The Ministry of Health reported on Saturday that there is one new confirmed case of COVID-19.
The latest case is a 52-year-old woman of New Providence. She is in isolation at home.
The total number of confirmed cases stands at 103 – with 62 of those recovered. There have been 2,156 tests.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 9 months ago
Were they in close proximity to a healthcare worker? Was someone at their home or work previously infected? Were they in contact with anyone who travelled recently? They should be able to report those details immediately they should have been part of the interview when the test was submitted.
K4C 4 years, 9 months ago
A is most world wide reports of those found to be infected with COVID-19 are vague
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 9 months ago
but why do we have to fight for the bottom though? Weve been doing that from the start, every other country is doing They dont have millions of cases to deal with. Its just 100. A brute force "manual" scan of a list of the known infections could have answered two questions in 5 minutes. Using a search query against a database it would take seconds. Asking the patient about their contacts would take longer but the patient should know if a contact was a nurse doctor dentist etc
tribanon 4 years, 9 months ago
Minnis and D'Aguilar are anxious to begin welcoming to our shores asymptomatic Covid-19 carrying tourists from all over the world on July 1. This fact, combined with the low numbers shown on The Tribune's Covid-19 dashboard, would seem to indicate there was never any need for Minnis to have shut down the non-tourism related sectors of our economy nor to have imposed draconian curfew and lockdown orders.
Needlessly shutting down the non-tourism related sectors of our economy for months on end has resulted in many local business failures and massive unemployment, not to mention the many millions of dollars doled out to the unemployed from our financially bereft national insurance fund. And after having needlessly put us through the ordeal of a copied American shutdown plan, it certainly seems Minnis and D'Aguilar now can't wait to bring many tourists to our shores thereby subjecting the more vulnerable in our society to the Swedish herd plan.
The lack of testing that was done, the many irrational and silly emergency orders that only served to exacerbate the spread of the highly infectious China virus, e.g. the food store crowds, and now our impending official adoption of the Swedish herd plan, all point to the fact that our government should have waited to see the outcome of shutting down the tourism related sectors of our economy, i.e. international travel, before resorting to the draconian measure of a complete shutdown of our total economy. This is not Monday morning quarterbacking, but rather common sense, something Minnis sorely lacks.
Minnis elected to simply copy the American plan no matter what, with no recognition whatsoever of the fact that, unlike the US, the Bahamas cannot simply print more money to dig itself out of a financial hole that had already been greatly deepened by Hurricane Dorian. It's all too clear Minnis is a copycat PM without the ability to think for himself and do what's best for our country and its people.
Rumours are circulating that Minnis is drunkenly in love with his newfound emergency powers and intends using potential rioting and looting, as a result of the massive unemployment his decisions (orders) created, as the ideal excuse for not ending our country's state of emergency. Truly frightening because this is the classic model by which many countries have been robbed of their democracy by a tyrannical dictator.
rodentos 4 years, 9 months ago
you dont get it? Since beginning covid19 is being used for dark and evil purposes, there was never an intention to protect anyone. It is used to put all countries into more debt, public and private. 0.01% of population is infected but they are fighting like it would be ebola with 90% mortality. Think about it. And follow the money!
thps 4 years, 9 months ago
You should be happy they didnt mention their lack of recent travel history.
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