Dr Sands? That story is dead

FREE National Movement chairman Carl Culmer. (File photo)

FREE National Movement chairman Carl Culmer. (File photo)



FREE National Movement chairman Carl Culmer said the party has “moved on” from the issue of Dr Duane Sands’ resignation from Cabinet and is instead focused on getting through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr Culmer was contacted after Dr Sands spoke at length about the circumstances leading up to his resignation during an interview with a local daily, giving his side of the story publicly for this first time since his resignation last month. “I have no comments on that,” Mr Culmer said. “I’m finished with that. That story is dead. The Prime Minister has already addressed that and that is finished as far as I am concerned. I’m looking at the budget now and seeing how good it is for the Bahamian people.

So as far as I am concerned, that story is dead. I am more focused on what an excellent job this government is doing to advance the Bahamian people. Our focus is on the budget.”

He said the party has moved on from the situation and has turned its attention elsewhere.

“Our focus now is to work through this pandemic,” Mr Culmer continued. “We are also focused on ensuring that we find ourselves in a better place economically, in order to get Bahamians back where they were and create new opportunities for them.

“As far as I am concerned, it makes no sense to keep rehashing this business with Dr Sands over and over. We must thank Dr Sands for his contributions and we look forward to him working with the party to win the next election, but as far as his resignation is concerned, that is a dead issue.”

The Elizabeth MP offered his resignation to Dr Minnis early last month for his actions related to six permanent residents who landed in the country with COVID-19 testing supplies and were allowed to quarantine at home before they produced a negative COVID-19 test result. Dr Minnis said there was a breach of protocol in the matter.

Dr Sands resigned a day after telling The Tribune he had no plans to step down from his post.

In an interview with the Nassau Guardian, Dr Sands revealed his frustration over a leaked resignation letter which he insisted he did not write.

“A statement was prepared through the Office of the Prime Minister ostensibly, for my consideration and review,” Dr Sands said of the events leading to his resignation. “It was sent to me, I looked at it and while in principle the general theme was okay, there were certain specific issues that I wished to be revised. I communicated that, and I asked for an opportunity to revise the statement. I sought the advice of the attorney general, who concurred with my position.

“As I am sitting at my computer making a revision to a document that I had said to the competent authority I was not prepared to affix my signature to, it shows up on social media. An individual who forwarded the document to him inquiring about its authenticity, claimed to have forwarded it from the Killarney Free National Movement (FNM) WhatsApp group in which the person is a member.”

The document in question claimed Dr Sands apologised to Dr Minnis and offered his resignation but the prime minister “graciously refused to accept it.” Dr Sands denied the legitimacy of the statement on social media. Thirty minutes later, he released a similar statement about his resignation.

Speaking with The Nassau Guardian, Dr Sands said he called the Prime Minister and voiced his concerns after he saw the document in question.

“There was no effort to disassociate the document which was in circulation from the government of the Bahamas or the Office of the Prime Minister, and since it had not come from me, I thought it was important for the people to know this was not a legitimate document,” added Dr Sands.

“I then wrote my response, I submitted it to the prime minister, and then made an appointment to hand deliver it, and then posted it as promised.”

Some observers expressed hope that the Prime Minister would not accept Dr Sands’ resignation.

In his interview, Dr Sands said his decision to tender his letter of resignation with immediate effect was both a matter of principle, and a matter of his discomfort with what he was being asked to sign off on.

The Office of the Prime Minister did not comment when contacted yesterday.


moncurcool 4 years, 9 months ago

I hate when educated people act ignorant. Culmer needs to admit that the PM has not openly dealt with the matter, but just shun the press in answering the questions. It does not hurt you to admit yo may have done wrong in a matter. People respect you more. The problem is that Minnis is getting just like Christie in his last term and Ingraham in the last 2 years of his second term. When you believe you don't need to answer people and are big than them be careful.

Hoda 4 years, 9 months ago

I honestly don’t find anything this man has said since he was given the role of fam chairman to be sensible, savvy, clever, bright or intelligent. Then they gave him national honours, what a disgrace. He is comes off very ignorant, and proud to be.

birdiestrachan 4 years, 9 months ago

The FNM Government advancing the Bahamian people? I am binging to wonder if these fellows are just masterful Lairs. or are they just Dumb and Dangerous and do not know any better.??

tribanon 4 years, 9 months ago

Culmer is stupid....Minnis on the other hand is just plain dumb and arrogant.

One 4 years, 9 months ago

All part of the strategy. Sand's will run in the next election and secure leadership for the boys club. Riding the publicity of such a "selfless" act; abandoning the minister of health post during a health crisis. It doesn't matter who's in charge so long as it's one of the boys.

TigerB 4 years, 9 months ago

Its old news... It was straight forward. The protocol was breach and he resigned. He didn't want too, but many on here call for it. So we all know why, no secret...it as plain as the nose on my face.What is left to explain? I was surprised the reporter brought it back it. We don't need anything else. Guys we stuck with them for another year and almost 11 months, then you can fix it at the poles. Maybe the other guys feel they could do a better job

tribanon 4 years, 9 months ago

TigerB, Topdude, Stillwaters, etc......all birds from the same flock of Minnis's ardent internet trolls. LOL

licks2 4 years, 9 months ago

This is the dumbness of dr. sands . . .again!! When them international folks who worked hand-in-hand with him and the Bahamian government to compile the missing persons list. . .they started with gross and worked down to net missing persons list! The true missing persons list! After the storm everybody and they mar was "carrying" peoples them off those two islands (some of them leaving by themselves) . . .including a unprecedented sea surge! Thousands of illegals on those two islands were just waiting the opportunity to get in Trump land!! There was no discrete number of who was on those islands. . .there are possibly illegals there who will lie about missing family members. . .knowing full well that they are in Trump land (saying they are missing in the storm means that they are under the immigration radar and will not be looked for). . .those death in the bush or carried out to sea by the surge and last that will take the opportunity to get out of a bad marriage, debt or other "ball-and-chain" events that make life a torture and death (or missing in the storm) can set one free!!

Heck, them 59 they buried a few weeks ago can't be identified by those people who were crying at the mass burial!! You have missing relatives held for 9 months and you can't identify them. . . yet you want government to keep them until someone comes to identify them? Yinna mussie crazy aye? Call Doc what yinna want. . .but yinna een making no dang sense. . .especially dr sands!!

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