UNIVERSITY of The Bahamas has established a special emergency fund to help students affected by COVID-19.
The UB COVID-19 Relief Fund is for students, faculty and staff impacted by the pandemic.
Contributions to this fund will be made available to those in need with a special focus on Family Island students who, as a result of the disaster have had to return to home, UB said in a press release.
UB President Dr Rodney Smith invited support from donors in order to help UB students meet their academic goals.
“We have learned many lessons as a result of the pandemic,” he said. “We have learned that some of our students do not have access to technology, which has become yet another ‘essential’ in today’s world. For many, attending and graduating from University of The Bahamas represents an opportunity, a new beginning, a means to change their lives and the lives of their families. Education represents the way to escape poverty. A way to change the past. We are obligated, therefore, to do whatever we can to ensure the success of all of our students.”
joeblow 4 years, 7 months ago
Cutting the presidents $400,000 salary (with benefits) in half would go a long way toward helping out needy students!
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