CONCERNED health officials say they found the behaviour of Arawak Cay patrons toward COVID-19 requirements on Saturday “disturbing”.
In phase four of the country’s plan to re-open, stalls at the popular eating spot were allowed to open for outdoor dining on Friday with certain requirements to include social distancing and masks. However, patrons were seen, in many pictures and videos which circulated online, crowded together at Arawak Cay and not wearing masks.
When contacted, Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Delon Brennen expressed concern.
“Yes, we’re concerned,” Dr Brennen said. “We are hoping that our law enforcement officers will assist in helping our citizens to comply with the public health measures such as social distancing and wearing of face masks.”
Frisco Jolly was one of the patrons who visited Arawak Cay this past weekend. It was the first weekend in months that a lockdown was not in effect. He said he wanted to relax and enjoy his freedom, adding he thinks the risks for COVID-19 infection are low in the country.
“I was at Fish Fry getting my freedom back,” Mr Jolly said. “This government had us locked down for three whole months. The town opened back up and I went on Fish Fry to eat and have fun with my friends. I cannot eat or drink with a mask on. That’s stupid to think I am wearing a mask when I gone there to eat and drink, aye? I ain’t on that run (sic).
“These people don’t understand that having people locked up in the house have you thinking all kind of things. I did a lot of reading on this virus and we are doing good here in The Bahamas based on what I’ve been reading. There is no need to wear a mask and breathe in the air you breathing out. It makes no sense.”
Margeaux Pierre, who also went to Arawak Cay on Saturday, says she feels it is safe to go without a mask as COVID-19 numbers are low in the country.
“I don’t think this is as serious as they make it out to be,” Ms Pierre said. “I watch the stats whenever they send them out. No one here catching corona like that. If they locking us down for some other reason, then they should just say so. Yes, I was at Arawak Cay on Saturday. I saw people who I hadn’t seen in forever and we had a lot of fun. I had a mask in my bag but I never put it on. It was good being out there in the sunshine.
“Only a handful of people wore a mask, but no one looked sick. Truth is I am tired of being locked up like a prisoner in my house. I doubt it very strongly that numbers are going to rise because we were out there on Saturday with no mask.”
The Tribune also spoke with COVID-19 task force coordinator Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis, who found the behaviour of the patrons “disturbing”, but said she would rather let Prime Minister and Minister of Health Dr Hubert Minnis comment on the matter.
“Yes we are concerned, but you will hear from the Prime Minister about this on Wednesday,” said Dr Dahl-Regis. “He said he will speak to it on Wednesday. I would not offer an opinion on it at this time. It is disturbing, yes, but I would not offer an opinion on it at this time.”
Previously, Dr Minnis had encouraged residents to wear non-medical masks to help prevent carriers who were not showing symptoms from unknowingly spreading the disease. The US Centers for Disease Control have also advised people to wear masks to slow the spread of the virus - while the WHO this month also updated its advice, recommending people wear masks in public, particularly in crowded environments.
Up to press time, the country’s COVID-19 rate stood at 104, after a new case was reported on Sunday. It was the first case reported in just over a week.
John 4 years, 7 months ago
Government can hire some people to monitor the crowds and enforce the distancing and mask on protocols
thps 4 years, 7 months ago
Isnt there a station right there.
ring ring..
hello this is the Fish Fry Police Station
Can you please enforce the order on the fry.
What order, i een order no food.
The emergency orders officer, the mask, and the distance part.
Right after i finish eating my scorch salad.
Clamshell 4 years, 7 months ago
I dunno, John ... does the government hiring more people generally solve a lotta problems?
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
I thought the president said thetes be no parking in front of the businesses. Anyway whatever. Close confines and high density locations seem to be the lottery ticket, if they want to take the chance...hopefully they dint have to go to the bank, food store or hardware store
tribanon 4 years, 7 months ago
Minnis has lost all credibility with the Bahamian people and for that reason alone he should not be minister of health. Dr. Sands at least had some credibility when he was minister of health, but Minnis has absolutely none and that's most frightening given the huge surge in Covid-19 cases and hospitalizations across many states in the US with South Florida now being a major hot spot on the Covid-19 heat map.
Anyone know when Minnis is going to announce he's willing to stand before the free press and answer many of the questions on the minds of most Bahamians? Or is he so arrogant that he believes he has no duty or obligation to do so?
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
Issues that arose at Arawak are actually the governments fault because of their poor planning abilities. All they had to do was contact the stall owners and give them a schedule to open every alternate stall for a fixed number of hours . For example, odd numbered stalls open from 8 am-2 pm and even numbered stalls opened from 3-8 pm and have them enforce the mask policy for patrons. Same could have been applied to Potters Cay and Montague weeks ago instead they have people suffering needlessly!
thps 4 years, 7 months ago
'Previously, Dr Minnis had encouraged residents to wear non-medical masks to help prevent carriers who were not showing symptoms from unknowingly spreading the disease."
are masks mandatory or not?
SP 4 years, 7 months ago
This is so stupid I couldn't believe it. Sandyport restaurants were exactly like what we saw at Arawak Cay and consistent throughout the Island over the weekend.
If health officials found the behavior of Arawak Cay, Sandyport, and elsewhere “disturbing”, they should have immediately demanded the closure of these entities!
Judging from the comments and actions of people, they do not take COVID-19 seriously. Obviously, we do not want a virus resurgence as is happening now in the U.S.
The government needs to make sure people obey the social distancing and mask-wearing protocols or shut down businesses that do not make patrons comply!
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
this virus is really insidious, by the time you realize it's a problem it's too March Tourism was talking about benefiting from the virus and we're back there again.
like Yogi Berra said it's like deja vu all over again
hnhanna 4 years, 7 months ago
It seems these ignoramuses don't take COVID-19 serious, they will soon learn when the virus hit them.
Hoda 4 years, 7 months ago
Im just confused how we were saying we were a week away from the pauper line but we always habe money for rum. But, it doesnt matter
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