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