ART OF GRAPHIX: Avoiding really graphic mistakes

Ever had a misunderstanding with a graphic or website designer who promised a dazzling design, but instead delivered a big mess? Did you lose time, hundreds of dollars, business reputation and suffer emotional turmoil? And, the worst part: You had to seek another alternative.

If you endured such an experience, here are a few tips that can help save time, money and stress that occurs when you do not receive the service you deserve.

Pretty does not always yield

Your desire is for your website to look nice and create a visual impact. However, pretty does not always result in sales. Always choose one that has the task of directing visitors to where they need to go and, if you are able to have both - a beautiful design and results - then go for it.

Is a redesign needed?

How about asking a designer to improve your website? What if your message is wrong? What if your brand image is pulling in the wrong target market? What if your marketing strategy is not effective? What if there is an issue with your product or service? Can you afford to ask ten specialists their opinion? Absolutely not, as you will end up overhauling every element of your business.

Remember: Design is only one piece of a bigger picture. First, target the problem area, as you might discover there is nothing wrong with the overall design. Instead, a new marketing strategy may do the trick. For example, a simpler headline may completely change how customers view your brand, saving hundreds of dollars.

Spending a fortune is not necessary

It is said “you get what you pay for”, and sometimes that is true. But it is not true that you need to spend a life’s savings on a good website. Beware of exorbitant rates, technical speeches and fancy coding terms. The reality is that templates and platforms such as WordPress have made site design easier and faster. Decide your budget, and research designers who understand your business needs. Also browse other sites and shop around as it may be beneficial.

Do all designers have branding skills?

Another little secret is that most designers may be skilled in developing graphic design, but not in developing brand identities. If they are not skilled, then they are merely assuming. They are assuming your target market, and they are assuming the values of your business and its marketing message.

It is wise to work with a branding specialist who understands branding, and can develop a site that reflects your brand identity, otherwise you will attract the wrong people and the entire website will be futile.

Maintaining a website is not expensive

Since graphic design and website developments are usually a one-time expense, occasionally unethical providers tend to loop customers into recurring monthly charges, even though sometimes recurring services may be necessary and steep. Both maintenance and upgrades are necessary, but you can opt for WordPress or another content management system that offers maintenance and upgrades by a click of a few buttons.


Exclusivity is special if your aim is to stand out from the rest, but not so unique that it breaks all rules and your stunning site ends up being a confusing experience. Following web conventions and usability rules is the ultimate guide to navigating quickly and easily. If broken it may confuse customers or visitors. For example, logos are usually found in the top left of a site, and navigation bars are usually found below header areas. What happens? Your website becomes ineffective, all in the name of being overly exclusive.

Design is not just Photoshop, it is psychology

This is a big deal. The secret to a great website is not in having pretty designs with a bit of thrown-together content. The real secret is in the psychology of consumer behaviour. It is important that a designer understands colour psychology and the associations that people make with specific shades and tones.

It is vital to know which imagery will appeal to certain types of customers and why. What is going on in their minds while navigating your site? Is blue or deep red the better choice? What emotions will the site create? Understand that the goal is to influence a visitor’s psychological state of mind and perception of your business and much more.

In conclusion, it is my belief that if designers or marketing administrators are skilled in distinguishing human behaviour, meaning what makes customers take action and why they react to different elements, they can then incorporate more persuasive strategies into a website. Outside this knowledge, a designer will create websites that capture no interest and yield absolutely no sales whatsoever. The effort must be to direct sales, and never to influence beauty or splendor. Until we meet again, fill your life with memories rather than regrets. Enjoy life and stay on top of your game.

NB: Columnist welcomes feedback at deedee21bastian@gmail.com

ABOUT COLUMNIST: Deidre M. Bastian is a professionally-trained graphic designer/ marketing co-ordinator and certified life coach with qualifications of M.Sc., B.Sc., A.Sc. She has trained at institutions such as: Miami Lakes Technical Centre, Success Training College, College of The Bahamas, Nova Southeastern University, Learning Tree International, Langevine International and Synergy Bahamas.


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