Repatriations suspended after plane passenger tests positive for COVID-19

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said in his address on Sunday that while there were no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in The Bahamas, one of the passengers who flew in on Friday to Grand Bahama had tested positive.

It was discovered after the flight had landed that there was a COVID-19 positive passenger on board.

There were three individuals on the plane with that passenger who have now been tested and are awaiting results.

An investigation is underway into how the COVID-19 positive passenger was allowed on the plane. Until that investigation is complete all repartriation is suspended.

The Prime Minister also revealed that over the emergency period, and not including the six American permanent residents who were on plane carrying test swabs, six other people were permitted to enter The Bahamas. Two of those were Bahamian citizens, one was a permanent resident and three were work permit holders who were technicians. All of those were screened and placed under self-quarantine.

Other key points from the press conference:

• 25,000 people have been laid off or have lost their income based on applications to NIB.

• The Prime Minister said that the unemployment rate is likely to exceed 30 percent.

• Web shops are not able restart business under the curb side pickup or home delivery rules.

• Discussions are continuing for churches to reopen, but churches are now open for individual prayer with safe physical distancing.


Honestman 4 years, 8 months ago

And not an utterance of thanks for the contribution of Dr. Duane Sands! Poor show PM.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago

OMG. You noticed that as well???? He praised the health team up and down, down to the garbage man, spoke about how the opposition need to act like big man and put aside differences and didnt even utter Dr Sands' name. I fear for our country because it's clear innovations and innovators we have will be stifled. All cronies welcome, suppress those seen as opposition. In 2040 What will the history books say abiut our first among equals leader?

Bonefishpete 4 years, 8 months ago

Come August 1st when the cruise boats come back I'm sure they be a couple or two have the covid. Seriously can't stay closed forever. Simply I think it will have to be dealt with one way or the other. Florida I suspect will be covid positive most anywhere south of the mouse. Herd Immunity they call it.

TalRussell 4 years, 8 months ago

What the Fuc&... if this much train wreckage is what happened within just three days after the First amongst equals ended speculation over who will be appointed to replace the no longer equal Dr. Duane as health minister - by appointing he Imperialist self...can you image the chaos awaiting week two as colony's health minister?
Comrade Obadiah has managed to have inflicted more damage to the creditability of the 35 House elected MP redshirts over the past 72 hours than have all the four PLP House MP's, and politically appointed senators since May 10, 2017. Just can't make this shi# up. Just, can't.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago

What the Fuc&... if this much train wreckage is what happened within just three days after the First amongst equals ended speculation over who will be appointed to replace the no longer equal Dr. Duane as health minister - by appointing he Imperialist self...can you image the chaos awaiting week two as colony's health minister?" ROTFL

DDK 4 years, 8 months ago

BTC has a handful of new "internet technicians" from South America. Don't know how, when or why they slipped in......

TalRussell 4 years, 8 months ago

BUT didn't the ministry of health officials not just announce on this past Saturday that there are no new confirmed cases of COVID-19?
It seems like with each new passenger landing count the number skyrockets?
Yeah, within 48 hours - publish the full unedited passenger and cargo manifests for all planes landing anywhere in the colony over previous 30 days?
Comrade Obadiah, look at what you go stirred up?

ISpeakFacts 4 years, 8 months ago

WELL SAID TalRussell, this country is FINISHED!!!

RealTalk 4 years, 8 months ago

So there were 6 others that came into The Bahamas during the emergency order... Clearly the situation with Sands is more than what meets the eye.

The sad part is when I think about the opposition and ask myself; could they do any better? We all should know the answer to that LOL

God help us all

The_Oracle 4 years, 8 months ago

One tests positive on a flight arrives in G.B. but the Covid count doesn't change, 4 traveling together tested and awaiting results. Hmm. What is the sense in rules and protocols if you can't seem to follow them? Is pre-testing showing negative required pre flight, or not? Your written act contains a loophole, allowing for post arrival testing!

sheeprunner12 4 years, 8 months ago

You people who nitpick on this site about what the Government and Minnis is not doing ……. wish all of you were in Minnis shoes ……… Doc Sands is off the scene, leave that alone and focus on the realities of the next 3 months when the real hardship will be felt.

With the level of Opposition corruption, personal hookups, official "leaks" and institutional sabotage and intrigue in Government, it is a wonder that Minnis has done as well as he has.

thps 4 years, 8 months ago

sheeprunner12 you are a fair and level poster on the site I think it's not fair to tell persons to not critique. If received properly you improve.

These are the exact times you need to place checks on the govt. If they end up being correct, then fine. I hear the excuse, that this is new etc. That's the point in a new situation one should be open to all ideas criticisms and praise. Its how you get better. The govt recognized as much with their feedback page.

I think based on the following you'd agree that it is fair to criticize:

"No justification for these promotions ………. strike 3, two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning against the FNM government ……… not looking good for them in 2022."

"Prime case of a Third World government ………. in action"

"KPT better say what the economic plan is to tide us over for the next SIX months ….. You cant just keep people under curfew and BILLS are still piling up and NO salaries are coming in ......….. And no money are left in the banks for most of our citizens."

"Minnis should have found this courage to impose this Emergency Order with Dorian ……… when potentially 1000 people were sucked out of the Mudd and Pigeon Peas …….. But we are doing it with a "virus" that may not even turn out to be about our health at all …… SMT"

pablojay 4 years, 8 months ago

What i also found disheartening was that the PM had a national audience and my fellow bloggers seemed to miss it too, was that there was no mention of the HMBS Flamingo!

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago


I have a solution for the govt. 2 movies. One on hurricane Dorian filmed in the Bahamas. Construction of lodging and set. And the 2nd on the sinking of the Flamingo. Heard an absolutely riveting account of the incident. It is movie material. Take some poetic license don't need much, introduce some romantic element, that always works, but the actual accounts are good enough. 2 American fighter jets buzzing Ragged Island and the Cubans scrambling to get away?? You can't make this up. You dont even need to go the movie route. Do a netflix series. How did the Americans get notified, what was the tension like in the PM'S office, what was it like over all the islands as news was reported? Who made the call to the US military? When was head of the US air force contacted? which base did he call or was a navy fighter near by? How did the pilots scramble? The men in the Flamingo doing a final look for Fenrick Sturrup and David Tucker, Edward Williams and Austin Smith. The salute as the Flamingo goes below the water...It's made for a movie. The sets could then become tourist attractions...post covid vaccine. Part of the proceeds go to a trust fund for the descendants.

Get the funding. A team of good quality writers. We have tons. Realistic set, good quality film. Don't half butt the project with cronies

tetelestai 4 years, 8 months ago

So, true,ThisIsOurs, regarding the movie about the HMBS Flamingo. But, THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN DONE, way back in 1986. It was an opera, actually, called "OUR BOYS", entirely written by a Bahamian - innmy opinion the greatest musician/composer/lyricist - the Bahamas has ever produced, Cleophas Adderley, who recently died if I remember correctly (if not, apologies, Mr..Adderley). OUR BOYS tells the story, with artistic license, about the HMBS Flamingo and, when first performed at the Dundas in 1987, included an international and local cast. To this day, OUR BOYS, is the ONLY full-scale opera to be written and performed in the English speaking Caribbean! Look it up on youtube. OUR BOYS is the Bahamian artistic and vocal talent and experience at its apex - with apologies to 'Sammie Swain' and 'You Can Lead a Horse to Water', two wonderful, but slightly inferior pieces of work

To your point, btw, the governwnt, I wont say when, so as to not make this political, was suppossed to divert funds for a possible offbroadway run, in NYC, which would have been fantastic, but the initiative was ultimately stopped, reviewed and cancelled. Very sad.
Our Boys was again performed at the Dundas in 1998 by the way. I saw it both times and was absolutely filled with 'pride - incidentally, one of the major songs of the opera, that a Bahamian produced such masterful.work, about a Bahamian experience. Kudos, Mr. Adderley!

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago

Excellent. A netflix series adaptation would be great

tetelestai 4 years, 8 months ago

Yes, a wonderful tourist opportunity too.

tetelestai 4 years, 8 months ago

Pablojay, totally agree. But then, I doubt that most journalists and so called bloggers and the people in this comment section can even tell yiu the significance of HMBS Flamingo. Whats sad is these are the same people chastising our politicians for not being "Bahamian'.

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago

I had two very close relatives on the defence force at the time. I knew the US had come to defend us but I didn't know these details about Cuban fighter jets harassing Ragged Island and flying so low that shingles flew off roofs. That is absolutely chilling.

I remember at the time thinking we'd have to go to war and being afraid for my relatives. Was young don't even know if that was a possibility. Fortunately that didnt materialize

Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 8 months ago

Repost from a week ago:

I really don't understand how our government can ignore the fact that there are various testing technologies out there for Covid-19 at the moment and not all of them are equally reliable. In fact the CDC is so concerned about the higher than usual level of false positive test results that they are still recommending a person be independently tested at least twice and preferably three times. But those Bahamians and residents of the Bahamas being repatriated back to the Bahamas at the taxpayers expense are being told they need only produce a single negative test result from anywhere they wish to have the test done. Knowing all that I know about this deadly virus I personally wouldn't get on tomorrow's fully packed Bahamasair flight back to the Bahamas under these circumstances. And to think Minnis lays claim to being a medical doctor!

ThisIsOurs 4 years, 8 months ago

I think this is Commander Neeley on Guardian radio now. This is amazing. The details are riveting. He said the old women were crying and absolutely frightened, probably not only the old women. Sad.

BONEFISH 4 years, 8 months ago

Bahamian history is not taught much or appreciated here.

The fortieth annisveray of the sinking of the HMBS Flamingo not even mentioned in the PM's national address.Sad. Journalists here and civil society just as bad.

joeblow 4 years, 8 months ago

There is no need to halt repatriations. Bahamians should be home and the government must figure out a way to deal with them. Better to suffer at home than in another mans land!

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