By Tanya Smith-Cartwright
THE Director of the National Insurance Board, Dr Nicola Virgil-Rolle, announced on Friday that NIB has about $1.7bn in its reserves to satisfy claims.
Dr Virgil-Rolle, speaking on the Darold Miller Live show, said the government has given $10m to NIB for unemployment assistance to self-employed people from the tourism sector who are without work due to COVID-19.
“We are looking at a total allocation of between $6m and $10m,” she said. “We know that we have about 3,000 self-employed persons in the tourism sector. This includes your hair braiders, your straw vendors, conch vendors, persons who sell towels and t-shirts and things like that on the beaches, jet-ski operators. All self-employed people from the tourist sector will be covered.
“When we look at the Inland Revenue statistics, there were about 3,000 or so persons who are sole operators – self-employed. They are not entrepreneurs in the tourism sector who employ people. There is another provision for those people. So for the self-employed people of the tourism sector we are providing them, through the government subsidy, with $200 per week for up to eight weeks that they are unemployed.”
Dr Virgil-Rolle said the $200 a week unemployed assistance will be paid out every two weeks to those who qualify. She said there are assistance programmes on the way for entrepreneurs of the tourism sector at the Small Business Development Centre.
The government is working in collaboration with NIB to bring some form of financial relief to self-employed Bahamians in the tourism sector whose employment has been disrupted by COVID-19.
This form of assistance, although handled by NIB, is not an actual NIB benefit package. It is not an earned entitlement, it does not require the satisfying of NIB contribution conditions and it does not require the involvement of the Department of Labour.
Self-employed Bahamians working directly in the tourism industry who are not employed in any other capacity and without any other streams of income from employment can qualify.
To claim assistance, people must prove that they are self-employed in the tourism sector by presenting at least one supporting document, such as a business licence; letter from hotel allowing you to work from their property; relevant association membership letter; Straw Market permit; business receipts which show purchases related to your business or; any other documentation which can show that you work in the tourism sector as a self-employed person.
Dr Virgil-Rolle said self-employed people do not pay the same rate as regular NIB contributors and are not covered for the regular unemployment benefit programme.
“The Ministry of Finance is the manager of the programme, and NIB is the administrator of the programme so we take our instructions on eligibility from them,” she said. “The self-employed and employed persons pay at different rates. Self-employed persons do not pay for unemployment insurance. They would not be covered generally for the unemployment insurance. They pay at a rate of 8.8 per cent and employed persons pay at a rate of 9.8 per cent. The one per cent difference is the cost of the unemployment benefit.
“I think the issue around self-employment in the normal scheme of things comes from determining when the self-employed person is unemployed. This is an extraordinary event. There is no market for many things so it is very clear that there is no employment. We have created a special website, linked to NIB’s website and you can go right into the form, fill in the fields correctly and press submit. It tells you the documents you need and it comes directly to us. I have challenged my team for us to work expeditiously on this. We have said within ten days to process and I’ve challenged them to beat that expectation,”
Dr Virgil-Rolle said her team at NIB knows that the public is relying on them to get access to funds so they are working quickly on it. She is asking all those who have bank accounts to send that information in as well so that the funds can be sent directly to their bank accounts.
TheMadHatter 4 years, 12 months ago
$1.7 billion dollars in reserves?????? LOL LOL LOL. So they have this money and yet they waste paperwork accepting a measly $10m from Finance?
Dont make me laugh. There is NO ACCOUNT in the Bahamas with 1 point 7 billion dollars in it.
OR MAYBE the bn after the $1.7 means one point seven Bahamian nickles ????? LOL
Where do these people get these ideas from? Have we hired a special consulting group from abroad to just sit around all day and come up with jokes?
A cruise ship costs around $100 million dollars. Is she suggesting that NIB could buy and pay in cash for 17 cruise ships if the Financial Secretary ordered her to? Yet we continue to hope and pray that Carnival and Royal Caribbean "come through" ? Mind boggling.
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 12 months ago
Right on @TheMadHatter. The Director of NIB, Dr Nicola Virgil-Rolle, is just another brain-dead political appointee of Minnis. She and Minister Rolle probably can't reconcile their own personal cheque book registers to their bank statements. And Minnis himself has a hard enough time understanding just about anything to do with debits and credits, especially our national budgets. It seems the stupider they are, the more qualified they are for the job. Small wonder our country has been suffering from a severe brain drain in recent decades. What right thinking well educated decent Bahamian student would want to return to the Bahamas to be stomped on by incompetent buffoons.
TheMadHatter 4 years, 12 months ago
I do not agree with you that they are brain dead. They are smart and well educated. I think that their words are likely just crafted for public consumption. You hear a lot of the same out of the US. Feel good words to keep spirits up generally i think. It seems to work because here and in USA, no matter how much wrong either Party does in power, while out of power their sins are forgiven so they can be elected right back again in a few years. It's the people and the entertainment industry mainly at fault.
joeblow 4 years, 12 months ago
Its sad that people seem to be okay working all year long and not having enough to live off of for one month if the unexpected happens! Sad that that's the norm!
Proguing 4 years, 12 months ago
These funds are for the retirement of Bahamians, they should not be touched!
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 12 months ago
Those funds are for the most part tied up in illiquid investments. And the Central Bank cannot afford to let NIB cashout its Treasury bills. Someone should ask the Director of NIB when was the last time the Board of NIB submitted audited financial statements of NIB to the House of Assembly and Public Accounts Committee, and for which financial year-end? Incidentally, when was the last independent professional actuarial valuation report done for NIB? That report too should be submitted to the HOA and PAC. Minnis certainly will not answer these questions.....he's as just bad as Christie and Ingraham were...actually, more likely worse!
sheeprunner12 4 years, 12 months ago
Why are you all so negative towards NIB??? ……… Hope none of you ever claim a cent from it
Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 12 months ago
Does that mean we should kiss whomever we need to get that which we paid for (contributed to) and are supposedly entitled to get back someday? Is that how it now works?
TheMadHatter 4 years, 12 months ago
You good - just dont write "Mudda" on your application LOL LOL LOL
happyfly 4 years, 12 months ago
Did anyone actually get an unemployment check yesterday? I was waiting to hear. We all know how easy it is for these politicians to talk but coordinating cash into hungry Bahamian's hands...... is going to be the difference between the shutdown being a sensible solution to the virus..... and absolute chaos.
sheeprunner12 4 years, 12 months ago
KPT better say what the economic plan is to tide us over for the next SIX months ….. You cant just keep people under curfew and BILLS are still piling up and NO salaries are coming in ......….. And no money are left in the banks for most of our citizens.
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